Why Babylon is raising the minimum wage:

“Fairness!” has long been the battle-cry of bitter Babylonians. Angry because they feel short-changed in ability, appearance, and income, they use their governments to pull others down. A favorite justifying lie is “Fairness”.

In some enlightened cities, the minimum wage has been raised to $15.00/hour, in the name of “fairness”.

Why Babylon is raising the minimum wage: When wages go up, so do the costs of goods and services. Then, job-providers have a harder time making sales. It is inevitable that employment shrinks as jobs disappear, are exported, or are automated away. Babylonians know that, and they love it!

In a typical instance, when the minimum wage goes up, automating the ordering, production, packaging, and paying for hamburgers is not a difficult process. As restaurant jobs disappear because of such automation, Babylonians get funding to “help” the people they made jobless with various welfare, training, and educational schemes.

Why Babylon is raising the minimum wage: It puts people out of work and that provides funding for Babylonians. Babylonians love unemployment. They compound the damage they do to their neighbors with the obscene lie that they are making things “Fair”.

Most are fooled by the “Fairness” lie. That dumbing-down is what public education is for, and it’s doing its job! No automation there! It doesn’t exist in the Empires of Babylon.
