Babylon’s vast, complicated frauds abound.

Everywhere we look, we see. Babylon’s vast, complicated frauds abound. Some choose to see and understand. Others, ostrich-like, prefer to bury their heads in the sand. It’s the way things are.

An example: Soccer is beloved by Babylon. Children are encouraged to “head” the ball. Brain damage is inevitable, but rarely spoken about, and then only by mentioning dangers in the vague, Babylonian way. There “may” be “possible” brain damage of a “somewhat” permanent nature, but more “research is needed”. The poor, damned fools who parrot this nonsense would never take their precious computer or smart phone, put it under a third story window, and drop a large, hard soccer ball on it. But,they make excuses to make it seem all right to damage the brains of children with similar forces.

At the same time, the 3,500 lives of unborn babies snuffed out every day are never mentioned. To Babylon, they are not worth recognition, let alone, concern. We may learn that Babylonians have no sense of perspective or proportion.

The damage to millions of children’s brains by soccer balls is minimized. The actual deaths of a million unborn babies a year are ignored. No judgment, no analysis, just obeying those who control Conventional Reality. Babylon’s vast, complicated frauds abound among those strolling down the broad path to destruction.

Those who see, and stand for life, love, and truth may be saved. Those who willingly participate are condemned to endless pain.

What of those in the teeming midlands? They will not allow themselves to think, analyze, or decide issues of right and wrong. They are the lukewarm water mentioned by He Who will judge us in RV 3: 16 “The lukewarm water I spit out of my mouth.”

We must be very careful. Babylon’s vast, complicated frauds abound. All are lies. Each seeks to draw us to death, now and forever.
