The Body Programs

As long-time readers know, Catholic Fundamentalists delight in boiling things down to their elemental programs. As we get in the habit of doing so, many other things become clearer.

When we consider our body, we are aware that there are trillions of tiny cell programs, each with unknown numbers of programs within it, all working together. Each is within larger programs. Some of our Inside Programs carry energy, some carry nutrients, some make chemicals, some get rid of chemicals. Our bodies are some of the most complicated programs that The Programmer programmed, though not nearly as complicated as our mind programs.

Mind and body programs work together. Some minds focus on bodies. Entire sections of the economy are based on different body programs. Hundreds of millions of jobs have sprung into being to take care of the many, many body programs that are in operation between the hair program and the toenail program. Indeed, one reason The Programmer gave us bodies was to provide jobs for many of the free will creatures who would come to live on earth.

This month’s columns began by discussing alignment. Many millions of people make a living by helping to keep various body programs aligned with some idea or another of perfection. Such goals are not to be taken too seriously.

It is far better to spend more time aligning our own thought programs with The Programmer and The Program. The Holy Wireless Connector is always glad to help us do that.
