Why aren’t tornadoes simply blown into oblivion?

Recent tornadoes killed many and destroyed thousands of homes. It happens every year.  Not one of the tens of thousands of government “scientists” ever says:  “A whirling tornado is actually a delicate structure.  It’s a larger version of a whirlpool in a drain, and we know how easily one of them can be collapsed, just by sticking a finger in it.  If we blasted the side wall of a tornado with missiles or drones carrying concussion explosives, we’d destroy part of the tornado wall.  The tornado would either collapse or be weakened.”

And, it seems equally plausible that blasts of cold, dry ice crystals could be blasted into the vortex, disrupting or slowing its flow.

Such attempts seem reasonable, especially in light of the endless tragedies and losses.  How hard would it be to try?  How long would it take?

If someone cared, the problem of tornadoes could be solved in a few weeks.

Seems obvious, but no government agency has publicly suggested solving the annual Tornado Problem.  It’s puzzling, until we remember the Catholic Fundamentalism Rule of Government:  “No government ever wants to solve any real problem.”

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There are powerful economic reasons for a few influential people to be Pro-tornado.  The few thousand homes destroyed by tornadoes each year force over a hundred million property owners to pay billions for property insurance against them.  A small percentage of those billions in premiums are invested in campaign contributions by the insurance companies.  Legislators make sure that not one government agency would ever threaten such a safe and lucrative incumbent protection scheme by actually stopping tornadoes dead in their deadly tracks..

Those involved in rebuilding after tornadoes represent a sizable contingent of local labor forces.  If there were no tornadoes, there would be fewer jobs for related sectors of the economy.   While none admit it publicly, they have reasons to be “Pro-tornado”.

“Pro-Tornado” forces don’t want the tornadoes to be stopped.  If pushed, their media shills will repeat the usual pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-scientific excuses to not solve the problem:  “It might make the tornado worse!”  “We should not interfere with Mother Nature!”  “That would never work!”  “We can’t take chances with people’s lives and property!”  “Tornadoes are just a fact of life.  We have to live with them.”  “The real problem is Global Warming.  We have to concentrate on that.”

So, more tornadoes will come and go.  More lives and property will be lost.  The problem will not be solved.


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