Are Catholics God’s “Upper-Class” Christians?

. Catholics know! Jesus specifically told us of the only souls He allows into Heaven.


Question 1: “What makes Catholics into ‘God’s Upper-Class Christians’?”

Answer: “God, Himself, took Human Form in Fulfillment of The Prophecies. He found Two Classes of People on earth. Rich Nobles are in ‘Upper-Class’. Commoners are ‘Lower-Class’.”


Question 2: “What did Jesus do?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ invented a new ‘Upper-Class’! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ Obedience to Jesus lets anyone be in His new ‘Upper Class’!”


Question 3: “What ‘commands’ of Jesus do all ‘Upper-Class’ Christians obey?”

Answer: “‘Upper-Class’ Christians obey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 4: “Do ‘Upper-Class’ Christians get those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “Those ‘keys’ open the door to let obedient Catholics be among God’s ‘Upper-Class Christians’ forever!”


Question 5: “Do the most ‘common’ of ‘commoners’ hate Catholics for being in God’s ‘Upper-Class’?”

Answer: “The lowest-class of people hate to think that anyone could be better than they are! They proudly proclaim: ‘God has to let me into Heaven because I am so wonderful!


Question 6: “Rich people are in the ‘Upper-Class’ on earth. Are they in the ‘Lower-Class’ at God’s Judgment?”

Answer: “Their souls are bloated from glorifying greed and sin. Swollen, ‘Lower-Class’ souls cannot find, or get through the tiny ‘gates’ of Heaven.”


Question 7: “What happens to the souls of God’s ‘Upper-Class Catholics’ when their body dies?”

Answer: “God sends an Angel to take every ‘Upper-Class’ soul to its ‘gate’ in Heaven.”


Question 8: “How can we get God to do that for our soul?”

Answer: “Catholics know! The most powerful ‘Nobles’ among ‘Upper-Class’ Catholics are His Catholic Saints. They chose Poverty and Obedience on earth! God lets us ask them to ask Him to send an Angel to take our soul to Heaven!”

What a way to go! God’s ‘Highest Class’ in Heaven chose to be among the poorest and most obedient people on earth!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
