Always at least two sides.

Almost any human activity that can be identified has at least two sides. The more popular activities have the most partisans. There are many on different sides of food issues. Vegetarians, salt-free diets, trans-fats, organic food, and hundreds of other issues divide people.

There are several sides to the abortion debates, ranging from the strictest pro-life views all the way to abortion on demand. Environmental issues have partisans who believe in global warming, who don’t believe, who think the air has to be cleaned more, who think the air is clean enough.

These conflicts are invented by people who profit from lies and dissension. There is truth, and there are those who choose to oppose it. The conflicts, themselves, are an important tool to divert all of us from working to get closer to The Programmer.

As we understand that telling or fighting against lies about the things and processes of the programmed universe simply distracts us from The Programmer, we are more immune to the attractions of such fights.

Automation gives humanity, as a whole, the opportunity to spend more time studying The Programmer and teaching themselves to obey Him. It also gives us the opportunity to pile up more stuff. To the other side, it gives people the time to get involved fighting silly, unnecessary battles, the waging of which often serves no purpose but to distract us from Him by compromising ourselves to get along.
