Amusement park rides and our souls’ travels.

Amusement park rides and our souls’ travels.  The rides we like give an indication of where our souls are.  Cautious souls prefer a horizontal merry-go-round,  with only slight up-and-downs while staying on a level plane.

The souls of those who prefer Ferris wheels enjoy controlled movements closer and farther from Heaven.

Some prefer whirl-a-gigs that go around and around while going up and down.  They’re preferred by souls who want to become so dizzy they can’t think straight enough to get anywhere.

Those who take the plunge on parachute drops reflect their soul’s desire to be saved, at the last minute, from plunging into the inferno below.  “I’ll have time for Confession before it’s too late!  Really!  I will!” they say as they drop.

Roller coasters illustrate our soul’s ride through life, a slow climb closer to God, then, drawn to a rapid drop by some spiritual gravity into the pits below followed by more slow ascents and screaming falls.

A roller coaster stretching from far above Mt. Everest to some place far deeper than the Mariana Trench would be a better analogy.  Its tracks would go from the clarity of outer space to the earth’s molten core.

Each of our souls is on a huge roller coaster like that.  We hurtle at amazing speed through The Creation Program on a soul-wrenching, mind-boggling, body-slamming roller coaster that stretches from the fiery pits to the sublime  joy of Heaven.  The ride generally lasts more than half a dozen decades.

We have to get off where our ride ends.  Then, we find out how well we did, and where our next, very long ride, will be.
