Bigger Countries Coming, for Awhile.

One result of the present upheavals in the Middle East will be larger countries. It’s likely that Libya and Egypt will merge. It’s just as plausible that the smaller countries in the Arabian Peninsula will join together. So will the countries along the Western part of the Mediterranean.

As it is, they are too small to achieve critical mass. If Moslems, as is widely believed, are going to establish a large, powerful nation, they must join together. It’s very unlikely that all these changes lacked a common organizing group, probably the Moslem Brotherhood.

Just as the Ottoman Empire was forcibly cobbled together out of several smaller countries, the new caliphate will, as well, bring smaller nations together by force. It will be dependent on arms from either Europe, China, or the United States. In all likelihood, it will attempt to invade Europe, whose recent attempts at consolidation represent one of the great jokes of history. Over time, the national amalgamations will fragment into their original countries. That’s what always happens.

Catholic Fundamentalism believes that most Europeans are descended from the Northern Tribes of Israel. They began moving into Europe shortly after they were deported from their Tribal Lands in 721 B.C.

The twelve sons of Ishmael, our eternal hater, tended to stay centered in Arabia, moving out as possibilities for expansion became apparent. They’re greatly enriched by their near-monopoly on oil, and have the money to do some damage. We have to worry more about our leaders being bribed to let them overwhelm us by immigration than about losing on the battlefield. So, we have a lot about which to worry.
