We begin the work-week. Today, local schools were closed because of a “huge blizzard”. It was actually a false alarm. A couple of inches of snow fell, then it all blew over. It was the remnant of a much larger storm that dropped so much snow on Minneapolis that the stadium’s roof collapsed. The storm lost power as it moved toward us in Western Pennsylvania, and is now only a memory.
When God allows cold weather to visit leftist-controlled areas, people are very upset. The people of Minnesota have been led to largely believe in Imaginary Problems. There hasn’t been an Imaginary Problem for decades that Minnesotans haven’t embraced. They hate themselves and each other so much that Global Warming has become a popular pretext for stopping nearly everyone from doing nearly everything.
Though most of them enjoy taking Global Warming very seriously (there few states with so many pseudo-intellectuals), even the least intelligent among them are having a hard time believing that record snowfalls and low temperatures are caused by it. Still, reality is not enough to make them consider: “I wonder if I was bamboozled, along with all my neighbors?” That would be too painful to contemplate. So, the chant of the lemmings continues to echo throughout Minnesota, “Global Warming imperils our future, and the future of the whole world. We must stop (insert as many human activities as can be thought of or that a listener will bear) if we are going to make the world safe for our children.”
Even for them, when snow is so excessive that the stadium roof collapses, a few of the smarter ones in Minnesota’s mass of lemmings may find reason to listen to a different drummer.
An article that appeared today says that the Pacific and Indian Ocean Islands, from Tuvalu to the Maldives, are worried about being destroyed by rising seas. Officials of the island governments are demanding financial aid from other countries “because we’re going to be washed away by the rising sea levels caused by Global Warming.”
One reporter asked: “Are the property values on your islands falling, rising, or staying the same?”
The room was aghast. Questions like that are not allowed to be asked in such surroundings. “Beachfront property”, it was admitted, “was still selling at close to half a million dollars an acre.”
The actual value of the land had not been dropping, despite the fears of “floods”. The requests for funding continue.