Anyone able to consider THIS is bright enough to “BE Catholic!” #26.

Catholics suggest a new, interesting way to consider The Power of God:

Catholics suggest a new, interesting way to consider The Power of God:


Question 1:  “What is every Catholic smart enough to be?”

Answer:  “Staggered by The Immensity of God’s Creation!  Catholics know that it has been expanding outward for over 13 trillion lightyears in every direction because God did not want us to see any limit to His Power.  And, we see that our powerful telescopes reveal trillions of galaxies in space that are represented by stars behind God in the picture above!”


Question 2:  “How do Catholics relate ourselves to the immensity of God’s Creation?”

Answer:  “A new idea considers that God made all those galaxies to give a home to every Catholic soul who wanted one.  That view of God’s Power is one way to read Psalm 82:6.  It was quoted by Jesus to describe people in John 10:24; ‘You are as gods.’  Powerful telescopes reveal one way we might ‘be as Gods’ is the possibility we may be given operational control over a galaxy or so of our own.”


Question 3: “Is that possible?”

Answer:  “Matthew 19:26 gives us This Word of Jesus that justifies considering the ‘Galaxy Of My Own Theory’ ‘Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’


Question 4:  “Why should we consider that every Catholic who wants one may end up with their own ‘galaxy’?”

Answer:  “The devil’s marketing plan for pseudo-intellectuals is the same:  ‘There is no way God could have made 200 billion trillion galaxies (those are the latest calculations from astronomers) in a Universe that’s 13 trillion light years from one side to another!  We think that Science proves believing in God, The Prophets, and He Who Fulfilled them are Iron Age superstitions.’

The devil’s marketing plan has led billions of people to believe Conventional Reality instead of God since the days it decreed: ‘The fact that the sun goes around the earth proves there is no God.’


Question 5:  “What do those who are confused by the devil’s marketing plan do when we ask them to consider:

‘God may have been giving ‘life’ to trillions of souls who would have been born, and descendants who would have been born, if their ancestors had been more obedient to His Words in Genesis 1:28:   ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’  That may be why He made trillions of galaxies.'”

Answer:  “Those who are not left speechless cry out:  ‘That can’t be true!  God cannot have That Much Power!’  Only Catholics can realize what Job 36:26 explains, ‘God is so great that He is beyond our understanding.’


One fact is undeniable:  There are few Catholic men, and no Catholic women, who would not like to have a galaxy of their own.


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “The Universe is Big and Old.  / God’s enemies are dark and cold. / And, boring.”

