All the Proof Necessary to Conclude: “The Culture of Death hates life.”

What follows was on It concerns a happening at the Environmental Protection Agency. After reading it, we realize that the “scientists” who work for the Culture of Death are so ignorant of science that they will make it illegal for the taxpayers who pay their salaries to go on breathing.

“The levels of formaldehyde at which most people are exposed are not high enough to cause adverse health effects, according to the large body of research available. In its draft assessment, EPA proposes setting a cancer risk value significantly below the levels that occur naturally in the environment. For example, [the World Health Organization] reports people produce formaldehyde in their bodies and exhale it in the range of less than 0.8 to 8 parts per billion. EPA’s proposed cancer risk value of 0.008 parts per billion would suggest that human breath poses an unacceptable risk of cancer; yet, experience and science tell us that couldn’t possibly be the case.”

Every time those in the Imaginary Problem Department of the Culture of Death say something so utterly stupid, people lose more respect for their integrity. The Culture of Death responds by separating themselves farther from reality with even sillier pronouncements.

This, however, is about the dumbest thing that any of them has ever said publicly. The fact that they did make such nonsense public shows how little they respect us.

The fact that they are so utterly wrong that we may reasonably feel they are incompetent has nothing to do with their salaries. Those salaries, along with the taxes from which they are paid, will continue to rise.
