
Yesterday, a large helicopter carrying a couple of dozen of America’s best and most highly trained fighting men was shot down in Afghanistan. At this time, it appears that 21 Navy Seals on board were all killed.

They were flying in a large, slow, easy-to-hit transport helicopter. While they were airborne, it’s easy to imagine the experienced fighters joking, “We’re sitting ducks!”

How did they end up to be such an easy target?

It’s been suggested that they were betrayed at high levels. They were members of the same Seal Team Six that was responsible for getting Osama Bin Ladin. So, the question is being asked, “Were they sent there as lambs to slaughter in order to provide a propaganda coup that demonstrated the power of those who put their Commander in Chief in office?

The Betrayal Theory will be validated unless there is an immediate unleashing of vast destruction upon the enemy.

Some remember the flight paths given to bombers who flew into Viet Nam during that war. Planes were instructed to fly the same patterns every day at the same time. Many were shot down by enemy forces who knew just when and where to look for them.

It was suggested, at the time, that high-ranking Communists and sympathizers in the government mandated those flight plans. Who else would have done so?
