The battles that surge around us are as numerous as the number of people in the world.

The battles that

surge around us are as numerous as the number of people in the world. Those of like mind and soul generally form groups to facilitate the flow of money from others to them. The oddest group of people in the world is comprised of those who take vows of celibacy, poverty, and obedience. Those who follow such Operating Instructions endeavor to follow Christ’s example. He was, after all, celibate, poor, and obedient even unto torture and death. His followers, as was He Whom they follow, are sometimes described to be “out of touch with reality” at best, or, more often as “unnatural”. Some reply, “What is admirable about being one with nature? Isn’t it more admirable to conquer our nature?”

In a broad circle, thousands of times bigger than the core group of celibate, poor, and obedient followers are those Catholics who try to follow the Operating Instructions that these men and women get from The Programmer and pass on to us, their fellow believers. From above, we may be visualized as being somewhere in the grooves of a long-playing record, revolving around the utterly motionless that is at the very center of the spindle. The holy men and women are in the area closer to the center, which, like them, doesn’t make nearly as much noise as do we out among the noisy grooves who are less prone to silence.

Another, similarly sized group of people share many of these beliefs. Protestants are not in a unified circle around the Catholics, but have formed groups of their own, each of which was founded by those able to convince enough neighbors that the truth was to be found in their particular view of The Creation Program. They modified, and continue to alter, the Operating Instructions that The Roman Catholic Church provided. Most of them now believe that it’s “all right” to use birth control devices, permit abortion, same-sex marriage, and weaken any number of positions about which they claim to be “enlightened”.

The relationship between The Catholic Church and the others looks from a distance like a bowling ball with hundreds of ping pong, tennis, and soccer balls piled around it. These are all in an ongoing state of shrinkage.

Since all battles concern the transfer of programmed entities from outside groups to inside groups, we can see that some groups do better than others. Jews have succeeded in becoming wealthier than most other groups of people. Chinese people who’ve colonized different countries do very well compared with those in the host cultures they frequently dominate. In fact, organized groups of immigrants usually do better than those already in the countries to which they move.

There are two ways to get programmed entities from other people. In a free market, we may provide goods and services of a kind that prompts people to freely pay for them. This is increasingly rare. Mostly, groups try to take money from others by theft. Some, like drug addicts, simply steal what they want. Similar transfers involve what are still called “laws”, and they empower the state to make the necessary confiscations which are given to the more demanding groups.

When an excessive number of programmed entities are transferred by force, the state becomes a criminal organization, and is soon replaced. The replacement can be from within, as in the American Revolution. More often, it is from without, as the seizure of a large part of Europe by Napoleon. As the criminal nature of his own organization became obvious enough, it was destroyed by a combination of organizations that were slightly less criminal in nature.

All groups trying to take from others seek allies. Each of us is frequently approached, either directly or by media pleas, to side ourselves with one group or another. Any time someone asks us to “get involved” in any project that’s involved with climate, the environment, or animals, the easiest thing to do is say, or think, “I need to learn more about that.”, and go back to what we were already doing. Don’t worry about hurting their feelings. They know they’ll support, somewhere.

When we consider the battles and wars being fought all around us, by billions of people, it’s a relief to be a Roman Catholic. It’s even more peaceful to be a Catholic Fundamentalist, because we’re more immune to pseudo-intellectual gobbledygook like “evolution” and “Global Warming”, which typify thought processes that exist solely to lead people away from He Who programmed all there is with us in the very middle of it.
