Babylon is sin and death

The culture of death has moved from the original city of Babylon to every city but the Vatican, it’s perpetual target. In every nation’s capitol, Babylon builds huge, gleaming temples to let everyone see that Babylon is sin and death with the power of the state behind it.

Public Education is one of Babylon’s biggest temples. It assaults young people by confusing their minds with unworkable reading and math curricula. They replace good education with forced incompetence. At the same time, those in the Babylonian Temples of Public Education encourage impressionable young people to believe that successful careers and paying taxes are of vastly greater meaning and importance than having and raising families.

They make questioning less likely by encouraging millions of children to damage their brains with countless concussions from heading soccer balls and playing football, Babylon’s approved abusers make future generations less able to be fully functioning adults, able to think independently.

Babylon has many temples. Increasing numbers of them provide regulations that force mandatory donations to the high priests in the Water, Earth, Sky, and Temperature Temples.

When possible, Babylon has replaced The Catholic Church with entire religions with wholly owned, “Christian-looking” Temples of Babylon. England’s thieving Protestants not only stole Church land and money, but vestments and “look-alike” liturgies. French revolutionaries killed thousands of Catholic priests who would not worship at Babylon’s altars of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Communists in China drive faithful Catholics underground, while, like the British, providing the appearance of Catholicism.

Scottish Catholics were replaced by British pseudo-Christians in Scotland. They stood by as countless Catholic villages were razed by armed troops. Catholic families were evicted and driven away by the Clearances. Their destroyed homes and villages were replaced by huge sheep farms.

Across the Irish Sea, Irish Catholics stood firm as Britain’s Babylonian Christians starved a million faithful Catholic men, women, and children to death, simply for believing in The Only Church Jesus Founded.

In America, the most overt Babylonians exterminated tens of millions of Indians. Today, the destroyers support abortion. Babylon’s tendrils run so far into many minds that many self-styled “Christians” secretly support the slaughter of unborn children. “Abortion gets rid of all those welfare recipients. What choice do we have?”

It never occurs to them to become Catholic and love their neighbors instead of killing them. Sects of Babylonian Christians agree. “We need abortion!” They do not see the sin of believing that God would make people incapable of being raised in God-fearing families and have good morals. Rather than give them Catholic educations, they kill the unborn babies of the poor, by the thousands every day in Babylon’s bloodiest temples.

The Only Church Jesus Founded knows that if mothers and father unimpaired by Babylon’s love of sin and death, they, would embrace and obey God and His Commandments.

Those against The Only Church Jesus Founded cause the confusion that helps Babylon to rule. How do we identify many of them? They are on Babylon’s side of Jesus’ Great Separating Command that divides the obedient from the dying and the dead: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
