More on ants, seesaws, and semis.

The ants in the semi are always busy. Most of them are involved in activities that allow them to gain things that will enrich them. Some look at gaining material possessions. Others see truer gain in having children and raising them properly. Others spend their time trying to get power over the other ants, usually “for their own good”.

A few of the ants move around the truck, trying to see outside it. Sometimes, they will find that a tiny crack has opened in the sides that allow them to see things beyond the truck. Some of them will realize that the truck is only a small part of the world.

The other ants find that disturbing. They don’t like to hear about it. They especially don’t like to hear theories about being stuck in a truck. Stories about “a driver”, whom they feel is utterly imaginary and unnecessary, are especially bothersome. Even more, they hate hearing that someone built the truck and everything around it.

The ants that focus on “organizing” the other ants are particularly bothered by such communications. They will often hunt down and kill any ants with a larger view of the world than what’s in “their” truck.
