Been Called?

Several passages in Scripture tell us that souls are “called”. Such a “call” comes from The Loving Programmer and goes to one of His beloved human programs. That “call”, if accepted, lets the soul begin to receive the downloads necessary to get it into Heaven.

Salvation may be looked at as a completed circuit that connects The Loving Programmer with the saved soul and connects the saved soul with The Loving Programmer. If the loop is not complete, salvation is impossible.

Who would want to keep a soul from living in heavenly joy forever? The Seven Deadly Sins. They are “living viruses” in The Creation Program, and act as “call interrupters” to keep souls from salvation. We can actually feel them saying “Don’t pick up!” to someone when a call is coming through from The Loving Programmer’s Customer Service Dept.

Is the Soul Helpless?

We may imagine the soul as the driver of a vehicle that goes wherever the driver steers it. But, it’s a little more complicated than that. The soul has to contend with a spirit, mind, and body that may have different desires as to where the vehicle goes.

At any given moment, each of us knows that we could be doing something better than we’re doing. But, we generally go on doing what we’re doing, mostly moving forward or backward in our comfortable, well-worn rut. The soul, since it is programmed in the image of The Programmer, is naturally attracted to God. Our soul would like us to get out of whatever rut we’re in and spend our days in the clay moving closer to The Loving Programmer Who allowed it, and every soul, to be programmed into being.

Our spirit and mind, however, are more easily distracted by earthly entities. Some of those things exist because they’ve been programmed by The Programmer, like gold and silver. Other entities have been programmed by human beings. They may, for instance, re-program the gold and silver programs into valuable jewelry that become objects of desire for spirits and minds who want to show others how beautifully they can decorate their bodies.

The soul can elevate the spirit and mind above such ruts and move our being closer to The Loving Programmer. The deeper the rut we’re in, the harder that is to do. The sooner we start, the better off we are.
