What is the 23rd silly thing some Protestants say?

Protestants love easy answers! Many of them love to talk about “The Rapture”! An obsession with The Rapture ruptures the Proper Relationship with Jesus.

The Proper Relationship of us to Jesus is that of servant to Master.

Jesus made that clear! John 12:26, “If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.”


Catholics are grateful to obey Jesus. We follow Him into The Only Church He Spoke Into Being!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics serve Jesus by serving The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Actual Word.

+ On the other hand:

There are three Universal Rules among all of the 45,000 Protestant Marketing Plans:

1. The customer is always right!

2. Your customers want to get to Heaven!

3. Your customers want to get to Heaven the easiest possible way!


Some Protestant Marketing Plans focus on getting money from very simple people. They will pay to be told that repeating a few simple thoughts will get them into Heaven. What is the 23rd silly thing some Protestants say?

They soon tire of reciting “I am born again! Are you?”

Mindlessly repeating “I believe in Jesus!” gets stale, too.


What is the 23rd silly thing some Protestants say? “Jesus is taking me to Heaven in The Rapture! He is! He is! I just know He is!”


Simple people love The Rapture! It is wishful thinking from the wasteland between Illusion and Delusion.

The Rapture, like all similar notions, keeps donors from being in The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being.

Like all of Protestantism, it is founded on one vanity.

“Jesus has to let me into Heaven.”

What does that actually mean? It means “I don’t have to serve Jesus! Jesus has to serve me!”


An obsession with The Rapture ruptures our Proper Relationship with Jesus.
