The Church is rarely attacked directly. No one wants to get into a theological discussion about The Trinity, Apostolic Succession, the prophets’ predictions coming to pass, or about the Sacraments, especially with experts like Catholic priests. There’s no way that anyone in the Culture of Death and Lies can win those arguments, so they focus on the fringes.
Most of the attacks are believed to be of a “scientific” nature. Now that the Global Warming Frauds have exposed many famous “scientists” as willing participants in huge lie-for-money schemes, scientists are not nearly as respected as before, but that doesn’t keep them from going on and on about “how scientifically out-of-date The Church is in so many really vital areas.”
The usual attacks are on the parts of Scripture that seem to be wrong, mythical, opposed to the latest scientific theories, or just for being so out of date. Many enjoy using tones of enlightened superiority about what they feel is an easy target, “It really can’t be true that the world is only ten or twelve thousand years old. Surely, you don’t believe that!” A few of them have been surprised to find Catholic Fundamentalists answering what they thought was unanswerable by saying, “Yes. It seems reasonable to suppose that God has the power to program three dimensional particles, compile them into systems and beings, and download them as The Creation Program in which we live. I think He is smart and powerful enough to have done so without wasting a lot of time.”
Their immediate responses to the Catholic Fundamentalism positions are fascinating to behold. Since few in the Culture of Death and Lies have ever met many, if any, Catholic Fundamentalists (there aren’t that many of us), we usually get to enjoy a few moments of silence after making our apology. The blissful silence gives us a chance, often for the first time, to see how utterly helpless their minds are when having to deal with something new, something to which they haven’t been given the programming that would let them at least think they were saying something intelligent in rebuttal.
Often, it is better that we break the silence with something like: “Thinking of God as The Loving Programmer makes it easier to understand that He wrote and downloaded The Creation Program. He loves us, and wanted us to have the joy of knowing Him. So, He wrote The Creation Program, and all of our individual programs that run within it, in such a way that we could not logically prove that He did or did not do so. He wants to be evident to us only through eyes opened by love.
“When I came to love Him, I began to obey Him, and realize that He has the power to write and download vast, galaxy-sized programs with each and every one of us human programs lovingly downloaded within them. It may be that He has scheduled you to hear about this, now. You may not like this approach, but cannot disprove it. You may not be ready to accept the download, but you do know that it may be true. You are a lot farther along than you were before we had this little talk.”