What Does The Ascension Have to do With Politics?

Today marks the day that Jesus, the Living Program in human form, ascended to The Father, The Loving Programmer. As we picture that happening, near Bethany, outside Jerusalem, we realize that He is now above us, looking down.

As we understand that more fully, we may realize that from His higher vantage point, we may reach the obvious conclusion it symbolizes: He knows everything that we think, say, and do. We also come to understand that He will use this information to judge us. So, The Ascension can be a scary thought.

Today, a news article explained that a new bill was going through Congress that would mandate the installation of sprinklers in every new home. The bill was written by employees and owners of sprinkler companies. When passed, the bill will make those who own stock in the related companies incredibly wealthy.

We, on our human level, can see the corruption of the political process. We can, with a little digging, find out who is making money by influencing legislators to require sprinkler installation. God, from His vantage point, can see what exactly goes on in the minds of such people. He knows how much they think they’ll make, how many lies they’ll tell to make it, and is aware of every exaggerated safety figure, every artificially low cost estimate of the bill, and who is involved. All those people, we may be sure, are participating in a “complex fraud”

Since the day of His Ascension, it is not wise to believe that He is unaware of what’s going on in each of our minds and souls. If we are participating in any sort of fraud, as the one mentioned above, we should immediately stop our involvement with it. Thinking about The Ascension is like thinking about being in a courtroom, and seeing the judge ascend the platform from which he will sit in judgment. Unlike that judge, He sees clearly and completely into our hearts; His judgment is unerring. If those in politics were to consider that, they would be less likely to be involved in lies and frauds, like the self-serving sprinkler laws previously mentioned.
