To better understand the picture above

To better understand the picture above

we must understand that the lines of flux emitted by the magne are in three dimensions.  This illustration comes close, if we mentally picture the lines of flux here portrayed as the cross-section of a doughnut:

It’s necessary to imagine each of these lines, which, like the earth itself, are oblate spheroids, as the outer circumferences of globes, with a “cloud” of power emanating from the magnet.

When applying this “descending clouds of power”, we see that by visualizing the magnet as the Programmer, each human soul at each moment in time is a certain distance from one of the poles.

Unlike the magnetic particles that may be pictured “floating” in its proper place, as a “cloud” of iron filings would be sorted, our souls have the ability to move toward one pole or the other.

We can easily picture “Hell” as being in the lower half of magnet and “Heaven” as being in the upper half of the “cloud” of “soul-particles”.   We may go so far as to picture Purgatory as a flat disc, as invisible to us as the rings of Saturn on edge, which it resembles, that horizontally bisect the exact center of the diagram.

Combining Dante with the magnetic portrayal of souls in the “Celestial Magnetic Field”, we may conclude that there are 9 circles within each half of the “Divine Doughnut”.  When we do that, we more clearly understand that what is pictured here is a crude cross section of that far higher truth.

It must be noted for the purposes of this admittedly crude analogy, that the motivating power is not merely an inanimate magnet, but is The Living Programmer, Who loves each and every one of us and wants us to move toward Him, the source of all.

Interesting exercise:  Picture nine “circles” above and below the magnet.  Then, point to where you think your soul is.  After that, think of things to do to move that point closer to where you want it to be.
