Be Careful What You Ask For.

It’s a tenet of Catholic Fundamentalism that God allowed His efficient, earthly, Christian monarchies to be replaced with fashionable democracies because more people demanded that they be freer to lose their souls.

“We can’t be as rich and important as we want because the royal families of Europe control and own almost everything. We want to sell our souls for riches and fame, but no one’s buying! It’s not fair! God, You went to all this trouble to program and download a Creation Program to give us free will, and now we’ve got all these efficient monarchies in what looks like permanent semi-balance with The Church. Between the two of them, we don’t have enough opportunities to lie, cheat, and steal! We want to be important! Rich! Powerful! We need democracy!”

They were warned, “Be careful what you ask for.” Most ignored such warnings and plunged pell-mell into overthrowing established orders throughout Europe. Things didn’t go well for them. The first wave of revolutionaries was washed away by the next. Then, more bloody tsunamis followed, each wiping out their predecessors.

Some would like to restore monarchies. Today, with Europe about to be consumed by Moslems, all those Kings, the endless Henrys, Edwards, Williams, and the 18 men named “Louis” look pretty good. The worst of them are geniuses, compared to the loons running England and France into the ground today.

What may be the Word from Above. “You asked for it. You got it. Live with it.”
