Are Protestants among the “Victims of Protestantism”?

Jesus can keep us from sinking into self-righteousness.

Jesus can keep us from sinking into self-righteousness.


Question 1:  “Who are some actual ‘Victims of Protestantism’?”

Answer:  “Indian Peoples of Protestant-settled North America have been ‘Victims of Protestantism’ for nearly 400 years.  Tens of millions of them were killed so that land-grabbing Protestants could steal their land.   They were all ‘Victims of Protestantism’.”


Question 2:  “Who are some other ‘Victims of Protestantism’?”

Answer:  “The people of India were ‘Victims of Protestantism’.   90 trillion dollars was looted from their country by English Protestants who drove their nation and families into poverty.”


Question 3:  “All that killing and stealing was done by early Profiteers of Protestantism.  Are there  recent ‘Victims of Protestantism’?”

Answer:  “Billions of lives continue to be lost because most Protestant Denominations stopped supporting This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’  Those lost children, some no bigger than a grain of salt, are ‘Victims of Protestantism’.”


Question 4:  “Why don’t The Profiteers of Protestantism tell their followers to love God and their neighbors in a meaningful way?”

Answer:  “Their denominations are dying.  Their marketing plans focus on getting donors to pay 10% of their income to their churches.  If they are too Pro-Life, they lose those who will pay the most to feel good about themselves.”


Question 5:  “Would the world be better if ‘Partially Christian’ denominations became meaningfully Pro-Life?”

Answer:  “The world has fallen into sin because ‘Victims of Protestantism’ have been led to think pleasing people is more important than obeying God’s Commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill.’


Question 6:  “Many Willful Protestants put ‘pleasing people’ ahead of God’s First Commandment, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’   Can their souls get into Heaven?”


Answer:  “Only Catholics understand!   The ‘Victims of Protestantism’ include the souls of every Protestant who lets themselves be led to not love God and their neighbors as much as they could have.”


Question 7:  “What can any Protestant do to keep their immortal soul from being another ‘Victim of Protestantism’?”

Answer:  “They should think seriously about where to find the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ died to leave on earth:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 8:  “What if a person does not have the strength to be Catholic?”

Answer:  “They may cry out to The Son of God from the very depth of their mind and soul:  ‘Jesus, I am weak.  Have Mercy on me.’


Question 9:  “Is that enough to get a ‘Victim of Protestantism’ into Heaven?”

Answer:  “It is a start.”

