Among Liberals, No Problem Must Be Solved

There’s always a lot of people sincerely saying “We simply don’t have the ability to control our borders.” Every day, the state-run media spews more misinformation reminding us that our borders are out of control. As we are meant to, most Americans believe this. “I don’t think there’s any way to stop illegal immigration. We’ve lost control of our borders.” we find ourselves thinking and saying.

Most of us seem to have forgotten that borders can be controlled. the Iron Curtain that divided Communist Europe from the freer countries to the West. That border was controlled. The cost in manpower and blood, however, was simply too high for it to be maintained.

The thousand miles or so of border separating us from Mexico could be easily barricaded. A dozen rolls of concertina wire would be an inexpensive and effective block. But, most politicians do not want the problem to be solved.

There are, for instance, three million empty houses in America. They aren’t generating as much tax income for public education, and may be re-assessed so that their values are lowered and they then pay even lower taxes, if they aren’t burned down. It’s easy to see one group that wants to fill them with illegal immigrants.

The problem is that a couple of hundred million Moslems want to move into America’s empty houses, as well. Most Americans agree that we’ve been cunningly convinced to stop having enough children to keep our nation strong, so we need more immigrants. Many have decided that we’re better off to have Christian immigrants from Latin America than people who want to exterminate us while eradicating Christianity from the face of the earth.

It’s not irrational to conclude that some borders should be more open than others.
