Anger, another cornerstone of the left.

Leftists are usually angry. To be successful, they must be angrier than others. That anger must not be focused on anything consistent. They are encouraged to be angry at specified people, things, and processes.

Leftists are universally angry with the war in Iraq. They are not angry about even the bloodiest and most horrible late term and partial birth abortions. But, they are angry at “what’s going on in Iraq”. They see no horror in the agony inflicted on a very young baby, but focus their fury on “the killing and maiming of American soldiers”.

During the Vietnam War, of course, they rejoiced when American soldiers died, and maligned them whenever possible. Now, they have learned to proclaim their anger to be directed at the injuring of American soldiers, allowing them to demonize the activist foreign policy that they hate.

Leftists basically know, in their dark hearts, that they are not going to get into Heaven. Their lies and rage separate them from those beloved by God. St. Catherine of Sienna says, “We are essentially spiritual creatures.” So, the knowledge that they have rejected a God of truth and joy for the spasmodic joys of anger and self-righteousness is always in their minds. Keeping those spiritually suicidal thoughts uppermost in their minds takes a lot of work and causes to need a disproportionate amount of mind-deadening drugs and therapies.

It’s very hard for them to get up every day and know that every single thing they think, do, and say takes them farther from God and His Heaven. The prospect of their personal eternity of suffering and pain wears on their poor souls, warps their poor minds, and makes them want to spread their misery in the hopes that their own eternal suffering may be thereby lessened by the father of anger, self-righteousness, lies, and death.
