All may have The Joy of Being Catholic. #30.

Many people make The Big Mistake:  I know more than God about what is best for me.”


Question 1:  “Why did God make The Universe so Big and Old that we cannot see its beginning?”

Answer:  “God gave us Free Will.  To have Free Will, His ‘human programs’ must not be forced to believe in God by seeing a beginning or an end to His Power.   So, His Creation stretches for 10-15 trillion light years in time and space.”


Question 2:  “How are we to use our Free Will?”

Answer:  “In every Age, God gives everyone a choice:  We may choose to love and obey Him.  Or, we may not.”


Question 3:  “Did people listen to God in ancient times?”

Answer:  “Adam and Eve listened, but did not obey.  Abel and Abraham listened and obeyed.”


Question 4:  “What  is the point of obeying God?”

Answer:  “Obeying God lets our immortal soul live in Heaven’s eternal joy.  Disobedient souls suffer in hell, forever.”


Question 5: “What Word of God do Catholics obey?”

Answer:  “Catholics obey The Only Church-Creating Word with Which The Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself, Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Word to The First Catholic Pope:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “What keeps people from obeying The Only Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ and getting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ He died to leave on earth for their immortal soul?”

Answer:  “The Big Mistake that kept Eve and Adam from obeying God’s command ‘Do not eat the forbidden fruit’ still echoes among the vain:  ‘I know more than God about what is best for me.’


Some things never change.

