Are there “Circles” of souls in Heaven and hell?

. What is that picture? Molecules on the head of a pin! They look like souls in the ‘Circles’ of Heaven and hell.


Question 1: “Are all souls sent to different ‘Circles’ in Heaven and hell?”

Answer: “Dante thought so! He taught that both Heaven and hell had ‘Circles’ for the souls sent to them.”


Question 2: “What do the ‘Circles‘ of souls in Heaven show?”

Answer: “Each soul is in a ‘Circle’ that shows how obedient they were to God.”


Question 3: “How do we get our soul into higher ‘Circles’ that are closer to God?”

Answer: “Imagine a ‘doorway’ to each ‘Circle’. If we have received The Sacrament of Baptism, and do not die in a state of Mortal Sin, we have a ‘key’ to The First Circle of Heaven.”


Question 4: “Is The Sacrament of Marriage another ‘key’?”

Answer: “Being in a valid Marriage often opens the door to another ‘Circle of Heaven’.”


Question 5: “Many who are not Catholics are Baptized and in valid marriages. Are there more ‘keys’ available on earth?”

Answer: “Those are Two of Seven Catholic Sacraments. The others include Absolution, Communion, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders.”


Question 6: “Does receiving each Catholic Sacrament open the door to higher ‘Circles’ of Heaven?”

Answer: “That is a good way to visualize the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being on earth with His Holy Word.”


Question 7: “Did Jesus Christ actually ‘Speak’ The Catholic Church and these ‘keys’ Into Being with His Word? ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

Answer: “That is exactly what He did! His Word in Mt. 16:18-20 actually ‘SPOKE’ The Catholic Church and ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ into Being.”


Question 8: “Are there ‘circles’ of souls in Hell?”

Answer: “Willfully and knowingly rejecting Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ opens many doorways into the lower ‘circles of hell’.


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