America’s prosperity is provided to test Catholics.

Every person and every family is continually tested. Temptations are all around. Every generation has inducements to prefer sin over belief and obedience to The Church.

Many Catholic families come to America from generations of poverty and oppression.

Here, Catholic souls are tested by the opportunity to gain material possessions. Many also seek approval. Sin and temptation abound.

Many, whose ancestors resisted evil for a thousand years and more, come to America. Within a generation or two, the gullible have sunk into the schisms. A generation or two after that, they sink into oblivion. They are gone.

America and prosperity are here to provide to tests of faith for Catholics. Those who leave The Only Church Jesus Founded for the many, many schisms have failed His test. Amazingly, we can watch as they pull themselves up by the roots from The Church that has sustained them. They then throw themselves onto the burn pile.

America’s prosperity is provided to test Catholics. That’s why The Loving Programmer had the free-market systems put into place. The Garden is self-weeding.

In our day, Hispanic Catholics must be especially careful. Their souls are a special target of the corrupting virus.

We must pray for the wisdom to understand, the courage to explain, and the faith to believe and obey.
