Blades of Grass in The Forest of the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven.

The Forest of the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven is a phrase used to describe what the more successful Protestant theological endeavors resemble.

In order to be included among the 30,000 known denominations, each had to have some sort of discernible establishment.  Each separate denomination is thought to be  a “ladder” that believers may ascend to Heaven.

Wandering around among The Forest of the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven are millions of people who have put together their own plan of salvation.  They don’t pay much attention to the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven, some of which tower above them, swaying gently in the breeze.  What’s an easy way to visualize the do-it-yourself soul savers?   Blades of Grass in The Forest of the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven.

“I do not actually need to attend a church.  I worship God wherever I am.  I worship in my own way.” they announce to whomever they think cares.  The enjoyment they find in enunciating their position sums up the rewards they garner.

Another group of salvation do-it-yourselfers has an even simpler approach.   They repeat, to themselves and to whomever will listen:   “I am a good person.”

Over a hundred million Americans are strolling down the “I worship in my own way.  I am a good person.” paths.  Many will identify themselves as members of one denomination or another, usually one that parents or grandparents may have joined, but they never attend services.

“I don’t really need to go to church.” they enjoy saying with varying degrees of pomposity.  “I am a good person.  They forget one fact:  Trying to save our souls by ourselves is vanity.

Do-it-yourself soul savers are easily pictured.  Blades of Grass in The Forest of the 30,000 Ladders to Heaven.

