The biggest Truth is not merely rationed, but made to disappear.

Finally and ultimately, the Catholic Fundamentalism position that God, or the Unprogrammed Programmer, has the ability to program particles and compile them into systems and beings and did so is, whether true or not, an idea that no one on the other side wants to consider. Any idea that even considers God to be a real, living Entity is hated by the other side.

That is as it should be.

Even more hated is the thought that God is a real, living, being Who is concerned about us and what we do. More hated than that is the idea that He had His prophets write down His Commandments and what would happen in the future. The most hated idea among the legions of the lost is that Jesus Christ was, and is, the Son of God.

That, too, is as it should be.

As Catholic Fundamentalism understands, Scripture is right, The Church is right, and we who have been chosen to believe are right. All else is error. Jesus Christ, Himself the greatest possible attack on human vanity, is why the very idea of truth is rationed, as well as truth, itself. No one on the other side wants souls to be moved toward truth, because such moves bring them closer to God.
