Babylon’s here and fooling many.

Babylon worships Imaginary Problems. She raises them to a level of importance that allows her high priests and priestesses to destroy love, truth, and freedom.

A century or so ago, Babylon began to use fears of Overpopulation to justify artificial birth control. By the 1930s, enlightened Protestants jumped aboard! That kept them from appearing to be “so Catholic”. And, making artificial birth control seem “okay” attracted the kind of people who valued orgasms enough to deny the Christian doctrine previously held by Protestant and Catholic, alike. Such schisms picked up “enlightened donors”.

Birth control became “A sacred duty” to the shallow and lost. Then, Babylon realized, “If mothers can be convinced not to have children, or only one or two, they can be put to work. Rather than stay home, they can pay taxes!”

Swollen by tax receipts of women reduced from motherhood to tax slavery, Babylon grew.

After the gullible were paralyzed by fears of Overpopulation, Self was ordained as Babylonian Deity #2. Babylon’s key commandment, repeated at countless “graduation” ceremonies was “Be true to Self.” Each was taught that Self trumped obedience to any “religious superstition”.

An educational structure built on such lies and frauds elevated Overpopulation and Self to nearly divine status. Each identifiable subset of anti-Catholics was given itself to study. Ambitious blacks, women, gays, and environmentalists rose in Babylonian estimation as they led each other to even more swollen appreciation of their precious selves.

The final leg of Evil’s Triangle was deifying Earth. “A precious, fragile, blue ball has miraculously evolved, along with us on it. It is a living thing. We must protect it from Overpopulation.”

Babylon’s unholy triangle, Overpopulation, Self, and Earth work together in justifying Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Lust, and Sloth. Propaganda machines from every Babylonian group and cause extol the inter-locking interests. Babylon’s priests and priestesses move from obscurity to fame, from private sector to public and back, from anonymity to fame, from powerlessness to power, from rags to riches.

Babylon’s propaganda machines spew the latest variants of Overpopulation, Self, and Earth. It is a miracle that there is anything that has not been made part of Babylon. Babylon’s here and doing well.

Still, The Church Jesus Founded manages to separate the souls who will be saved from the babbling hordes of Babylon. Catholic priests, each one a living link with The Apostles whom Christ ordained, continue to provide the Sacraments. His Body and Blood, without which we cannot have life in us, are still made available to those with a chance of Heaven. So is Absolution.

The 40,000 schisms were begun by Babylonians in disguise. They have only the dislike of The Catholic Church in common. Many among them help Babylon destroy The Only Church Jesus Founded. That is what schisms do. Many among them do not know they are helping the false gods of Babylon bring confusion, death, and destruction.

At judgment, will such ignorance be an excuse?
