What can we learn from a very old statue?

Archaeology has much to teach us. We learn by studying pyramids, temples, and statues from the past. One of the oddest is Astarte. Astarte was the ancient goddess of Babylon. What can we learn from a very old statue?

The statue of Astarte perfectly symbolizes every Babylon.

Her head represents a mind obsessed with gaining more power. The eyes of Astarte show that she is always on the lookout for opportunities to gain. Her ears tell us that she is listening for news of assets too far away to be seen.

Her hands and arms symbolize the armed forces with which she seizes and protects what she can.

The mouth of Astarte represents where she gorges on assets taken from the helpless. The body of the statue represents the digestion and accumulation of assets that she has devoured.

Astarte’s breasts represent how she feeds her followers. Every nation’s funding mechanisms are represented by Astarte’s many, many breasts. In every state, those sources of funding are “the mother’s milk” of government. Each breast symbolizes the different departments and agencies with which Astarte feeds her favorites.

Those who pledge allegiance are allowed to suckle at Astarte’s breasts. Many vie for the opportunity to do so.

Another symbolism lurks behind the statue of Astarte. The ruins of Babylon show us where the worship of Astarte leads:

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God left a moderating structure on earth. When He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies came to earth, He founded One Church. Jesus said to one man, one time:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Nations are better places for life and freedom when Astarte’s desires are kept in check by The Only Church Jesus Founded. It is hard for The Church to provide that balance when it is fragmented. 45,000 Protestant denominations, many unknowingly, help to empower Astarte.

What can we learn from a very old statue? Important lessons.

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