An unusual idea about Heaven!

Everyone who reads Revelation 21:19 knows! The lower part of Heaven’s Wall is made of transparent “diamond”. A new idea about Heaven! Part of Heaven’s Wall may be made of “diamonds” that God made in the form of compound lenses!


That leads us to an odd consideration! Most of us have ancestors who were Catholic. They wear “white robes” in Heaven. Can their happy souls see us through the “diamond” walls of Heaven?

The huge “diamonds” that form the First Level of Heaven’s Wall may not be flat!

God may have made some “diamonds” with complicated curves. Those thousands of miles of “diamond wall” may include miraculously powerful compound and complex lenses!

His “diamonds” may have taken the form of His Divine Telescopes and Microscopes and Magnifying lenses. Souls in Heaven may see all the wavelengths of energy that pass through them!


What can the “white-robed” souls in Heaven see when they look through those Divine Magnifiers? They may see what we, their descendants, are doing on earth!

We imagine an incredible magnification! They can see our thoughts! They can read our lips. They know what words we speak. They see our actions!


The souls of our ancestors rejoice when we do good! Nothing makes a soul in Heaven as happy as seeing one of their descendants worthily receiving The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Catholic Communion! Or, Baptizing a baby!

“Thank God!” they cry in joy. “My descendants have ‘life in’ them!”


Sometimes, they see us thinking, saying, and doing things that are displeasing to God.

What do they do? Souls in Heaven are close to God! They ask Him to send an angel to help straighten us out when we stray.


Catholics have always known that we are visible to God and His angels in Heaven. Nothing is hidden from Him! Now, we are blessed to consider: A new idea about Heaven! The souls of our ancestors see what we are doing and ask God to help us do better.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
Sometimes, there are unusual ideas.
