The big squeeze.

“Seismic compression” is the phrase that describes how the earth compresses during an earthquake. If we fill a bowl with flour and tap on the side, we will see the level of flour drop. The same thing happens when the earth is vibrated.

If the earth was as old as the other side says it is, earthquakes would have “put a squeeze” on it. Gravity’s relentless downward pull, combined with the estimated 20,000 earthquakes a year, would have slowly compressed the earth so effectively that there would be no underground water.

If we assume that an average earthquake will compress the earth by two thousandths of an inch, we can then project that a thousand earthquakes will compress the earth by two inches. A billion years of earthquakes would compress the earth by two million inches, or thirty miles. Most of the shrinkage is in the areas near the surface that are less dense.

Those who want to replace the idea that The Programmer’s 10,000 year old earth with billions of years of natural processes do not consider seismic compression. If the earth was as old as they say, its diameter would have shrunk more than four hundred miles. In that time, both caverns, natural gas, and underground water would have been squeezed out.

It’s much easier to believe that The Loving Programmer programmed the earth and all its systems. Why? Because He loves us.
