The Butler Novel

A rare “backwards book” with the last chapter first.

“The following is an ongoing summary of an anonymous free book.  “The Butler Novel” and its descriptions of related movie/video scenes, copyright 2024-25, Catholic Fundamentalism”.  It may be opened, read, and shared for free by simply copying and pasting The Butler Novel onto the search bar and opening.

Introduction:  Archeologists used radio-carbon dating of ancient Indian dwellings to confirm that The Butler Novel began 10-12,000 years ago.  That is the earliest known arrival of people in our beautiful area..

Long-lost chapters in “The Butler Novel” were written every time established Tribes of Indians were attacked and replaced by other Tribes during The Stone Ages. Then, as now, nearly every flat area along every River and Stream in Pennsylvania was home to cities and villages of Hard-working People with many languages and beliefs.  Families lived and worked in fields, huge orchards of nut trees,  and workshops where skilled craftspeople made things of wood, stone, bone, bark, skins, fibers, clay, feathers, and even some chemicals for dyes and medicines.

We do not know the names of early “Tribes” in the first 10,000 years of Butler County’s Stone Ages.   Two thousand years ago, it is thought that Tribes now known as “Hopewell Indians” took over.  They were replaced by “Adena Indians” who may have been defeated by Indians of the  “Huron Tribes”.  After that, many Tribes of Seneca and Allegheny Indians were attacked by “Erie Indians” and their allies.

United Tribes of “Iroquois Indians” began to attack villages and cities of Stone Age “Erie Indians”.  Not long after that,  a bloodthirsty Tribe of land-grabbing “English Episcopalians” appeared from afar.  Their Tribe had combined Iron Age Technology with self-serving ideals to replace nearly a thousand years of Catholic Churches, schools, monasteries, convents, teachings, and accommodations for the poor.  The Tribe of English Episcopalians worshiped “More for Me!” They confiscated one-third of England’s land (over 20 million acres) that had been donated to The Church over the preceding thousand years.  Those properties provided farms, mines, mills, hospitals, and workshops that provided education in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities, along with “accommodations for the poor.”  Soon, many of their countrymen and women in England, Ireland, and Scotland were forced to flee from an England ruled by worshipers of “More for Me!”

When their control extended to our Continent, the “Chiefs” of Babylon’s “English Episcopalian Tribe”, replaced the Judeo-Catholic Traditions of “Merrie olde England”.  Both the “Ten Commandments” and “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself” were “redacted” and replaced with a single sentence:  “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”
Many “Colonial Governors” quietly ordered entire Tribes of  Stone-Age Indians to be exterminated.  State-controlled clergy agreed:  “We need more donors!”  Indian Tribes were confused by alcohol and weakened by diseases to which they had developed no natural immunities.  All native jobs in Stone-Age economies were wiped out by mass-produced tin, copper, bronze, brass, and iron tools, pots, ornaments, machine-woven fabrics, and weapons mass-produced by the boatload from Iron Age factories in England.  Genocidal English Episcopalians encouraged the burning of endless, fruitful fields of dry Indian corn every autumn to starve Indian Families during agonizingly cold winters.
Westward eviction of shrinking Indian survivors went on so long that some Tribes in Ohio were crammed into railroad cars and sent West on railroad trains! Today, Lost Tribes of Stone Age Indian Peoples are remembered only by the many, many, many States, Counties, Cities, Towns, and Schools that still bear their names between Connecticut and Oregon.  All can see that in vast areas of the once Episcopalian-controlled United States, there is no Indian DNA.  In Catholic-settled nations, Indian DNA survives in over 90% of the living people.

By The Grace of God, denominations that followed in later Chapters of The Butler Novel returned to believing that “You shall not kill.”  and “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” are Fundamental Truths by Which to Live.  An even greater Miracle occurred!   Some in the Tribe of English Episcopalians returned to those uplifting beliefs as “Tribes of Christian Denominations” became blessedly “more Christian” than the first, bloody waves of English Episcopalians that washed away tens of millions of Stone Age Indians forever while “More for Me!” echoed from “sea to shining sea”.
Today, boatloads of incoming invaders want to do to American Families what the “More for Me!” Tribe of English Episcopalians did to America’s Indians.  The usual self-serving people hate God, their neighbors, and themselves enough to help.

Whew!  The causal connections between sin and death let us learn more History than many want us to know.


The Last Chapter of The Butler Novel began to be written before 6:11 PM on July 13, 2024, and begins with the fine work done by good citizens, Local Law Enforcement and Butler County Officials to prepare for a Presidential Candidate’s campaign rally.
Many good people in and around Butler County played the same Starring Roles in The Butler Novel’s Latest Chapter that they play in real life!  They did a far better job than many are led to believe.


“The following is an ongoing summary of an anonymous free book.  “The Butler Novel” and its descriptions of related movie/video scenes, copyright 2024-25, Catholic Fundamentalism”.  It may be opened, read, and shared for free by simply copying and pasting The Butler Novel onto the search bar and opening.

Introduction:  Archeologists used radio-carbon dating of ancient Indian dwellings to confirm that The Butler Novel began 10-12,000 years ago.  That is the earliest known arrival of people in our beautiful area..

Long-lost chapters in “The Butler Novel” were written every time established Tribes of Indians were attacked and replaced by other Tribes during The Stone Ages. Then, as now, nearly every flat area along every River and Stream in Pennsylvania was home to cities and villages of Hard-working People with many languages and beliefs.  Families lived and worked in fields, huge orchards of nut trees,  and workshops where skilled craftspeople made things of wood, stone, bone, bark, skins, fibers, clay, feathers, and even some chemicals for dyes and medicines.

We do not know the names of early “Tribes” in the first 10,000 years of Butler County’s Stone Ages.   Two thousand years ago, it is thought that Tribes now known as “Hopewell Indians” took over.  They were replaced by “Adena Indians” who may have been defeated by Indians of the  “Huron Tribes”.  After that, many Tribes of Seneca and Allegheny Indians were attacked by “Erie Indians” and their allies.

United Tribes of “Iroquois Indians” began to attack villages and cities of Stone Age “Erie Indians”.  Not long after that,  a bloodthirsty Tribe of land-grabbing “English Episcopalians” appeared from afar.  Their Tribe had combined Iron Age Technology with self-serving ideals to replace nearly a thousand years of Catholic Churches, schools, monasteries, convents, teachings, and accommodations for the poor.  The Tribe of English Episcopalians worshiped “More for Me!” They confiscated one-third of England’s land (over 20 million acres) that had been donated to The Church over the preceding thousand years.  Those properties provided farms, mines, mills, hospitals, and workshops that provided education in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities, along with “accommodations for the poor.”  Soon, many of their countrymen and women in England, Ireland, and Scotland were forced to flee from an England ruled by worshipers of “More for Me!”

When their control extended to our Continent, the “Chiefs” of Babylon’s “English Episcopalian Tribe”, replaced the Judeo-Catholic Traditions of “Merrie olde England”.  Both the “Ten Commandments” and “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself” were “redacted” and replaced with a single sentence:  “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”
Many “Colonial Governors” quietly ordered entire Tribes of  Stone-Age Indians to be exterminated.  State-controlled clergy agreed:  “We need more donors!”  Indian Tribes were confused by alcohol and weakened by diseases to which they had developed no natural immunities.  All native jobs in Stone-Age economies were wiped out by mass-produced tin, copper, bronze, brass, and iron tools, pots, ornaments, machine-woven fabrics, and weapons mass-produced by the boatload from Iron Age factories in England.  Genocidal English Episcopalians encouraged the burning of endless, fruitful fields of dry Indian corn every autumn to starve Indian Families during agonizingly cold winters.
Westward eviction of shrinking Indian survivors went on so long that some Tribes in Ohio were crammed into railroad cars and sent West on railroad trains! Today, Lost Tribes of Stone Age Indian Peoples are remembered only by the many, many, many States, Counties, Cities, Towns, and Schools that still bear their names between Connecticut and Oregon.  All can see that in vast areas of the once Episcopalian-controlled United States, there is no Indian DNA.  In Catholic-settled nations, Indian DNA survives in over 90% of the living people.

By The Grace of God, denominations that followed in later Chapters of The Butler Novel returned to believing that “You shall not kill.”  and “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” are Fundamental Truths by Which to Live.  An even greater Miracle occurred!   Some in the Tribe of English Episcopalians returned to those uplifting beliefs as “Tribes of Christian Denominations” became blessedly “more Christian” than the first, bloody waves of English Episcopalians that washed away tens of millions of Stone Age Indians forever while “More for Me!” echoed from “sea to shining sea”.
Today, boatloads of incoming invaders want to do to American Families what the “More for Me!” Tribe of English Episcopalians did to America’s Indians.  The usual self-serving people hate God, their neighbors, and themselves enough to help.

Whew!  The causal connections between sin and death let us learn more History than many want us to know.


The Last Chapter of The Butler Novel began to be written before 6:11 PM on July 13, 2024, and begins with the fine work done by good citizens, Local Law Enforcement and Butler County Officials to prepare for a Presidential Candidate’s campaign rally.
Many good people in and around Butler County played the same Starring Roles in The Butler Novel’s Latest Chapter that they play in real life!  They did a far better job than many are led to believe.

Chapter 1: The Last Chapter First!

The The Butler Novel begins by considering similarities between the recent attack on a former President’s election campaign and a Greek assassination in 514 BC. Aristogeiton was offended because Hipparchus, the younger brother of Athen’s ruler, Hippias, showed an “interest” in Aristogeiton’s young lover, Harmodius. Jealousy, anger, and power-seeking killed the three men.

What could connect the sins of Ancient Greece with The Latest Chapter of The Butler Novel about Butler County, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024 AD?  A day or two after the shooting in Butler, a post from the shooter’s mother made a heartfelt complaint: “racist homophobes should stop bullying my son.”
Her sincere words prompt a question that many prefer to “redact”: “What, except for knowing about her son’s same-sex identification, could have prompted his mother to call those who insulted him: ‘homophobes’?”
Genuinely concerned people in gay and straight communities are not afraid to ask that question because we want everyone to be safe from those who prey on the vulnerable.  Those who prefer “redaction” make the usual excuses to keep politically incorrect Truth from being sought or recognized.  Unlike the good, truth-seeking citizens of Butler and other places, they choose to live in “Redactorville”.
Did this Chapter of The Butler Novel begin when someone was told to find a confused, intelligent young man (SAT Scores of 1500!), needy for approval from a manipulative authority figure?  Many are asking the question that some prefer to “redact”:  “Did this vulnerable 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks lose his life after being seduced into believing how ‘rightfully and historically important’ he could and should be if he assassinated a Presidential Candidate unpopular with many?”

The advantage of an Updatable Book!  This anonymous, updatable, free book, The Butler Novel, began to be written after July 13, 2024 to answer That Question.  This week, February 22, 2025, interest in That Question was shared by Elon Musk at the CPAC Conference.

In an interview with Rob Schmitt,  Elon Musk blurted out, “And they still haven’t told us about the guy (the young assassin) in Butler!”

Hopefully: His overseas and local phone connections are examined and fellow school students are interviewed to identify thoughts, inclinations, and desires they noticed. His phone calls, email records, and writings are carefully reviewed.  Books, movies, videos, magazines, and information he chose to access are examined. New adult contacts in the last year or so of his life are identified and questioned, under oath.  Open, honest people want all that is found to be “Made Public”, with “No Redactions” in what is a “National Emergency” that all “redactions” will help to be repeated.
Parental Liability is explored. Recently, a jury found that the parents of a school shooter were guilty of allowing their confused daughter easy access to the firearms she took to school and used to kill several students. Do parents of the Butler shooter have even greater liability because they are “professional counselors” who make a living by getting clients to understand: “We meaningfully care about identifying and curing psychological problems.”?

It seems his parents did care and did do something!  The Butler Novel considers his parent’s anguished recognition of their son’s problems when they called the FBI to report him “missing”.  How often does someone call the FBI to report a family member who is merely “missing”? That call was a sure-to-have-been-recorded conversation.  To whom did they speak? Will the call and identities of those on the call be “redacted” because avoiding admission of mistakes is more important than Truth?  Did the parents call the FBI because it was the only solution they could think of for a problem they, as experienced, professional, certified counselors, had good reason to be very concerned about?  Had they reported their “missing son” may have had the similarly “missing semi-automatic rifle”?  That explains their Very Important Call to the only Agency that could provide the help they were desperate to find.

Did the FBI commit a grievous error by not immediately taking concerns from Certified Psychologists seriously enough to spend half an hour locating the exact position of his cell phone with their powerful telephone-locating search engines and have one or two (of exactly how many FBI Agents within an hour or so away?), immediately locate and interview him?  Were they not given his cell phone number?  Was parental fear of coming problems confirmed when they hired attorneys who may easily convince a jury of randomly chosen American citizens that the FBI’s willful failure to provide the quick, competent response that could be reasonably expected from such an Agency is a major contributing factor to the tragedy?  Did the parents warn them of legal, mind-altering medications prescribed to their son or of associates who may be leading him astray?

Everyone is asking Five Questions!

1. Who were the agents who made the decision to ignore the warning from the parents of young Mr. Thomas Matthew Crooks?
2. Were those agents praised or criticized by superiors for not responding to the sincere warning of danger and request for help from the Certified Psychological Counselors who are his parents?
3. Were higher-ranking evaluators more likely to praise or criticize them?
4. Is this the Greatest Security Failure since Abraham Lincoln’s Pinkerton guard left his position at Ford’s Theater and went to the tavern downstairs, leaving the door to Abraham Lincoln’s box seat unlocked so John Wilkes Booth could easily enter and assassinate the President?
5. Will any public media ask such questions or expect to get answers for “mere citizens” to the question, “Can the FBI be sued for dereliction of duty”

An important part of The Butler Novel wonders exactly who decided to send what is said to be the first “counter-sniper team” to a former President’s Campaign Rally in this campaign.  Was the “expert counter-sniper” planned to be precisely and perfectly placed to kill the carefully positioned young assassin before he could be captured and disclose who helped him? Is Computer-age Presidential Assassination Planning now designed to avoid the long time it took to get Lee Harvey Oswald, whose last recorded words included “I’m only a patsy.” in front of the terminally ill Jack Ruby and his handgun after President Kennedy was assassinated?

The Butler Novel/Movie/Video explores how and when the young assassin found, or was given, more details about the pre-arranged Presidential Rally location than The Secret Service was able to find and protect.  Computer records of his searches on sites like Google Maps will be publicly examined.  Every concerned citizen has a right to expect that young Mr. Crook’s computer searches, including those he made on school, friends, or public library computers and phones, will not be “redacted”.

Questions about: “How did he find his way between secured buildings, park among local Law Enforcement vehicles, get onto a heating/air conditioning unit, and climb from it onto the ideal sniper position on a strangely unguarded roof in a complicated, crowded, seemingly secured, unfamiliar location surrounded by police while carrying a rifle?” will be answered.  The mysterious “disappearance” of the  15-foot ladder he recently purchased will be explained by finding out how and when he learned he would not need it.

This, and other questions, will hopefully not be “redacted”:   “Were warnings and actual sightings reported by concerned Butler County citizens and our outstanding Local Law Enforcement Officers intentionally overlooked by people told to ‘Be ignorant on purpose.’?”

More Mysteries in The Butler Novel:  At 5:14 pm ET, did a local sniper team take photos of young Mr.  Crooks, inside the AGR building, nearly an hour before the shooting at 6:11?  Why wasn’t he stopped?
A Pennsylvania State Trooper was posted under a nearby water tower.  He spotted young Mr. Crooks at 6:08 p.m. that evening.  He put out a radio dispatch warning all: “There’s someone on the roof!”

Did someone order Federal Agencies:  “Do not use the programmed radios that Local Law Enforcement provided to send and receive such Emergency Messages to provide better Security.”?  Those radios provided the same channel to let all Security Personnel from every Agency easily communicate, but were never used. Even worse, “The Secret Service never bothered to pick them up!” according to our concerned Local Law Enforcement and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

Did security failures begin the night before the rally?  That is when stacks of un-inspected chairs were said to have been put in place by volunteers who came and went without having their identities checked.  According to one volunteer who helped:  “Anyone could have been there!”  Were explosives intended to be hidden to put dozens of that politically incorrect candidate’s supporters, including Congressman Mike Kelly, his family, and supporters sitting near the candidate, at risk of death or injury? Did people assigned to do that fail, or were they ordered not to do so?    Will such considerations be “redacted” by the leading citizens of Redactorville, or fully and honestly investigated for “mere citizens”?

Why are those concerns important? Powerful explosives were found in both the assassin’s home and car!  Explosives are among the most  “traceable” things in this country!  Where, exactly, did those explosives come from?  Who taught young Mr. Crooks how to use them?  Was material for shrapnel found? Will Local Law Enforcement be allowed to find honest, complete answers without “redactions” from those who want to hide such truths?

“Why was the mysterious ‘white van’, also with explosives inside, said to have an Arizona license plate? Whose license plate was it? Who owned the van? Did the disappearing “ladder” fit inside it with or without the rear door open so it could be seen on nearby service station videos?  How did the license plate get to Pennsylvania?  Was it mailed, sent by a private mail delivery service, provided by an interested party, or was the van driven to his home in Pennsylvania? What happened to its Pennsylvania license plate, if it had one? Will Local Law Enforcement be allowed to investigate and release ownership details, maps of its travel, and ‘pings’ to and from the driver identifying all in contact with him or her?

Television ‘crime shows’ let us see that good, local police investigators often follow such ‘pings’, even weeks and months after a crime, often for dozens and hundreds of miles, and spend endless hours reviewing gas-station videos of who is using restrooms and buying food while filling up their vehicle with fuel. Will that be done to let us see anyone in ‘the white van’ and every associated vehicle?  Or, will ‘redactions’ ordered by the Rulers of Redactorville keep those facts hidden from “mere citizens”?”
An important part of The Butler Novel wonders exactly who decided to send what is said to be the first “counter-sniper team” to a former President’s Campaign Rally in this campaign.  Was the “expert counter-sniper” precisely and perfectly placed to be able to kill the carefully positioned young assassin before he could be captured and disclose who helped him? Again, the question: Is Computer-age Presidential Assassination Planning now designed to avoid the long time it took to get Lee Harvey Oswald in front of the terminally ill Jack Ruby and his handgun after President Kennedy was killed by someone on the Redactor-Ignored “grassy knoll”, as the latest examination of recently released autopsy photographs of President Kennedy indicates to experts in that field?
The most fascinating scene in The Butler Novel/Movie/Video focuses on visualizing what may be the actual thoughts of the “expert counter-sniper”.  It might open with sight pictures of a deer, woodchuck, or person targeted by a similar, high-powered telescopic scope at the same distance to let viewers see what an easy target the “expert counter-sniper” had from his amazingly perfect “counter-sniper” position.  Exactly how powerful was the “expert counter-sniper’s” telescopic sight?  Will details about the expertly chosen caliber and ammunition specifications be shared or “redacted” to protect rabid raccoons, coyotes, and vicious predators from helpful “varmint hunters”?
The Butler Novel/Movie/Video considers what the “expert counter-sniper” may not have helped but think as he watched the assassin fire seven more shots in the following seconds.  Was there an average “thinking time” between the eight shots that may have taken as long for “a mere citizen” to say out loud some part of: “One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four, one thousand five, one thousand six, one thousand seven.” during the volley that killed one person and seriously wounded two more of our Butler County neighbors whose only “crime” was public support of a former President?  Do some think that “crime” is as serious as those said to have been committed by American citizens sentenced to collective centuries in jail for peacefully using their “right to free speech” after many were invited into The Capitol Building that was built upon The Foundation of that Constitutional Guarantee?
Accurate images and audio will let us see and hear the actual, micro-second time delay between sight and sound in each shot of the video reenactment.  Using “real-time” will show exactly what the “expert counter-sniper” actually watched and heard as he watched the assassin fire seven more shots, unless that visualization is “redacted”.
Were those seven shots allowed by the expert “counter-sniper” because orders had been given to him before he began his assignment:  “Remember, Crooks may have to shoot several times.”  Or, were those orders given to him by radio after each of the assassin’s shots to give him a chance to hit the candidate with his next bullet? “Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.” Those seconds may be the most fascinating scene in any movie or video in History!  Interspersed pictures in the scenes between shots show each person killed or wounded being hit following those shots of the assassin’s volley.

Then, Four Big Questions!

1.  Did those “seven Waits” end at the moment he, or his controllers,  saw that a well-placed shot from one of our fine Local Law Enforcement Officers (That formerly redacted “Hero of The Day” was recently identified as Sgt. Aaron M. Zaliponi of the Adams Township Police Department.) was shown to have hit the assassin’s rifle, making it unable to fire?
2.  Did that prompt “the expert counter-sniper” to realize, or was he given a half-second command the moment the shooter could no longer kill the Candidate:  “Shoot!”?
3.  Will even considering that scene be “redacted” by orders to obedient media?
4.  Will the actual names of all “redactors” and all requested “redactions” of any answers to any questions asked in The Butler Novel and by others be released, or will they be “redacted”?  Who would not want to know who has chosen to live in “Redactorville” and to know exactly what they wanted to be “redacted”?
Immediately after the shooting, how did the mysterious “man in the suit”, now confirmed to be an ATF Agent, get to the rooftop so quickly?  Where was he in the previous minutes, hours, and days?  Why did he have pictures of the shooter sent to another ATF agent?  Did that ATF agent personally know young Thomas Matthew Crooks? Why hasn’t he been publicly interviewed? Does he keep a photo of young Mr. Crooks in his wallet?

Obvious, common-sense questions must be considered:

“Was Mr. Crook’s body ordered to be left on the roof for several hours after The Butler County Coroner tried to remove his body so molecular disintegration would cause drugs to disappear? Who ordered that two Coroner’s Reports from two County Coroners in two different Counties must be provided?  Were they ordered to provide ‘conflicting information that must, therefore, be ignored.’? Did either Coroner’s Report provide a chemical analysis of legally prescribed psychological medications (not illegal drugs) or abuse in or on him? Is that why the assassin’s body was cremated rather than released?  Will the full release of both reports be ‘redacted’?  Will signs of damage around his prostrate be released?  Is that something for which autopsies routinely check? Were actual blood samples retained for independent labs to analyze?”

More Questions include:

This simple question is asked by millions of people:  “The most modern, high-resolution, camera-carrying drones in the world are available to Federal Security Forces. Why weren’t they put to use?”

The Butler Novel accompanies That Question with three more:   “Were camera-carrying drones actually in use?  Were one or more “supervisory agents” using drone-mounted cameras to watch the assassin crawl across the roof without warning anyone before he began shooting?  Was there operational control over the confused young man through tiny earphones or his cell phone?”

Millions more are asking: “Were our extraordinarily competent and concerned Butler County and Local Law Enforcement Officers the only people who cared enough to offer to provide one or more modern, high-tech security drones that some Federal Authorities may, and should, be identified as having rejected?”

More “Confusion from above” is described in an article from Spotlight PA: “The Butler County Emergency Services Unit, a special weapons and tactical squad, had toured the Butler Farm Show during the week and had identified the AGR building as a threat. In the meeting, Butler County officials raised the issue with the Secret Service, said Goldinger, the Butler County District Attorney, but ultimately, the agency did not post anyone on the roof. ‘This was their ballgame.’ Goldinger correctly said of a Secret Service proud of its operational control.” That was an honest and courageous statement!
Local Law Enforcement agencies can track “pings” on cell phones and make “maps” to find where people have been visiting, with whom they have been communicating, and identify those who have called or visited them.  Was this tracking done on the confused young shooter’s cell phone(s) in the hours and days before and after he seems to have been filmed walking around at an earlier Festival in downtown Butler?  With whom did he have breakfasts, lunches, dinners, conversations, or visits?  Will maps of his travels be provided, as they often are on “Crime Shows”, or isn’t this a serious enough “crime” for that?   The Butler Novel will try to let us know what Local Law Enforcement was, and was not, allowed and encouraged to investigate fully.  All “redactions” help us understand how little truth the “redactors” want us “mere citizens” to know.   What a joy to go to Judgment after a lifetime of seeking truth rather than hiding it!  Many souls are stained by willfully undermining trust and truth.


Will an enjoyable part of The Butler Novel be watching questions being avoided by skilled, professional “redactors” who steadfastly repeat the beautifully calculated vagueness of those who will endlessly and solemnly avoid honestly answering politically incorrect questions by seriously and slowly intoning: We are looking into that.” to proudly demonstrate their mastery of what has become a popular way to provide “redaction”,  even as they throw local law enforcement and officials under the bus?  (Will that be the longest coherent sentence in The Butler Novel?)
Another popular way to avoid Truth:  “As a matter of longstanding policy, the U.S. Secret Service does not comment on pending or proposed litigation.”  That, at least, required someone to do the hard work involved in copying and pasting the usual reasons for “redaction”.  Many are too lazy even to do that, preferring the silence that “redaction approvers” are encouraged to embrace:  “The DHS did not respond to a request for comment by the time of publication.”  It seems the ‘man in the suit’ is admitted to being from the ATF, but was there in a mysterious ‘personal capacity’.  He has also disappeared into The Swamp of Self-serving Silence, along with an explanation of how any ‘personal capacity” can replace “the sworn duty to uphold the law” for residents of Redactorville.

It was only discovered in Congressional Testimony that The Secret Service personnel taking The Candidate for immediate medical care after the shooting were not sure how to get to The Butler Hospital and their cell phones had a hard time finding directions.  They minimized that error, as well, though a Director of The Secret Service did admit in Congressional Testimony that he “was very concerned” about what caused so many mistakes.  Intentionally hiring people of limited ability to provide high-paying jobs for otherwise unemployable relatives of important people did not seem to have crossed his mind as a reason for the institutionalized incompetence.


Many find The Butler Novel intriguing because the best fiction is filled with facts.

May God bless us all to see that Local Law Enforcement and Butler County Officials did a far better job than those who did not meaningfully want to do so.  The comparative incompetence, or worse, of a few people in a few Federal Authorities is an ongoing embarrassment to the many good people and Agencies.  Their good people are exemplified by those who bravely shielded the Presidential Candidate with their bodies as shots were being fired!  Comparing their courage, and that shown by Local Law Enforcement and Local Officials, explains the overpowering urges for “redaction” from those whose mistakes call their intellects and moral values into question.

Included among them are those described by Tyler Durden on 9/30/24: “In the video footage of the assassination attempt, criticism was particularly aimed at the conduct of the few female agents who were part of President Trump’s detail that day. Several women were noticeably overweight, with one seen cowering behind other agents and President Trump immediately after the shots rang out, while another one visibly struggled to re-holster her weapon as President Trump was being escorted into a vehicle to be taken to the hospital.”

One person summed up the failures that allowed this tragedy to happen: “It’s pretty clear that it wasn’t just one screw-up here,” said Andrew Vitek, a professor who teaches about terrorism at Penn State University. “This is indicative of multiple systemic failures all coming down around their ears at once.”

We pray that all involved will work diligently to avoid any “redactions” of every truth, including releasing all Emergency Calls about this situation.  The more high-sounding such efforts are made to seem, the more clearly we see the desire to provide truth-hiding “redactions” especially the names of those who made mistakes.  In cases like this, there must be a Policy of “No Redactions” so that all future political candidates from every Party will be safer.  “Redactions” are forms of “bearing false witness” that threaten Truth and Democracy and the life of every candidate in every Party who cares enough to run for Public Office.

May God bless all who meaningfully love our Faith, Freedom, and Families with the courage to demand:  “No Redactions!”, even for those who choose to live in “Redactorville”, the Capital City of The Self-Serving Swamp.

A wonderful alternative would be to provide an Official Government Report with “no redactions”.  The Official Government Report could be reduced to Four Short Sentences on One Page:

Official Government Report: 

1.“We cannot do more than identify the single Federal employee who may have done something wrong or failed to do things properly and intelligently through no fault of her own. 

2. It would be wrong to put anyone except our approved scapegoat in fear of putting their salaries, bonuses, benefits, pensions, and reputations at risk.

3. It would be worse to hurt their feelings by publicly enumerating identified individuals’ mistakes. 

4. No Official Government Report is allowed to do such awful things.”


Then, an accompanying Unofficial Report for Mere Citizens could ask and answer far more questions than those considered in The Butler Novel. No one would appreciate that more than those respectable government workers who could not publicly recognize what an important contribution “The Unofficial Report for Mere Citizens” would make, in the words of Superman from what must be the Divine Coincidence of coming from DC Comics that verbalize our prayers and hopes that in Washington, DC, “Truth, Justice, and The American Way” will prevail.


1. Two months after young Mr. Crooks tried to assassinate the Presidential Candidate, Ryan Routh, an older, rifle-armed sniper with the same goal was stopped at a Florida golf course.  Details about Mr. Routh’s background were not allowed in most media. But, he somehow knew where an unannounced schedule change would have the Candidate playing golf.  That raised concerns about how an individual could put himself in place 12 hours before he attempted to ambush from an uninspected point of vulnerability on the edge of the golf course where only security forces should have known Mr. Trump would be.  The Secret Service did not explain how that could have happened, but they were open and honest enough to say:  “Mr. Trump, you can no longer play golf.”

2. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis accused the FBI of blocking a State investigation into that second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

3. There are still problems with security!   On Friday, September 27, 2024, nearly two months after the attempted assassination, people went to care for horses stabled inside the Butler Fair Grounds. They were kept from entering by nearly a dozen Big, Black, Gleaming, Suburban-type Vehicles that kept them from driving to the barn that housed the horses for which they were caring.
The horse owners were told by armed agents: “This facility is shut down! No one may enter while we do a security check in advance of Trump’s upcoming Rally on October 5, 2024.”
The “mere citizens” who wanted to feed and brush their horses politely and respectfully explained to the armed agents: “You are in the wrong place.  The upcoming Rally will not be held at The Butler Fairgrounds, but at The Butler Farm Show Grounds.  That is 6.3 miles, 11 minutes, away.”

The mistake is understandable.  The word “Butler” precedes both the word “Fair” and the word “Farm”, making them easily confused.  Both words begin with a large capital “F”. Two of the three remaining letters in each word, ‘a’ and ‘i’ are the same!  More confusing: the syllable ‘grounds’ is in both names!  The two different places are easily confused because “New Ways to Teach Reading” are an important part of the “dumbing-down” process that keeps many Public School students, the main source of government employees, from being able to read as well as they otherwise would, another “fact” that is sure to be “redacted”.
Their supervisor did have the intellectual ability to use his cell phone to confirm the truth of what “mere citizens of Butler County” were telling him. He called a higher-level employee with the necessary reading skills to confirm that their Impressive Cavalcade had mistakenly arrived at the wrong address.  He promptly ordered everyone back into their Impressive Cavalcade and left with a not-unprecedented bureaucratic refusal to say even a grateful “Thank you!” to helpful people from Butler County. The agents were spotted later that day at the Butler Farm Show.  Thankfully, with help from the mere citizens of Butler County, they could finally find and inspect the right place.  Too bad such citizens weren’t asked to drive the wounded Candidate to The Butler Hospital instead of the Secret Service Personnel who had a hard time getting directions from their cell phones to a place they had not bothered to locate before the shooting.

Hopefully, these mistakes will not be “redacted”, but recognized so that better preparation will make all candidates safer. “Remedial Reading Classes” provided by non-public schools may be of nationwide assistance to all of us.

4.  The Director of the FBI tried to hide the errors his agents made by denying that the Candidate was even hit by a bullet!  Jim Hoft wrote on October 8, 2024:  “Chris Wray, who has a record of setting up innocent men in fake kidnapping plots, spying on Catholics at Church, raiding the homes of peaceful pro-life activists, terrorizing J6 protesters and their families, and targeting parents at school board meetings, took a swipe at President Trump during his testimony before Congress in late July.
Wray suggested that a bullet did not hit President Trump, but that it was instead shrapnel that caused his injury on stage at the Butler rally.
Wray did admit his agency and other federal government employees had allowed 8 shots to be fired at Trump during his speech – 8 shots before the gunman was neutralized!”  Amazingly, he did let one bright ray of truth shine forth in his testimony: He was either able to count to 8, or he was able to properly remember or read that number from his notes or teleprompter.  May “mere citizens” celebrate that fact while we pray his small step in the right direction will be followed by more.

5. The cover-up continued through October, according to The National Post: “Top officials in the United States Secret Service (USSS) are stonewalling Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General Joseph Cuffari‘s probe into security lapses that resulted in the July 13 assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. In the aftermath of the attempt on Trump’s life, managers within the USSS told employees to notify them if they received requests for documents, information, or interviews from the Inspector General—suggesting the agency wished to coach potential witnesses before speaking with the government watchdog.
Internal USSS emails, first obtained by RealClearPolitics, direct employees to immediately inform their supervisor if they are contacted by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).”

6. The Organization, AbleChild, asks an interesting question: “AbleChild was interested in the alleged shooter’s employment at The Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. The alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, would have had a photo ID and would have had to pass a background check including fingerprints to obtain that employment.”
Were the names of people whom 20 year old Thomas Crooks listed as references checked to determine their relationship with the shooter? Is that information still unaltered, undeleted, and available?

7.  Gateway Pundit reports that in a hearing in early December 2024, Secret Service Director Rowe screamed repeatedly at a Congressman who dared to hold him to a standard high enough to show he’d made mistakes that included taking assets away from Trump’s security detail, specifically the security division responsible for threat assessments.

8.  In early December, 2024, a young man named Luigi Mangione assassinated the CEO of a large Health-Care Company.  Monica Showalter, a brilliant analyst, and writer reported on the wonderful American Thinker website on December 11, 2024, that the media released far more information on Mr. Mangione than “redactors” wanted anyone to know about Thomas Matthew Crooks:  “Within hours of his apprehension in Pennsylvania in connection with the cold-blooded murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, scads of information rolled out about the life and times of suspect Luigi Mangione, the 26-year-old man who has been accused of the killing, and in a very short period of time, the Internet being a fast medium.

“We’ve seen pictures of his family, and heard their statements of shock and regret at the news. We learned he grew up wealthy, the son of the owner of two resorts near Baltimore. We learned he once worked in a nursing home owned by his family.  We learned where he went to school, even high school where he was a valedictorian, and that he was quite accomplished in the difficult subjects of computer science and engineering at an Ivy League university.

“We’ve heard from his friends, who say he was normal and outgoing, with some even seeing leadership qualities in him.  We learned he was athletic and outdoorsy, enjoying hiking and surfing. We learned he was well-traveled, living as a digital nomad in Hawaii, traveling to Japan, living in San Francisco, as well as Pennsylvania and Maryland in his life earlier.

“We learned about his online presence through his many social media accounts, posting pictures of his rippled physique, liking the Unabomber, disliking Jordan Peterson, getting into deep philosophical discussions with others.

“We learned about his surfing accident which led to back surgery, leaving him with four pins in his back, apparent pictures of which he posted on his social media bannerheads. We even learned that, according to a friend, that the surgery made it too painful for him to have sexual relations ever again, which he resented.”

Many compare that complete coverage with the “redaction” of coverage on Thomas Matthew Crooks reported in the rest of Monica Showalter’s incredibly perceptive American Thinker article:  “It’s in striking contrast to the last high-profile killer who came to our attention last July, Thomas Crooks, another young man with a similar background who got his name in the news for attempting to kill President Trump amid a sea of Secret Service incompetence, but did manage to murder an innocent firefighter who was nearby, and injure two others in addition to President Trump, before he was shot dead by a cop. His age was similar, his engineering background was similar, his working in a nursing home was similar.”

But we hear nothing of the level of information Mangione got,  little about his political motivations, which political party he identified with, what his political views were, who his friends were, nothing about his very strange family who threw away their silverware to prevent police from finding it in a home search after the killing and attempted assassination, nothing about the strange associated classmates who could have been involved in the attack.

“We know nothing about the strange ad he made for Blackrock, or the 18 burner phones in his backpack. We don’t know who he was talking to on the phone, seen in a video, before he launched into his assassination bid. If he had a manifesto, we haven’t seen it. And his social media accounts were quickly scrubbed and shut down.

“. . . Where are the classmates who knew him? Why is his family so silent? Why has his social media presence been suppressed?”

Butler County residents are not the only people smart enough to see the vast difference in reporting that was allowed to appear about assassins they like and those they don’t.

9.  Yesterday, December 11, 2024, Chris Wray resigned from the FBI. Many “mere citizens” are asking Two Intelligent Questions:  1.  Was Mr. Wray’s resignation caused by the wonderful Investigative Report that Butler County’s Congressman Mike Kelly and his investigating team made?  2.  Had they shared facts with Mr. Wray that they did not make public but could?  Many conclude:  “Since truth prevailed ‘behind the scenes’, we can thank Mike Kelly, a shining star in ‘The Butler Novel’!”

10:  On 12/12/24, Gateway Pundit let us know Something Very Interesting about the marksmanship ability of one Secret Service Member:  “According to Jesse Watters, citing Trump Assassination Task Force’s report, a Secret Service agent confronted would-be assassin Ryan Routh, who was hiding in the bushes outside Trump’s golf course.  Incredibly, the agent, standing just five feet away, fired not once but six times—and missed every single shot. Six shots, all missed.” 

We who are “mere citizens” ask two questions:  1.  “Was the agent told to miss?”  2.  “Is it possible to find better proof of Government hiring based on preference for the utterly unqualified?”

11.  After Elon Musk wanted to know:  “What about that guy in Butler?” at a CPAC meeting on Feb 20, 2025, The New York Post replied with an article (Feb. 27, 2025) that included what his former High School Guidance Counselor said: “I believe evil exists in the world and the devil caused him to snap. Something got into his brain and controlled it. The devil fed on him and got him, hook, line, and sinker.” 

Another investigator said:  “We don’t think he acted alone,” Doug Hagmann told The Post. “This took a lot of coordination. In my view, Crooks was handled by more than one individual and he was used for this [assassination attempt]. And I wouldn’t preclude the possibility that there were people at the rally itself helping him.”

That, of course, is another way of saying that he was seduced into a deadly sin.  No one seems anxious to explore that possibility.

Why are we “mere citizens” more concerned as we learn more facts kept from us by Compliant Media?

When “mere citizens” do something wrong, our names and mistakes are made known by newspapers and other media.  That “Higher Standard” encourages “mere citizens” to avoid making mistakes that cause us to be publicly embarrassed.

Those in some government services know their names will not be made public.  That “immunity from public accountability” is a Lower Standard”When we ask: “What kind of people demand that truth be hidden by anonymity?”, we see The Sad Answer:  “Those who demand that mistakes be hidden behind anonymity believe they are above God’s Commandment:  ‘You shall not bear false witness.’


A Lesson Learned:

Butler County Commissioner Leslie Osche brilliantly described what Federal Agencies seem to be focused on:  “And I am waiting for the results of an investigation by qualified institutions instead of endless finger-pointing.”
Thank you, Leslie Osche!  We are grateful to you for summing up the thoughts that reflect what millions of mere citizens are praying for in one, incredibly intelligent sentence!  “And I am waiting for the results of an investigation by qualified institutions instead of endless finger-pointing.”

Since “endless finger-pointing” never ends for those avoiding blame,  may we all be blessed to focus on making The Unofficial Report for Mere Citizens as accurately fact-filled as possible, obeying The Legal Duty to provide what many doing the hardest work of their careers to avoid:

“The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth.”

We may now see updates about mistakes that have been openly discussed in an “Interim Report”:

The writers of the “Interim Report” have kindly avoided the word “incompetence” and questions about it being “willful” while making it clear that both must be considered.
As predicted in the suggested four-sentence “Official Government Report” above, those who made mistakes were largely, if not entirely, unnamed.


Afterword:  Lessons from History, Literature, and Religion:

History:  Most of us have learned enough History to know that Julius Caesar, one of the Greatest Roman Emperors, was assassinated by an armed gang of jealous, power-seeking rivals.  They were led by Brutus, who pretended to be Caesar’s friend and had been greatly helped by him, just as Donald Trump had put Christopher Wray, who did nothing meaningful to stop Trump’s attempted assassin, in charge of the FBI.

Julius Caesar’s chosen heir and successor, Augustus, was blessed to win wars of rebellion led by Brutus and other murderers of Caesar when they tried to seize The Roman Empire with Legions under their command.
Augustus won those wars.  Then, his Intelligence Agencies found and “permanently redacted” all who helped in the assassination of Julius Caesar.
History’s Lesson:  “Redaction” may occur in “The Redaction of Redactors”.
History’s Better Lesson:  “Forgiveness is better than such “redaction” because it provides time for soul-saving “repentance and redemption” for even those who let themselves be overwhelmed by the usual demon-driven lust for earthly power.

Literature:  Dante is one of the most widely-read authors in History.  His “Divine Comedy” tells us that the souls of all who unrepentantly participate in “Complex Frauds” for personal gain must spend eternity in the lowest six Circles of “The Inferno”.
After a lifetime of praying for “wisdom and understanding”, Dante realized the immortal soul of the assassin, Brutus, is in the lowest circle of “The Inferno”.  He forever suffers the greatest pain in Creation, along with Judas Iscariot, the equally treasonous “friend” of Jesus who tried to “redact” He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies for Speaking His Church-Creating Word to the first Catholic Pope:  “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Religion:  Interestingly, Dante’s Inferno puts Mohammed with Brutus and Judas in the lowest place in hell, symbolizing a “reverse trinity”.  Like the first to be led to America by Believers in “More for Me”, their followers continue to exterminate or enslave as many “God and neighbor-loving people” as they can. Often, their invasions are made to seem “rightful and peaceful”, but they are allowed and encouraged by those who are also too self-centered to do more than plunder and destroy those who strive to obey “Love God and your neighbors as yourself.”
“The Butler Novel” lets us learn from Dante that no one should worry more about having their immortal souls ‘redacted from Heaven’ than those who unrepentantly ‘redact truths’ on Earth that lead to death and destruction.

Believers ask The Most Important Questions of All:

Many Readers of “The Butler Novel” believe in The Bible. We ask four questions that “redactors” hate for anyone to ask:
1. “Had young Mr. Thomas Matthew (the names of two of the 12 Disciples) Crooks been Baptized in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit?”
2. If so, did falling into sin confuse the tiny thought-photons in his mind as he was led to reject any requests to God for Guidance?
3. If he was not Baptized, will his parents ask God to forgive them for not doing that or have him learn that “Thou shall not kill.” is a Word of God that His people obey?”
4. “Should Believers pray that all who willfully choose to break The 8th Commandment, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” will seek forgiveness for their sins as humbly as they proudly committed them?”
The answer to Question 4 is “Yes.”

St. Faustina offers miraculous hope for even ‘willful redactors of truth’ when she tells us:  “Jesus loves to save the souls of those who repent the greatest sins.” Some of us ask: “Did Thomas Matthew Crooks have time to say “I’m sorry!” between the time he saw the flash of light from the end of the counter-sniper’s rifle barrel in the fraction of a second before the bullet reached his brain?

Chapter 2: The History of Public Education from Babylon to Sparta to England to Butler County, USA.

Babylon, once the biggest, most prosperous City in the World, is now an empty nothing.

The many breasts of the goddess Artemis symbolized Government Departments at which Babylon’s worshipers of The State could be fed. When Babylon fell, the goddess resurfaced in Sparta. She soon obliderated the most powerful City-State in ancient Greece. Then, Artemis moved West to England, another country she also led to ruin. Now, Artemis is worshiped here! The ancient connection is clear in The Butler Novel’s 210 year History of Public Education in Butler County and all of America.

Chapter 2 begins in Ancient Babylon, when Public Education was one or more of the many State-Provided “breasts” from which only obedient Babylonians could be “fed”. Babylon was destroyed when Cyrus and his Persians, whom God blessed with a greater love of God, freedom, and families, were empowered to capture the city.

New Babylonian Profiteers of Public Education resurfaced in Sparta.  There, they led Spartan Kings to replace Mothers and Fathers as teachers of their children. Sparta’s “Public Educators” took Spartan boys from their homes when they were six years old and forced them into decades of “Public Education” in the brutalizing horrors of Spartan Military Barracks. While sins of Athens left that city often defeated by enemies, the moral values of “Artemesian Public Educators” in Sparta turned that once powerful City-State into barren ruins like Babylon in a few hundred years.

2,000 years after destroying Sparta, Public Education Profiteers of Artemis moved West to Great Britain. There, they turned their attention to getting rid of Catholics and their Family-Supporting Catholic Schools and Universities. They were replaced with educational facilities like Sparta’s, under Total Government Control.

By the early 1600s, Babylon’s “Episcopalian Tribe” in Great Britain had run out of Catholic land to steal in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. And, they had few Catholics left to kill, rob, and imprison. Children were forced into new, Government-approved schools that would not be guided by The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

England’s Episcopalians knew they must protect themselves from being destroyed the same way their founders had looted Catholics and The Church of over 20,000,000 acres of lands and buildings as monasteries and convents like “Downton Abbey” were turned into vast mansions and estates by those who wanted worldly riches more than “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus died to leave His Church on earth.

Their “Episcopalian Protection Plan” was simple: “Our people will grow ever-angrier because we no longer allow them to spend their lives honoring God in Catholic Churches, Schools, Monasteries, and Convents. We will get rid of Indians in America and use those empty lands to send ever-unhappier people who will otherwise be mobilized against us they realize the Church farmlands, mines, workshops, and accommodations for the poor are no longer there!   We must get rid of those who want to take our property as much as we wanted to take what the Catholics had!”

“Chiefs of The Episcopalian Tribe in America”, the Colonial Governors, began exterminating Indians they could not evict and seized Tribal Areas. Land Speculators used surveyors to claim title to huge tracts of Indian land along the Atlantic coast in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and other states for pennies an acre. In Pennsylvania, William Penn cheated a large part of the State from Indians unable to read or understand the Treaty they signed for a few trunks of Trade Goods produced cheaply by England’s increasingly efficient factories. A new generation of Land Speculators sold that land to settlers for a few hundred times more.

The Virginia Land Company, an early employer of George Washington, was one such group of Land-Grabbing Profiteers.  In 1753, they sent him to negotiate with French Catholics at Fort LeBuef, north of Butler County.  He was to tell the French forces to “Stop building Forts!  Get out of here!  Your Catholic priests and religious are giving Indian Tribes reasons and places to unite and stop us from stealing their land!”
George Washington personally owned over 20,000 acres (as much land as in Butler County’s vast wasteland of Moraine State Park that could be providing 5,000 families with homes on their private 3-acre estates), around the appropriately named ‘Washington County’ South of Pittsburgh that added to his 5 or 10 miles of Ohio River frontage.

Eventually, he would own the largest Whiskey Distillery in The United States, near Mt. Vernon.  Between 1791-4, he sent Federal troops to areas around Butler County to stop the families of our ancestors from making whiskey and sending it East to compete with his distillery’s output in The Whiskey Rebellion.  At current land values of $4,000.00/acre, and more for mineral rights, Washington was worth billions of dollars!  Thomas Jefferson, another billionaire land-owner, employed surveyors to find and obtain for more land for him as far West as Ohio.

England’s billionaires realized:  “Some Americans are getting too rich!  We need to take control of making Treaties with Indian Tribes and get that land for us!”

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were two early versions of Donald Trump and Elon Musk.  They realized that Babylon’s Episcopalian Billionaires were plotting to seize their ability to make the ‘billions’ that they wanted.

Catholics are not so blinded by patriotism that we cannot see that England’s seizure of Treaty-making Power threatened every American Freedom.  That was the real cause of The American Revolution, letting Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and every family and freedom-loving person from Maine to Georgia realize the only way to be free from the greed of English/Babylonian haters of God and their family was The American Revolution.

Those “Founding Fathers” encouraged all the brighter people in the colonies to revolt when England’s insatiable government looters imposed new taxes, even on tea, upon all Americans. Most of those Americans were nearly all intelligent enough to understand:  “We came here to get away from Tax-Addicted Parasites! Only a Revolution will let us stay free!”

God’s Freedom-Loving People won their war against the Tax-Addicted Parasites (A new acronym: “TAP”?) of Artemis, Babylon, Sparta, and Britain.  The newly United States took over much of North America between The Mississippi River and the Atlantic Coast.

History repeated itself! Once again, well-connected Land Speculators ended up with legal title to vast territories between The Appalachian Mountains and The Mississippi River. Enough land for an entire farm was available in every County in the New States of The New Country for two or three hundred dollars.


Finally! “Family-Centered Public Education” began:

The best parents among The Pioneer Tribes in Butler, and every County, knew: “We need schools! Our children must learn how to read The Bible, respect God, pray, write clearly, know History, behave themselves, and learn enough Arithmetic to calculate costs correctly.”

“Family-centered Public Education” began when Fathers and Grandfathers built simple, log school buildings. That process became easier when sawmills let them replace heavy logs with a few wagonloads of wooden studs, clapboard, and oak shingles.
While some built the buildings, others made tables, benches, and a small podium. Others dug pits and built outdoor toilets for “Boys” and “Girls” in an age so uncorrupted by Public Education’s later leaders that people could think intelligently enough to appreciate the difference between the two.
Mothers and Grandmothers provided food. A few people would bring a jug or two of homemade whiskey to “lubricate” the process.
In a few weekends, they finished what could have been done in one, without the “lubrication”.  What was the cost to build an entire school with one room large enough to hold four or five rows of tables or desks where four or five grades learned Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and History? A few hundred dollars, mostly for windows, hinges, blackboards, screws, bolts, nails, a wood-burning stove for heating, and a stovepipe. The twenty-five students in an average school had a “building cost per student” of $20-$30.00.

Leap forward 210 years! A recent Bond Issue for $20,000,000.00 currently has to be repaid, with another $20,000,000.00 in interest, by families in a typical Butler County School District. Part of the high cost was justified because a typical School Board agreed with the architects, many of whom are among the Public Education Profiteers (A new acronym, “PEP”?).  Architects, who are often paid 7% of all building costs, realized they could make far more money if basic repairs could be extended.  They convinced many Board Members that “Students need ‘an outdoor dining experience’ when eating lunch in their remodeled cafeteria.”  Does a person who votes for such self-serving nonsense engrave the word “less” following every description of their “care”?

May Public School Boards think about this:  Go back 210 years, before PEPs came into being.  In Family-Centered Public Education teachers were chosen because they knew how to read, write, and speak intelligently. They often boarded at someone’s house and found other work during the summer months, often wooing the most prosperous man or woman available. Usually, the ‘top graduate’ of every one-room  Family-centered Public School was chosen to become the next teacher. Families did not have to waste money hiring anyone else.

Original Costs of “Family-Centered Public Education”:

“In Worth Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, a typical school was established in 1810 or 1811 in a log house on the old Pisor farm . . . 25 children attended at a yearly cost to families of $6.00 per pupil. The teacher‘s salary for teaching several grades at once was $150.00/year.”

That “news”, beautifully reported by The Butler Eagle, is over 210 years old, describing The Blessed Time when Public Education was effective, inexpensive, and “Family-centered”.
Those schools had no “Principal”. There were no “Superintendents”. There were no expensive “Expert Educators” whose combined efforts would soon make more children more illiterate than ever. There were no “Office Staffs”.  Huge Public University Departments of Enlightened Educators were not draining taxpayers to subsidize one wasteful ridiculousness after another. No State Educational Bureaucracies were supported by money taken from Families. In Family-Centered Public Education, such expenditures were utterly unnecessary for nearly a hundred years.

Who ran things?  Concerned parents made the few decisions necessary, often when they met at a local store, front porch, living room, kitchen table, tavern, or Church. People in every “School District” were expected to have a “Real Job”. The New Nation thrived because all people were expected to do useful work.

Understanding cost increases in Public Education:

Two hundred years of “Progress” has hurt every Family in Pennsylvania! The cost-per-pupil in our Babylonian-Pennsylvanian Public Schools has gone from $6.00/year to over $22,000.00. Read that sentence, again!  Many teachers now retire with 80% of their $80-100,000/year salaries, the final years of which are often “boosted” by taking on work as “coaches” and similar positions. Lifetime pensions for the 30 or more years remaining to them and spouses after retirement provide $100,000/year for many who “rest on the laurels of Public Education”.

Facts are clear:

200 years ago, an ounce of gold cost $20.00. Today, gold costs 150 times more, $3,000.00 dollars an ounce.
If spending on Public Education followed inflation as the price of gold did, one year of tuition today would cost 150 times $6.00, or $900.00 per student per year.  The teacher salaries would have risen from $150.00/year to $22,500.00.
In 210 years, salaries for Pennsylvania Teachers have gone from $150.00 per year to an average of over $75,000.00, more than tripling gold’s inflation rate.  The huge cost increases of Public Education have been crippling American Families for the last 100 years!

Many costs are imposed from the outside.  On January 13, 2025, the caring people on our Butler County School Board were forced to spend $134.39 a day bringing 3 students from a nearby district to and from our schools.  Multiplied by the required 180 days means that $24,189.30 a year is taken from our families;  the salaries of 161 teachers only 210 years ago!

Still, Public Educators agree: “I need more!” And, they do. Many of them have second homes in retirement and vacation areas. They need money from our families to pay their Property Taxes for two School Districts.

One Proven Alternative:

Many Public Education Profiteers have disliked The Catholic Church since Catholic Schools began providing education at “Family-affordable” rates.

This Picture is a Catholic Miracle:  one of many, many Catholic Sisters who educated 37 students in thousands of 1960s classrooms at a “teacher-cost” of $100.00 dollars per student.


Understanding cost increases in Public Education:

Two hundred years of “Progress” has hurt every Family in Pennsylvania!  Many teachers now retire with 80% of their $80-100,000/year salaries, the final years of which are often “boosted” by taking on work as “coaches” and similar positions. Lifetime pensions for the 30 or more years remaining to them and spouses after retirement provide $100,000/year for many who “rest on the laurels of Public Education”.

Facts are clear:

The lifetime cost to taxpayers for each teacher can reach into the millions.  In exchange, they often show up for six hours a day, four or five days a week, 180 days a year, and are encouraged to appear to be “teaching something” for several hours. The only thing many regret is that some paid vacation days are still named in honor of Christian Religious Holidays, like “Thanksgiving” and “Christmas”. They still congratulate themselves for changing the name of “Easter” to “Spring Break”.
This “news” is also ignored by those lacking concern for the future and awareness of the past: Today’s students are unable to read, write, spell, pray, do arithmetic, behave as well, or learn as much about History as those whose families paid $6.00/year (.69 cents a month!) in tuition to pay their teacher $150.00 a year, only 210 years ago!

200 years ago, Mothers were busy!  They had to spend every daylight hour growing, storing, and preparing their families’ food.  They made their own soap!   Some wove their own cloth.  There were not enough hours in the day to teach their children more than how to do those things.  Now, there are mass-produced items at low cost.  Electricity lets us read and write at night.  Most Mothers have access to computers and the time to love helping their children learn.

Why does Public Education cost so much and teach so little?

We must understand that many School Board members are thoughtful, caring people.  They are often mandated by State and Federal Legislators to support programs that benefit donors to their campaigns for elected office.  That, in one sentence, sums up most problems in Democracies.

That problem can only be solved with families having input into the nomination process, something that every Tax-Addicted Parasite wants to keep from happening!

Still, some people elected to Legislatures and School Boards are honest enough to explain why they hurt so many families:

First: “Many of us are nominated and elected because we will reliably vote to increase funds flowing to  families, friends, and Important Donors Who Profit from our decisions. Their contributions make our election almost automatic in low-turnout elections.”

Second: “Voters whose livelihoods are dependent on friendly Legislators, from janitors, cafeteria staff, bus drivers, and teaching assistants to architects, builders, labor union leaders, contractors, banks, financial institutions, transportation providers, food and equipment suppliers, volunteers, relatives of the above, and every person who seeks their approval comes out to vote for us to show how ‘concerned’ they are.”  Many voters do not bother to vote because truly neighbor-loving people, like you are if you read this far, are rarely on the ballot!

Third: “In most Districts, many Legislators, Township Supervisors, Borough Managers, and School Board Members are related to, or are personal friends of, those receiving money from, Public Education. Most focus on helping families, friends, and donors while proving the illusion:  “I care about you!”

Fourth:  In some districts, it is clear:  “If I vote for The Budget often enough, I can get someone a job in Public Education!  People are nice to me. I like that!” (Over 90% of employees hired in one nearby district are said to be related to School Board members for the past several decades.)

Fifth: “To keep favoritism from being too obvious, some Superintendents may make deals to hire friends and relatives recommended by Superintendents in other Districts.”

Sixth: “We do not want students to learn enough to see that we avoid teaching them skills and behaviors that will help them have and raise families. Having mothers at home instead of working would threaten incomes, and that would be a crime!”

Seventh: “We have made most media into gutless cowards afraid to share such facts! Our incomes are safe.”


Support Personnel: Hiding from Truth

Public Education has many employees known as “Guidance Counselors”.
There are many behavior problems. Few “Guidance Counselors” in Public Education “guide” with the honest “counsel” of These Simple Truths:

1. Most discipline problems are caused by children from families so impoverished by Public School Property Taxes that it is hard for them to pay rising rent, mortgage, utility, food, medical, and insurance costs because relentlessly increasing Property Taxes, passed on to many in the form of rent increases, leave them even less money.   Marriages are weakened and often broken, by financial stress caused by relentless tax increases from the often heartless Public Education Profiteers.

2. As increasing financial distress destroys more families, fewer children than ever have close, loving, daily support from Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles, In-laws, and Grandparents.

3. Less loving care from families causes many children to become hostile about life. Many, especially the smarter young boys, are drugged into a zombie-like state by school-supplied drugs from Medical Profiteers.  They are skilled at getting funds legislated to Public Education so their drugs may be profitably purchased.  Drugged children are vulnerable to committing crimes to satisfy addictions from less legal but equally immoral “pushers” when they leave school, their lives often headed for unhappy ends.

4. No Guidance Counselor ever explains this meaningful “guidance” to confused, unhappy children: “Most of your problems are not your fault.  If we Public Educators stopped taking so much money from your family, you would all be happier and better-adjusted.”

5. No Public School “Guidance Counselors” will ever admit, even to each other: “If high property taxes inflicted on families by PEP (Public Education Profiteers) did not force so many Mothers to work, their families and children would benefit.”

6. Honesty is one of the few causes of job loss in Public Education.

7.  Their ideal ratio of Public School Teachers to Students is reached when every Teacher has the fewest students and an “assistant”.

8.  Public Education Profiteers are desperate to keep families from knowing the damage they are doing by forcibly approving COVID-19 vaccines, critical race theories, and sexual behaviors that distract children from focusing on families and their futures.  PEP donates to campaigns for Judicial and Legislative Officials who will obediently keep concerned parents from Freedom of Information.

Government School Libraries and Librarians:

1. Nearly all Government Schools have libraries. Many books are never read!
They all have costly card catalogs that are rarely opened, except for an occasional assignment justifying the need for otherwise unopened books in unvisited libraries.
Books provided by School Libraries are sold with huge profit margins by publishers who profit from what smarter parents know: “Most School Library Books are written, published, and provided to keep people from knowing more than Public Educators want them to know about anything. But the profits are good!”  The magazines in School Libraries are no better.
2. The nearly universal pretense of School Libraries becomes more flagrantly evident when we realize that children in many districts are intentionally not taught how to read well enough to enjoy reading the books in them.
3. Illiteracy increases with every Important New Theory that replaces the simple “Phonics” that taught previous generations to read far better than some Public Education’s Profiteers want children to be able to read, today.  The worst Profiteers of Public Education are proud of disappearing Reading Abilities, one of their few measurable accomplishments.

The Most Rejected Books in School Libraries?

4. Few, if any, school libraries or classrooms have allowed books in recent decades that have provided encouragement and guidance to help students marry and have children because marriage and children keep many Mothers from working full-time at tax-paying jobs. It is hard to find any recently purchased Public School Library or Classroom books that encourage the blessings of chastity, fidelity in marriage, the joys of having children, or believing The Bible’s Teaching to “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.” Some in Public Education prefer only books that praise pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth.

Personal experiences from a former Public School Librarian in inner-city schools:

One day, an unhappy child with behavior problems pulled out a drawer full of library cards, removed the rod, and dumped the contents on the ground. The cards were put back into the drawer in random order. No one ever noticed. Expensive card catalogs in tens of thousands of Public School Libraries have become centuries of wasted effort.

Another time, frustrated by the student’s inability to read, a Librarian decided: “The huge number of different sizes and colors of books, each with a Dewey Decimal Number on the back, may be overwhelming to the children.” So, he arranged many shelves of books by size and color. “Big Yellow Books” were shelved next to “Big Green Books”, and so on through the spectrum.  That was duplicated with medium-sized and small books.
Then, his library was used for A District Administrator Meeting! The Librarian watched from his nearby office, with some apprehension, as several High-Ranking Educators, nearly all with at least one PhD Degree, walked around the library and noticed how the books were shelved.
The “not-so good doctors” nodded approvingly. “That,” the librarian realized, “is Public Education.”

Does Butler County, or any County, need as much Public Education?

Computers have become powerful and inexpensive enough to teach skills and gather facts from databases.  Entire libraries and curricula are literally “at our fingertips”.  Today, many teachers are the equivalent of slow-moving horses pulling small plows. In The Computer Age, children whose Mothers are home can learn far more on their computers instead of wasting an hour or so a day being bused to increasingly more distant schools as declining populations close once-nearby buildings before wasting time on required uselessness between helpful lessons until they waste more time being bused home.

Family-centered Schools could have, for instance, “soccer rules” that did not mandate inflicting permanent brain damage on millions of children by forcing them to head soccer balls and suffer countless mini-concussions that inevitably cause cumulative brain damage that lowers the IQs of every “ball-heading child” so that many grow up with a diminished mental capacity that keeps them from understanding what Public Education has done to the trillions of cells and delicate connections in what is “the most complicated thing in Creation”;  their human brain.  (Is that simple sentence in “The Butler Novel” meaningfully comprehensible to minds damaged by too many soccer balls?”)

Public School “science labs”, some sports (not brain-damaging soccer!), and other activities to help students learn to work well with others may be made available on Saturdays and other times.  Legally protected “Young Apprentice Programs” could be provided by local businesses.

When classrooms are necessary, ever-emptier Sunday School classrooms built for once-crowded Churches could be inexpensively provided by Church Pastors not paralyzed by fear of losing donations from Church-going Profiteers of Public Education in their Church.  (Keeping pastors obediently “pro-public education” is why many such people go to Church!  Fear of alienating donors keeps many pastors from criticizing the main reason for their shrinking Sunday Schools.)

For a few days a week and on Saturdays, Catholic or Protestant Church facilities could help more students the low cost of slightly higher utility bills. All could have better educations by combining “at home” with “classroom learning”, to the benefit of all.

Family-centered Schools will stop many kinds of Bullying:

Public Education is funded by “bullying” homeowners:  “It does not matter if we do not teach your children well.  No matter how high your property taxes get, if you do not pay them, we will take your home and sell it.”

Other “bullying” is directed at students.  Today, many elementary classroom teachers are rated on their ability to get elementary and other students to “donate” to “classroom charities” that Make Families Poorer.  Helpless children are threatened with “disapproval” and denied “approval” if they do not donate ten or twenty dollars, often an hour’s take-home pay for young parents, from their struggling families for the latest “classroom cause”.  Teachers are “rated” by Principals, (and Principals by Superintendents?), to identify and praise teachers who take the most from families.  That sort of thing should be “outlawed”, but few School Board Members are alert to the damage done to young, struggling families by that sort of Bullying.

A typical example:  Public Education’s drive to “Make Parents Poorer” sometimes includes forcing young elementary students’ parents to buy costumes for various “Dress-up Occasions”. “Next week, all of you have to wear a ‘Grinch’ costume!”  Or, they may have to have a “Halloween Costume”, or dress up as “Greek Gods and Goddesses”.  Again, struggling young families are bullied into paying for such nonsense on top of their living expenses and obscenely high property taxes.

Many children and families are plundered by companies who provide things like “Boosterthons” to take more money from families.  “Booster Product Sales” offers discount cards, food, custom gear, clothing, catalog sales, and more! This embarrasses the many children whose families cannot afford to buy what they can live happily without.  Embarrassing children from young, struggling families is a vicious and reprehensible form of “Bullying”.

When children see that sort of “bullying for money and praise” is tolerated and encouraged, some begin to “bully” the weakest among them.   Some teachers and principals may encourage bullies to get back at students or families they dislike.  Children take years to recover from stress, self-doubt, and self-esteem lost from being bullied.  It is a tragedy that student suicide, a leading cause of young people’s death, is sometimes the result.

Only the best and most caring school boards will fire a teacher or administrator for allowing “bullying”.  It is interesting that such “bullies” have attorneys skilled at “bullying” School Boards who dare to protect their students from such people with lawsuits.

Few people on earth suffer more than a child targeted for bullying on a school bus, who may be tormented for an hour to and from school with no way of escape.

A Magic Answer!  Many families would be helped by realizing one, simple thing:

200 years ago, Mothers were busy!  They had to spend every daylight hour growing, storing, and preparing their families’ food.  They made their own soap!   Some wove their own clothes from wool, cotton, and linen.  There were not enough hours in the day to teach their children more than how to do those things.  Now, there are mass-produced items at low cost.

Electricity lets us read and write at night.  Most Mothers have access to computers and the time to love helping their children learn.

“Give every parent a few thousand dollars and/or Property Tax Credits (including portions of rent their landlords use to pay those taxes) every semester for every child in their own “Family-centered School” if they pass tests that show their child has reading, writing, arithmetic skills, and historical knowledge superior to same-grade students in Public Schools.”

Parents of students who did better may receive larger percentages of that payment.

That sort of Family-centered School would bring our focus back to our families. Families would be focused on themselves. Families would no longer suffer the abuse of being enslaved to pay property taxes to provide Public Education Profiteers with outlandishly high wages.  Families would not be insulted, weakened, and often destroyed, by those who turn them into wage-slaves.

But, “families” are the “unspoken enemies” of the worst Public Educators who want to replace them the same way Public Education Profiteers in Babylon, Sparta, and England replaced families before their countries were destroyed by more “Family-Friendly Nations”.

There is no “” to represent families by identifying and endorsing “family-friendly” candidates for every Public Office.  We need to find and elect candidates who love families more than the donors who use every issue as an excuse to get legislators to use law-making power to take money from families and give it to the donors who pay for their elections.

Three interesting questions and answers:

Question 1: “Should we feel sorry for those who may lose Public Education jobs if we can use better,  far less expensive alternatives, to Public Education?”

Answer: “We should feel sorrier for them than they felt for several thousand Butler County Families who lost their incomes when Pullman and Armco closed.  During that tragedy, not one group of Public Education Profiteers suggested reducing spending and property taxes to help families.

Remember:  One reason those manufacturers left Butler County (and every County!) was the high Property Tax levied on them to support a Public Education Establishment whose salaries had more than doubled inflation increases at the time!

Every lost manufacturing job eliminates two or three other jobs in every community.  Public Education Profiteers are more hurtful than many of us realize.  None of them want to consider that sad reality.

Question 2: “Are Public Education Profiteers able to be as adaptable as farmers as when one-tenth, one-half, and over ninety percent of farmers were replaced by ever smaller numbers of farmers with bigger tractors and farming implements over the past 110 years?”

Answer: “Many Public Education Profiteers believe that ‘he’, ‘she’, or whatever word the most enlightened among them may now use to describe themselves, is smarter and more capable than any farmer who ever lived.”

Question #3:  “Has Public Education been hurt because State and Federal Legislators use Public Education as a “dumping ground” for every problem that arises?”

Answer:  “Yes!  This is a big part of the problem.  School Board Agendas and Budgets are filled with mandated expenses because concerned families are kept out of the Nomination Phase of the Electoral Process by Party Establishments controlled by those driven to elect those who help their wealthy donors sink further into gluttony.

That is another reason to consider something like the   It does not have to be an actual Political Party.  We do not want to make ourselves susceptible to the temptations that have rotted so many Parties in the past 250 years as wealthy donors corrupt generation after generation of idealists.  We only need to identify the most “family-friendly” candidate in every Primary and General Election. Then, we only have to get off our butts and vote!

We should not work hard for candidates not identified as “family-friendly”.  After some “family-hurters” lose close elections, we will end up with more Elected Officials who are “family-friendly”.


Hope for saving College Students hundreds of thousands of dollars in College Debt:

This proposal was recently made by the new President’s education policy #47: Free, online institutions could be funded by taxes on the hundreds of billions of dollars piling up in university endowments, the interest on which could pay most of their students’ tuitions, to pay for college degrees and provide college credits to those who need them.

Different variations of this Plan would allow college students to enroll in institutions that would provide degrees and studies helping those who want to do useful things to make a living.


What can help our families grow and prosper and allow future generations to enjoy God’s Creation for generations to come?

YOU! If you encourage people with good, family-friendly values to run for YOUR Legislative Offices and local School Board, the most egregious Profiteers of Public Education can be brought under some control.

Isn’t that a lot of work?

No! School Board and Legislative Hearings are often a parade of Approved Grabbers with legal mandates that convince taxing authorities to take money from families and give it to them because we are forced to obey The Law.  All YOU have to do is go to The Meetings when Budgets are approved or disapproved. If a Budget does not contain 10% tax and spending reductions as a start, vote “No” and go home.

A few hours a month with people voting “No.” helps to replace Tax-addicts with “Family-Friendly” alternatives.

We must understand that many people on School Boards are thoughtful and caring.  Sadly, they are often forced by Legislators to support laws written to benefit donors to their campaigns.  That, in one sentence, sums up most problems in Public Education.  And, in every Democracy.

That problem can only be solved with families having input into the nomination process, something that every Tax-Addicted Parasite tries to stop!


Should all Family-supporting Public Officials help get Family-Centered School Boards?

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida recognized that Public Education Profiteers had taken over many School Districts and were hurting families with needlessly high taxes.  Unlike other Governors, he did something to help families!

The Daily Business Review reports:

“Gov. Ron DeSantis took the unusual step this year of campaigning for county school board candidates and saw most of them win Tuesday night, as the governor and local Republicans seek to elect conservative members to the boards and, at least in some cases, create conservative majorities.

In the run-up to Tuesday’s primary elections, DeSantis released a slate of 30 endorsements of what he called ‘pro-parent’ candidates for school boards. Nineteen of those candidates won races outright on Tuesday, and six advanced to the November general election. DeSantis campaign spokeswoman Lindsey Curnutte said the campaign is counting the results as 25 wins.”

May all of us begin to ask every candidate for Legislative Office this simple question:  “Will you be like Governor DeSantis and stand up for families, or will you be another heartless puppet of Legislators whose elections are supported by donations from Family Destroying Profiteers?”

Will we be blessed with a meaningful “” in our areas?


May all be blessed to see the sad fact that Public Education hurts more than children:

In December 2024, The Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus told us how much more damage many Public Education Profiteers want to do to vulnerable children desperate for approval:

“The administration at Shaler Area School District, near Pittsburgh, is giving area parents every reason to question their leadership, and a conceivable path to a lawsuit(s). A recent questionnaire form obtained through a Right to Know Request from a concerned parent gives school counselors the ability to conspire with minors about transitioning their gender, without parental consent or notification. The ‘Gender Support Plan’ document that was turned over from the request lists fields for “sex at birth,” “student’s identified gender,” and “pronouns.”

The lives, minds, bodies, futures, and souls of confused, young boys and girls are at risk.  Does anyone in Public Education have the courage to stand up for children by guaranteeing parents “The Right to Know” what some Public Education Profiteers are doing to their children?

In Every Legislative District,  Families need to:  “Come Alive!

May we be blessed to use our internet skills and connections to “Come Alive!” and encourage the nomination of Family-Centered Legislators and Legislation at every level.   We need to elect lawmakers who meaningfully obey This Word of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies: “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”

What is the first step to “Come Alive!”?  Understanding the simple fact:  “My duty is to our families and our future, and not to those who tell lies to make us poorer.”

May God bless us to “Come Alive!” in every Legislative and School District with the courage, integrity, and love of our neighbors to vote “No.” to stop the Family-Destroying Gluttony that Babylon’s latest version of Public Education has become under the rule of “Tax-Addicted Profiteers” who began destroying Public Education over a hundred years ago.

A Consideration for School Board Candidates:

Many remember The Basic Truth we were told by Drill Sergeants when we went into the Military:  “You can’t polish a turd.”

As we consider that, we realize that being on a School Board may make problems worse by providing undeserved credibility to Public Education.  Some realize:  “There is no way to fix a system whose average salaries have gone from $150.00 a year to over $75,000.00, more than triple the rate of inflation.  I am not going embarrass myself by publicly polishing a turd.”

Those who make excuses for maintaining family-destroying excesses have another point of view:We can polish a turd, and we should spend our lives making families pay to do so.”

We remember the simple log cabin schools, built in a few weekends by concerned parents who paid $6.00 a year in tuition and realize The Simple Truth:  “Today, computers have made most of Public Education as unnecessary as electric lights made lantern makers.”


The Present Helps us understand The Future under the most hurtful law-makers:

The fires destroying entire California cities are in a State with Legislatures controlled by Gavin Newsome are showing what happens to families when Tax-Addicted Profiteers of Limited Mental Ability are allowed to rule:

Bureaucracies that get too big always collapse of their own weight.  Sometimes, that takes a few hours, as happened in January 2025 when Tax-Addicted Profiteers of Limited Mental Ability in California turned entire cities, churches, homes, stores, and schools into ashes in a few hours because they lacked the mental ability to protect helpless families by intelligently solving long-predicted problems by keeping reservoirs filled.  The greatest danger to families comes from being ruled by Tax-Addicted Profiteers of Limited Mental Ability.  They obliterated in hours what it took centuries for Babylon and Sparta’s Family Destroyers to do to cities in their nations.


Should people who work in Public Education be left without income?

No!  Many of them were led into the moral quicksand of Public Education after being led to sincerely believe they were doing something useful with their lives.   Many are.

Remember:   The best and most caring Public Educators and Administrators are victims of donor-serving Legislation that comes from donor-driven lawmakers whose laws do not always reflect respectful obedience to The Two Commandments from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies:  “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Many in Public Education help students.  Solutions to problems like this:

On January 13, 2025, the caring people on one Butler County School Board were forced to spend $134.39 a day to transport 3 students from a nearby district to and from our schools.  Multiplied by the required 180 days means that $24,189.30 a year is taken from our families; the salaries of 161 teachers only 210 years ago!

will be explored as Chapter 2 of The Butler Novel continues to be updated.


Chapter 3: Septic, Water, and Sewage Profiteers are destroying families.

Chapter 3: Save us from Government Looters!  Caring people do not approve of Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers who get rich by making families poorer.

We begin with a Prayer:

May God bless us to set an example of obeying The One Command that sums up many Bible Teachings in One Verse of Eight Words: “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.”

May “Loving our neighbor” let us see the sad fact:  our State is dying because fewer young people are marrying and having children.  Many areas of every State, including parts of our County, are facing population declines that may reach 20% in coming years.

May we see that when we were a Free, Family-Friendly Country, a young couple could buy a lot and provide a home for their family.  Regulatory barriers no longer allow simple wells and septic tanks that have worked well for centuries.  Needlessly high costs keep many young families from starting and growing.

May we realize: When we make life harder for young families, we do not have young families.  Public Schools now refuse to teach children to “Love God and your neighbor as yourself.”  More people than ever believe that demons of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth provide the most worthwhile goals in life.

May the “Family Wing” of Our Republican Party unite with the shrinking number of Democrats and Independents in their “Family Wings” to replace “Family-Hurting Interests” in our Government.

May The Family Wing of The Republican Party be blessed to stop making it difficult for young families to provide their own housing with simple wells and septic tanks that have worked well for over a century. 

May we be blessed to stop strangling our Private Sector with endless regulations that drive family-supporting manufacturing jobs overseas.

May the most important goal in our life be to love God and our neighbor enough to let our souls go to God’s Judgment and be forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  May we all be blessed to understand that obsessions about the “Separation of Church and State” are used to hurt our nation by keeping too many people from loving God and our neighbors as ourselves.”

May God bless us all to do His Neighbor-Loving Work on Earth.  Every day, we have less time before our soul goes to God’s Judgment.

May God save us from government looters.



The  imaginary  faces facts that Republican looters have avoided for fifty years:

There are 5.7 million homes in Pennsylvania. 26% of them (1,500,000) use septic tanks to dispose of wastewater. 2.5 people live in the average home.   3,600,000 Pennsylvanians depend on septic tanks.
Many of these systems have been used for a century with no cholera, malaria, or other diseases being caused.

Ignored Problem #1: “Septic System Profiteers” use exaggerated problems to force people to replace simple Septic Systems that used to cost a few thousand dollars with needlessly complicated alternatives that can cost upwards of $50,000.00!

3,600,000 Pennsylvanians live in fear of family-looting Sewage Enforcement Officers.  The State has given them the power to force families to replace entire septic systems that may only need a few thousand dollars of perforated plastic pipe, gravel, and topsoil (or a $1.00 bag of bacteria every month!) to be put in better working order.  Family-haters order families to put in family-crushing Septic Systems requiring another mortgage they may not be able to afford or get.

Ignored Problem #2: “Public Sewage Profiteers” are destroying families in many Townships and Counties because they force more people to be hooked up to their ever more costly sewage systems.  Population loss is destroying many urban and suburban areas as more people believe they can no longer afford to have children.  Amazingly, even some Public School teachers are smart enough to be concerned!  Our number of Congressional Representatives has dropped from 36 to 17 because Pennsylvanians have fewer children.

Ignored Problem #3: “The Dye Test” involves flushing brightly colored “dye” into the septic tank and seeing if it surfaces outside the tank. It almost always does because that’s how septic tanks have been working for over a hundred years!  Then, The Sewage Enforcement Officer (the dreaded SEO, some of whom are as heartless as jack-booted Gestapo agents), usually announces with hidden glee: “Your septic tank has failed ‘The Dye Test’!”  Then, a Septic Profiteer tells them: “You need a Sand Mound. It will only cost $35,000.00, if you are lucky!”

Ignored Problem #4:  Recently, an SEO asked the secretary of a local septic-pumping company to lunch. There, he is reported to have told her: “I will pay you $250.00 for every name and phone number of people with a septic problem.”

Ignored Problem #5: The Department of Environmental Protection is the “hired gun” used by Septic Profiteers. The dreaded DEP attacks Pennsylvania Families and Businesses with weapons of Septic Tank Rules based on making septic tank repairs as costly as possible to families.  No Pennsylvania Governors or Legislators have dared to reduce DEP funding or its power to destroy families.  Frankly, few Elected officials have the courage to criticize anything the DEP does, even those in Counties with projected 20% population losses in coming decades.  They are proudly presiding over the ruin of their own legislative Districts!

Ignored Problem #6: State and local officials are “friendly” toward those who give them donations.   Septic Tank Profiteers take full advantage of that. Their donations and marketing efforts have let the Department of Environmental Protection take control of the Inspection Process that allows Septic and Sewage Profiteers to take billions of dollars from millions of Pennsylvania Families.  A former Congressperson representing Butler County described them privately as: “Regulatory Racketeers”.

Ignored Problem #7:  “Every property or lot that has, or will need, a septic system, sells for less money because buyers are increasingly aware of the cost and time involved in replacing nearly sure-to-fail Septic Systems.

Ignored Problem #8:  It can take over a year for a family to get approval before construction can begin, often taking years of wasted rent from families.

Anyone can see how those Hidden Problems add up to hurt more Pennsylvania Families and support the

How badly do Public Sewage Profiteers hurt EVERY Family in a Community?

Ignored Problem #9:  Septic Profiteers hurt families.  Public Sewage Profiteers do far more damage than Septic Profiteers!  Forty years ago, families in the small town of Prospect, Pennsylvania had the usual “Dye Tests” used to force them to hook up to a Public Sewer Authority, despite no diseases or health issues to people or their nearby water wells, from their septic tanks or earlier “outhouses” in use for the previous two hundred years.

A typical example lets us see The War on Families by looking at the small town of Prospect in Butler County Pennsylvania.

What hurt Every Family in Prospect? New septic regulations were invented and imposed on Prospect, Pennsylvania by Elected Officials, many of whom received more praise and donations from  Sewer System Profiteers than they ever got from Septic Profteers!  Money-grubbers disguised as “concerned citizens” decreed that no one could buy a lot and build a house in Prospect until they had Public Sewage.

The result?  Every housing unit in Prospect is now forced to pay $99.50 a month for Public Sewage that replaced their free septic tanks.
Public Sewage Profiteers took so much money out of the town that two restaurants, one farm implement dealer, a gas station, and a grocery store closed.   Things got worse as the people of Prospect were impoverished as Public Sewage Profiteers, including “Bond Profiteers” in Philadelphia and New York flushed so much money out of Prospect’s families that their bank closed thirty years later!

While the families of Prospect and thousands of other places were being similarly ravaged, Not One State Legislator from either Party stood up for them. The few Township Supervisors and Borough Council members who love their neighbors enough to protect them are often replaced by candidates with more funding. No one asks where that funding comes from!  One of the saddest facts in The Butler Novel is that Republican family-looters in Prospect told their neighbors how fortunate they were to have Public Sewers flushing family assets down the drain.

UPDATES!  1.  The Latest Battle in The War On Prospect Families:  1/7/2025, The Butler Eagle Public Sewage Profiteers still ravage Prospect families!  Since 2019, Prospect taxpayers have been forced to pay $927,000.00 on Sewage Projects.  Borough Council President Brian Taylor explained:  “It still needs another two million dollars.”

2.   The Prospect Borough Council recently informed us:  “Sewage rates have increased to $99.50 for the year 2025 and started January 1st.”

Is any Republican in Prospect smart enough to ask this simple question:  “There are 384 families in Prospect, down from nearly 500 ten years ago.  Why not take that $2,927,000.00, divide it by 384 households, and give every family $5,981.08 to fix and use their own septic tank and stop making us pay $99.50 a month for something that hurts us all with endless expenses?”

Many Prospect residents have been so confused by dealing with family destroyers who pretend to be their “friends” that they have a hard time thinking well enough to see they are being ravaged by greedy Republicans who despise every family in Prospect so much they want to rob them blind.

NOW!  Compare The War on Prospect Families with the small town of Portersville, a few miles away.

We have the same half-acre, or smaller, lots with septic tanks that Prospect had. We did not have our $10-20,000.00 Septic Tank stripped from our assets. We did not have to pay $10,000.00 dollars in today’s money for hook-up fees to a Public Sewer. We did not have to pay nearly $50,000.00 in constant dollar monthly sewage fees for forty years. We received interest payments on that money  (50.00/month at 6% for 40 years = $120,000.00!), instead of having it flushed down the toilet. We could afford new tires for our vehicles, furnaces for our homes, prom dresses, kitchen remodeling, and things we needed to help our families. Guess what? Our Bank is still here!

The Public Sewage Profiteers did not take a hundred thousand dollars from every family in Portersville. Every year, our families get richer. Every year, the families in Prospect and other places impoverished by Public Sewage Profiteers get poorer as their monthly fees double, triple, and quadruple to pay for shoddy installation, poor maintenance, subsequent bond issues for Public Sewage Profiteers, higher interest rates thereon, and their many, many, many “consultants” and “engineers”. Some of them have climbed from the pits of self-serving delusions to what may be the very pinnacle of tax-addicted, family-destroying hurtfulness:  “Watershed Management”.

Families are being destroyed across Pennsylvania and America! Needlessly expensive Septic and Sewer Systems do the same damage to families as drugs and gambling: they destroy family finances. A single Mother with two children lives across the road. Rather than repair or replace a simple septic system that cost $5,000.00 twenty years ago, she was forced to spend $50,000.00 dollars! Two houses away from her, another family had to borrow over $20,000.00 from a profiteering Pennsylvania agency instead of making simple repairs.

“Regulatory Racketeers” create and use largely imaginary environmental problems as an excuse to hurt millions of Pennsylvania families. Finding and supporting Township Supervisors, Borough Council, County Leaders, and Legislators with candidates who care more about families than donors is our only protection from “Septic, Sewage, and Water Profiteers”.

May every family be blessed with some kind of to look out for families instead of donors.

May all be blessed to care more about our families than about often-imaginary and always-exaggerated environmental concerns.

Something Amazing!  What is the most amazing thing we learn in the difference between Prospect’s looting and the comparative Prosperity of Portersville?   The people of Prospect do not hate and despise the community leaders who got them hooked onto the sewer system that took nearly $200,000.00 from every family in Prospect!  They all have to struggle vastly more, but they do not revile and despise the community leaders who let them be impoverished.  That encourages those who profit from bamboozling helpless neighbors:  “These people are so good and decent they will not hate us for stealing more from them. Let’s do that!”

Lying, shameless looters do not realize that The Accountant in The Sky tracks every fraud on earth.  The nicer the bamboozled people are to those who use political power to loot them, the more painful their eternal fate in the lower circles of hell.

Septic, Sewage, and Water Profiteers are helping bring projected 15-20% population losses to many Pennsylvania Townships in their War on Families because families fear having children they cannot afford. The growing horde of recently spawned “Watershed Profiteers” only make Imaginary Problems more costly with gleeful Engineers endlessly inspecting everything they can, at the expense of helpless families, fooling the less aware with the moniker, “Stormwater Management”.

Some Democrat and Independent voters love their families. When they realize how much water and sewage profiteers are costing them, they are appalled at the biggest financial problem they face: being crushed by Septic, Sewage, Water, (and the increasingly visible) Watershed Profiteers.

May all elected officials be blessed with enough love of their neighbors in their hearts to stop ignoring or hiding from this issue. May God bless all Legislators, Township Supervisors, Borough Councils, and Legislators to work as quickly and effectively on behalf of families as they do on behalf of donors!


Not a Hidden Problem #10!  Those “donors” may include those funded by high-level, high-paid executives of huge Water and Sewage Profiteering Companies. The head of one such company is a woman who receives $7,200,000.00 a year from American Water Works.  Yearly income of just five of their Very Important Profiteers, whose names have been redacted for their safety:

Name Position Total Compensation Rank
S  ____ President and Chief Executive Officer $7,720,825
C   ____ Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer $2,700,343
M ____ Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer $1,496,037
J  ____ Executive Vice President and General Counsel $2,354,199
J  _____ Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer $3,788,248

The President, her top half-dozen executives, and a dozen people on her board of directors personally receive about $20,000,000.00 every year for themselves. They take more money away from helpless families to pay the hefty salaries of cunning Marketing Professionals and well-trained salespeople.  Their cunning agents are paid large salaries to ingratiate themselves with, and lead Township Supervisors, Borough Councils, County Commissioners, and other elected officials, to be “enlightened” enough to keep more money being taken from families so huge amounts may continue to flow through Public Water and Sewer Systems into their pockets.

Township Supervisors and Bureau Councils may have first-hand knowledge about what sort of “donations”“inducements” and “contributions” may be received from the billions of dollars floating around such projects. Amazingly:  Few, if any, law enforcement agencies are moved to investigate, even though their families are among the afflicted.

A simple question lets us understand the motivation of Wall Street Companies to turn families into ever-poorer puppets: “Every time a person locked into their systems flushes a toilet, do those 20 people share varying percentages of a nickel?”  

Has anyone learned enough arithmetic skills in a Public School to answer that question?


There is hope!

The Supreme Court’s recent and amazing Chevron Decision does not allow bureaucrats to use “Regulatory Racketeers” to force needlessly expensive programs on helpless families by using profit-generating standards invented to make families poorer in the name of “Public Safety”. This is a connection that more intelligent Pennsylvania voters and Public Officials are beginning to understand. All are increasingly grateful to the handful of Public Officials and candidates who are “Family-Friendly” in a meaningful way.

But, there are more Hidden and Ignored Problems:

Ignored Problem #11:  Public Water Profiteers:

Public Water Profiteers hate for people to get free water from their wells. Many are forced to abandon their wells, an asset value of $10-20,000.00. Then, they must pay to hook up to Public Water. One Cranberry Township resident in Butler County reported that his family would have to pay over $40,000.00 to do so!

Sometimes, small public water companies come up for sale.  Many want to buy such companies and hook their customers up to endless charges and increases.  In most areas, families can drill a well and be free from such charges.  No State Organizations are willing to help families drill wells and be free from those seeking monopolies enjoyed by Public Water Profiteers.

The Historical Precedent that Tax-Addicts avoid!   Public Water Profiteers do not want us to understand that Abraham’s freedom to provide wells and free water for his family allowed them to “be fruitful and multiply”.  Prophets who came after Abraham were blessed to Spread The Word of The Coming of He Who would Fulfill The Prophecies God gave to them!   The entirety of the Jewish and Christian Faith is based on Abraham’s Freedom to provide free water for his growing family and escape from the public-water aqueducts of tax-addicted Babylon!

May all families have Abraham’s God-given Freedom to provide wells that, 4,000 years ago, were the foundation for the fortunes of The Twelve Tribes from whom so many European Peoples and Believers from Spain to Norway and from Ireland to India and around the world are spiritually, and more often than many realize, genetically, descended.

Ignored Problem #12: Watershed Profiteers are working to seize control of entire areas. Virtually anything that changes any downhill water flow must fall under their complete control. Soon, driveway culverts and house gutters may be carefully inspected, permitted, and regulated.   A new “brood of deceitful and underhanded people” (Phil 2:15) are the “Watershed Inspectors” who seek to manage “Stormwater”. They want to be paid to control and regulate any change in or on the earth’s surface to get money from anyone who falls under their purview.

Inspection Costs and fees will be levied to enrich the “Watershed Profiteers”.  The usual profiteers of public service support them! “Watershed Profiteers” want to take collectively uncountable billions from ever more fees, inspections, and appeals. Many want jack-booted battalions of “Watershed Enforcement Officers” to reward those who loot their neighbors under the guise of “Stormwater Management”.

Families will have additional legal and engineering expenses.  Money that could be invested in making and doing useful things will disappear into ever more useless pockets as the stagnation of falling birth rates follows the looters.

Ignored Problem #13:  As rural areas lose population, cunning plans to “gerrymander” districts are implemented.  That puts more Family-Friendly Legislators out of office as those candidates are forced to compete with each other.  Then, all families are even more likely to be ravaged by Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers.

Ignored Problem #14 is “Bad Luck for millions of families.”

Septic/Sewage/Water/Watershed Profiteers work hand-in-glove with Public Education Profiteers.  As neighborhoods are destroyed by those fleeing costly Public Education in urban areas, many are forced to build new houses.  New homes are appraised at far higher rates than older homes in every area.  The more highly-appraised homes can be jammed into an area, the more Property Taxes will be received by Public Education Profiteers!

That is why Public Education Profiteers focus more on “The Environment” than reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Entire generations have been so brainwashed they believe: “It is Our Christian Duty to pay whatever is needed to ‘protect the environment’.”  That is accompanied by repeating the same teaching Mao Tse Tung used to justify killing up to 150,000,000 million people and aborting 330,000,000 babies in China:  “There are too many people.”

The Results of those “Hidden and Ignored Problems”?

The results of “Rule by Government Looters” are clear from Newsweek Magazine, of all places:  “Pennsylvania’s shrinking population may also be because deaths are outpacing births.  Pennsylvania is among the states with the lowest fertility rates, with only 53.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, according to CDC data.”  The problem is compounded by the fact that many of our younger and most capable people are moving to states like Florida, Texas, and North Carolina, where the Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers are not destroying families with unrelenting cost increases.

May Public Officials understand two simple facts:

1. Conventional septic systems, low-cost sewage, and wells bring financial freedom to families.

2. Politically correct, uncontrolled mandates from “Regulatory Racketeers” are destroying families.

These are among the most important issues we face if we want families to have a future. May all Legislators and Public Officials be blessed to put families before well-organized Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers and their donations.

Three Prayers for God’s Help:

1. May all be blessed to understand what was revealed to Dante about the fate of souls at Judgment: “All who unrepentantly participate in ‘complex frauds’ must eternally suffer in the lower six circles of ‘The Inferno’.”

2. May Public Officials with legal authority to force neighbors to pay for unnecessary “improvements” be blessed to tell donors who lobby for personally profitable family-hurting regulations This Simple Truth: “If I bear false witness to vote to reward you for lies and exaggerations, my soul will join yours in suffering forever in the lower circles of Hell. May we both be smart enough to avoid that!”

3. May “Regulatory Racketeers” and all such “Government Looters” be blessed to obey The Bible Instruction from Ephesians 4:28 so their souls may spend eternity in Heaven: “Anyone who was a thief must stop stealing.”


Question:  “How will many Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers react when we pray that Public Officials will be blessed to care more about our “helpless families” than the greed that drives ‘Government Looters’?”

Answer: “The most greedy and godless “Regulatory Racketeers” will make bigger donations to Public Officials who are smart enough to tell them:  “My soul is worth ten times more than you are offering me!”  Some will tell bigger lies, falsify more studies, invent more Imaginary Problems, and make bigger “contributions” to justify more attacks on more families. Sadly for them, the more “complex” their “frauds” become, the lower the circle of hell to which their poor souls will be sent.

The biggest mistake made by those who hurt their neighbors?  They do not understand that the forces of evil despise their puppets!   Those whom they lead to idolize “the separation of Church and State” spend eternity living in the greatest agony in the deepest pits of hell, suffering the endless torments of eternally angry souls they kept from Heaven.


Please consider sharing your link to The Butler Novel with friends and family. It’s forwardable and it’s free!  It is a good way to help Families help each other.

We do not ask for donations.  Many worthwhile Family-Supporting Organizations are deserving of your support, including those that forward links to “The Butler Novel” for concerned donors to consider.


Please consider sharing your link to The Butler Novel, or any Chapter you particularly like, with friends and family.  This New Kind of Book is forwardable, frequently updated, anonymous, and free!  It is a good way to help Families help each other while praying that the usual “Profiteers” may be blessed to change their ways enough to have their immortal souls go to Judgment among those who “Love God and their neighbors as themselves.”

Information and insights for ongoing updates to this free and anonymous book, The Butler Novel, may be sent to P.O. Box 401, Portersville, PA 16051

About the Author:

The formerly Protestant author spent a critical year at St. Bede’s in Peru, Illinois. He discovered, and never forgot, Aquinas and Chesterton. After graduating from college and the Infantry Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, he served in the US and South Vietnam.

After discharge, he got an advanced degree in Library and Information Science and worked as a Children’s Librarian in inner-city schools. He re-learned the Fairy Tales and saw truth in them. After inheriting ten thousand dollars from his Grandfather, he left his tenured position and started manufacturing some simple products he invented.

In the early stages of the business, he realized: “I should stop living in contradiction to The Only Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.
After becoming Catholic, the business grew exponentially. For forty years, he and his associates worked 24/7, producing billions of household items protected by over 170 patents. He served three terms on his School Board, leading to the lowest property taxes in his County. The usual people and groups replaced him. Finding that“Taxes test souls.” led him to focus on “simple reasons to be Catholic” and share them on

Books and several thousand daily posts are free and anonymous in obedience to The Bible’s advice in Philippians 2:3; “be self-effacing“.

© 1997-2025, updated 2025 by Catholic Fundamentalism

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, Recording, or any information storage and retrieval system known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast reviews. Catholic Fundamentalism Box 401 Portersville, PA 16051

Warning – Disclaimer:

Throughout the long succession of miracles that make up the Jewish and Christian Faiths of our Fathers, professionals have been provided to give guidance. Salvation is not a do-it-yourself project. Simply reading this or any book, is no guarantee. Professional help from ordained, traditional clergy can be a great help. Seek no guidance from anyone who does not believe that God is capable of miracles. If, at Judgment, we are denied admittance to Heaven, it will be, to some degree, because we did not bother to select a good Guide.

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