What are Answers to Prayers?

Thinking of God as The Loving Programmer leads us to think about prayers. When we pray, we free-will, human programs are actually asking for Programming Assistance. Requests for Programming Assistance range from the myopic “Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?” variety to “Please, God, help so and so find a successful, happy marriage.”

The more requests we make for Programming Assistance, the more we are reminded of how Jesus Christ, Whom some of see as The Program in Perfect, Obedient, Human Form, told us to make our requests. They are to be addressed not to a distant Programming HQ, but to “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, . . . . .”

A request for Programming Assistance should be mentally thought of as going to a Loving Father. He is, as Jesus well knew, more likely to provide to requests for Programming Assistance when so approached than any other form of address.
