Another Big Leap

When we realize that many of the people who are reliable purveyors of public opinions do a very good job of lying to us every day, we sometimes hate them. As we realize the death-inflicting enormity of their lies, for instance, “It’s not really a baby. It’s just a bunch of cells.”, or telling us that those who want to exterminate us are members of “A religion of peace.”, it’s tempting to hate them.

We can easily hate them. It’s not a good idea. Such hatred shuts us off from The Loving Programmer. He knows what’s going on in His Program. For reasons fully known only to Him, He has decided that He will favor those in the Creation Program who freely choose to love their neighbors and their enemies.

It’s hard. But, it’s what He wants. Yesterday’s “Big Leap”, realizing that lots of duplicitous people are lying to us even as they say they are telling the truth, can be made on our own.

Loving neighbors and enemies is harder. Loving them is facilitated by asking The Loving Programmer for programming assistance. “Please, Loving Programmer, help me to love my enemies.” is followed by as many invisible guardian angels as necessary to help us re-program our own minds in this new, and most unnatural, way.
