There are 5.7 million homes in Pennsylvania. 26% of them (1,500,000) use septic tanks to dispose of wastewater. 2.5 people live in the average home. 3,600,000 Pennsylvanians depend on septic tanks.
Many of these systems have been used for a century with no cholera, malaria, or other diseases being caused.
Ignored Problem #1: “Septic System Profiteers” use exaggerated problems to force people to replace simple Septic Systems that used to cost a few thousand dollars with needlessly complicated alternatives that can cost upwards of $50,000.00!
3,600,000 Pennsylvanians live in fear of family-hating Sewage Enforcement Officers. The State has given them the power to force families to replace entire septic systems that may only need a few thousand dollars of perforated plastic pipe, gravel, and topsoil (or a $1.00 bag of bacteria every month!) to be put in better working order. Family-haters order families to put in family-crushing Septic Systemx requiring another mortgage they may not be able to afford or get.
Ignored Problem #2: “Public Sewage Profiteers” are destroying families in many Townships and Counties because they force more people hooked up to their ever more costly sewage systems. Population loss is destroying many areas as more people believe they can no longer afford to have children. Amazingly, even some Public School teachers are smart enough to be concerned! Our number of Congressional Representatives has dropped from 36 to 17 because Pennsylvanians have fewer children.
Ignored Problem #3: “The Dye Test” involves putting brightly colored “dye” into the septic tank and seeing if it surfaces outside the tank. It almost always does because that’s how septic tanks have been working for over a hundred years! Then, The Sewage Enforcement Officer (the dreaded SEO, some of whom are as heartless as jack-booted Gestapo agents), usually announces with hidden glee: “Your septic tank has failed ‘The Dye Test’!” Then, a Septic Profiteer tells them: “You need a Sand Mound. It will only cost $35,000.00, if you are lucky!”
Ignored Problem #4: Recently, an SEO asked the secretary of a local septic-pumping company to lunch. There, he is reported to have told her: “I will pay you $250.00 for every name and phone number of people with a septic problem.”
Ignored Problem #5: The Department of Environmental Protection is the “hired gun” used by Septic Profiteers. The dreaded DEP attacks Pennsylvania Families and Businesses with weapons of Septic Tank Rules based on making septic tank repairs as costly as possible to families. No Pennsylvania Governors or Legislators have dared to reduce DEP funding or its power to destroy families. Frankly, few Elected officials have the courage to criticize anything the DEP does, even those in Counties with projected 20% population losses in coming decades. They are proudly presiding over the ruin of their own State!
Ignored Problem #6: State and local officials are “friendly” toward those who give them donations. Septic Tank Profiteers take full advantage of that. Their donations and marketing efforts have let the Department of Environmental Protection take control of the Inspection Process lets Septic and Sewage Profiteers take billions of dollars taken from millions of Pennsylvania Families. A former Congressperson representing Butler County described them privately as: “Regulatory Racketeers”.
Ignored Problem #7: “Every property or lot that has, or will need, a septic system, sells for less money because buyers are increasingly aware of the cost of replacing nearly sure-to-fail Septic Systems.
Ignored Problem #8: It can take an entire year for a family to get approval before construction can begin.
Anyone can see how those Hidden Problems add up to hurt more Pennsylvania Families and support the
How do the “Ignored Problems” hurt EVERY Family in a Community?
Ignored Problem #9: Forty years ago, families in the small town of Prospect, Pennsylvania had the usual “Dye Tests” used to force them to hook up to a Public Sewer Authority, despite no diseases or health issues to people or their nearby water wells, from their septic tanks or earlier “outhouses” in use for the previous two hundred years.
We see The War on Families by looking at the small town of Prospect in Butler County Pennsylvania.
What hurt Every Family in Prospect? New septic regulations were invented and imposed upon Pennsylvania Families by Elected Officials, many of whom received praise and donations from Septic and Sewer System Profiteers. Money-grubbers disguised as “concerned citizens” decreed that no one could buy a lot and build a house in Prospect until they had Public Sewag.
The result? Every housing unit in Prospect is now forced to pay nearly $97.50 a month for Public Sewage that replaced their free septic tanks.
Public Sewage Profiteers took so much money out of the town that two restaurants, one farm implement dealer, and a grocery store closed. Things got worse as the people of Prospect were impoverished as Public Sewage Profiteers, anxious to please “Bond Profiteers” in Philadelphia and New York, flushed so much money out of Prospect’s families that their bank closed thirty years later!
While the families of Prospect and thousands of other places were being similarly ravaged, Not One State Legislator from either Party stood up for them. The few Township Supervisors and Borough Council members who love their neighbors enough to protect them are often replaced by candidates with more funding. No one asks where that funding comes from! One of the saddest facts in The Butler Novel is that Republican family-haters in Prospect told their neighbors how fortunate they were to have Public Sewers flushing family assets down the drain.
UPDATES! 1. The Latest Battle in The War On Prospect Families; 1/7/2025, The Butler Eagle: Public Sewage Profiteers still ravage their families! Since 2019, Prospect taxpayers have been forced to pay $927,000.00 on Sewage Projects. Borough Council President Brian Taylor explained: “It still needs another two million dollars.”
2. The Borough Council recently informed us: “Sewage rates have increased to $97.50 for the year 2025 and started January 1st.”
Is any Republican in Prospect able to think well enough to ask this simple question: “There are 384 families in Prospect, down from nearly 500 ten years ago. Why not take that $2,927,000.00, divide it by 384 households, and give every family $5,981.08 to fix and use their own septic tank and stop making us pay $97.50 a month for something that hurts us all with endless expenses?”
Many Prospect residents have been so confused by dealing with family destroyers who pretend to be their “friends” that they have a hard time thinking well enough to see they are being ravaged by those who hate everyone in the enough to rob us blind.
NOW! Compare The War on Prospect Families with the small town of Portersville, a few miles away.
We have the same half-acre, or smaller, lots with septic tanks that Prospect had. We did not have our $10-20,000.00 Septic Tank stripped from our assets. We did not have to pay $10,000.00 dollars in today’s money for hook-up fees to attach to a Public Sewer. We did not have to pay over $40,000.00 in constant dollar monthly sewage fees for forty years. We received interest payments on that money, instead of seeing it flushed down the toilet. We could afford new tires for our vehicles, furnaces for our homes, prom dresses, kitchen remodeling, and things we needed to help our families. Guess what? Our Bank is still here!
The Public Sewage Profiteers did not take a hundred thousand dollars from every family in Portersville. Every year, our families get richer. Every year, the families in Prospect and other places impoverished by Public Sewage Profiteers get poorer as their monthly fees double, triple, and quadruple to pay for shoddy installation, poor maintenance, subsequent bond issues for Public Sewage Profiteers, higher interest rates thereon, and their many, many, many “consultants” and “engineers”. Some of them have climbed from the pits of self-serving delusions to what may be the very pinnacle of tax-addicted, family-destroying hurtfulness: “Watershed Management”.
Families are being destroyed across Pennsylvania and America! Needlessly expensive Septic and Sewer Systems do the same damage to families as drugs and gambling: they destroy family finances. A single Mother with two children lives across the road. Rather than repair or replace a simple septic system that cost $5,000.00 twenty years ago, she was forced to spend $50,000.00 dollars! Two houses away from her, another family had to borrow over $20,000.00 from a profiteering Pennsylvania agency instead of making simple repairs.
“Regulatory Racketeers” create and use largely imaginary environmental problems as an excuse to hurt millions of Pennsylvania families. Finding and supporting Township Supervisors, Borough Council, and County Leaders with candidates who care more about families than donors is our only protection from “Septic, Sewage, and Water Profiteers”.
May every family be blessed with a to look out for families instead of donors.
May all be blessed to care more about our families than about often-imaginary and always-exaggerated environmental concerns.
Septic, Sewage, and Water Profiteers are helping bring projected 15-20% population losses to many Pennsylvania Townships in their War on Families because families fear having children they cannot afford. The growing horde of recently spawned “Watershed Profiteers” only make Imaginary Problems more costly with gleeful Engineers endlessly inspecting everything they can, at the expense of helpless families, fooling the less aware with the moniker, “Stormwater Management”.
Some Democrat and Independent voters love their families. When they realize how much water and sewage profiteers are costing them, they are appalled at the biggest financial problem they face: being crushed by Septic, Sewage, Water, (and the increasingly visible) Watershed Profiteers.
May all elected officials be blessed with enough love of their neighbors in their hearts to stop ignoring or hiding from this issue. May God bless all Legislators, Township Supervisors, and Borough Councils to work as quickly and effectively on behalf of families as they do on behalf of donors!
Not a Hidden Problem #10! Those “donors” may include those funded by high-level, high-paid executives of huge Water and Sewage Profiteering Companies. The head of one such company is a woman who receives $7,200,000.00 a year from American Water Works. Yearly income of just five of their Very Important Profiteers whose names have been redacted for their safety:
Name | Position | Total Compensation | Rank |
S ____ | President and Chief Executive Officer | $7,720,825 | |
C ____ | Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer | $2,700,343 | |
M ____ | Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer | $1,496,037 | |
J ____ | Executive Vice President and General Counsel | $2,354,199 | |
J _____ | Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | $3,788,248 | – |
The President, her top half-dozen executives, and a dozen people on her board of directors personally receive about $20,000,000.00 every year for themselves. They take more money away from helpless families to pay the hefty salaries of cunning Marketing Professionals and well-trained salespeople. Their cunning agents are paid large salaries to ingratiate themselves with, and lead Township Supervisors, Borough Councils, County Commissioners, and other elected officials, to be “enlightened” enough to keep more money being taken from families so huge amounts may continue to flow through Public Water and Sewer Systems into their pockets.
Township Supervisors and Bureau Councils may have first-hand knowledge about what sort of “donations”, “inducements” and “contributions” may be at work from the hundreds of millions of dollars floating around such projects. Amazingly: Few, if any, law enforcement agencies are moved to investigate, even though their families are among the afflicted.
A simple question lets us understand the motivation of Wall Street Companies to turn families into ever-poorer puppets: “Every time a person locked into their systems flushes a toilet, do those 20 people share varying percentages of a nickel?”
Has anyone learned enough arithmetic skills in a Public School to answer that question?
There is hope!
The Supreme Court’s recent and amazing Chevron Decision does not allow bureaucrats to use “Regulatory Racketeers” to force needlessly expensive programs on helpless families by using profit-generating standards invented to make families poorer in the name of “Public Safety”. This is a connection that more intelligent Pennsylvania voters and Public Officials are beginning to understand. All are increasingly grateful to the handful of Public Officials and candidates who are “Family-Friendly” in a meaningful way.
But, there are more Hidden and Ignored Problems:
Ignored Problem #11, Public Water Profiteers:
Public Water Profiteers hate for people to get free water from their wells. Many are forced to abandon their wells, an asset value of $10-20,000.00. Then, they must pay to hook up to Public Water. One Cranberry Township resident in Butler County reported that his family would have to pay over $40,000.00 to do so!
Sometimes, small public water companies come up for sale. Many want to buy such companies and hook their customers up to endless charges and increases. In most areas, families can drill a well and be free from such charges. No State Organizations are willing to help families drill wells and be free from those seeking monopolies enjoyed by Public Water Profiteers.
The Historical Precedent that Tax-Addicts avoid! Public Water Profiteers do not want us to understand that Abraham’s freedom to provide wells and free water for his family allowed them to “be fruitful and multiply”. Prophets who came after Abraham were blessed to Spread The Word of The Coming of He Who would Fulfill The Prophecies God gave to them! The entirety of the Jewish and Christian Faith is based on Abraham’s Freedom to provide free water for his growing family and escape from the public-water aqueducts of tax-addicted Babylon!
May all families have Abraham’s God-given Freedom to provide wells that, 4,000 years ago, were the foundation for the fortunes of The Twelve Tribes from whom so many European Peoples and Believers from Spain to Norway and from Ireland to India and around the world are spiritually, and more often than many realize, genetically, descended.
Ignored Problem #12: Watershed Profiteers are working to seize control of entire areas. Virtually anything that changes any downhill water flow must fall under their complete control. Soon, driveway culverts and house gutters may be carefully inspected, permitted, and regulated. A new “brood of deceitful and underhanded people” (Phil 2:15) are the “Watershed Inspectors” who seek to manage “Stormwater”. They want to be paid to control and regulate any change in or on the earth’s surface to get money from anyone who falls under their purview.
Inspection Costs and fees will be levied to enrich the “Watershed Profiteers”. The usual profiteers of public service support them! “Watershed Profiteers” want to take collectively uncountable billions from ever more fees, inspections, and appeals. Many want jack-booted battalions of “Watershed Enforcement Officers” to reward those who loot their neighbors under the guise of “Stormwater Management”.
Families will have additional legal and engineering expenses. Money that could be invested in making and doing useful things will disappear into ever more useless pockets as the stagnation of falling birth rates follows the looters.
Ignored Problem #13: As rural areas lose population, cunning plans to “gerrymander” districts are implemented. That puts more Family-Friendly Legislators out of office as those candidates are forced to compete with each other. Then, all families are even more likely to be ravaged by Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers.
Ignored Problem #14 is “Bad Luck for millions of families.”
Septic/Sewage/Water/Watershed Profiteers work hand-in-glove with Public Education Profiteers. As neighborhoods are destroyed by those fleeing costly Public Education in urban areas, many are forced to build new houses. New homes are appraised at far higher rates than older homes in outlying communities. The more highly-appraised homes can be jammed into an area, the more Property Taxes will be received by Public Education Profiteers!
That is why Public Education Profiteers teach more about “The Environment” than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Entire generations have been so brainwashed they believe: “It is Our Christian Duty to pay whatever is needed to ‘protect the environment’.”
The Results of those “Hidden and Ignored Problems”?
The results of “Rule by Profiteers” is clear from Newsweek Magazine, of all places: “Pennsylvania’s shrinking population may also be because deaths are outpacing births. Pennsylvania is among the states with the lowest fertility rates, with only 53.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44, according to CDC data.” The problem is compounded by the fact that many of the younger and most capable people are moving to states like Florida, Texas, and North Carolina, where the Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers are not destroying families with unrelenting cost increases.
May Public Officials understand two simple facts:
1. Conventional septic systems, low-cost sewage, and wells bring financial freedom to families.
2. Politically correct, uncontrolled mandates from “Regulatory Racketeers” are destroying families.
These are among the most important issues we face if we want families to have a future. May all Legislators and Public Officials be blessed to put families before well-organized Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers and their donations.
Three Prayers for God’s Help:
1. May all be blessed to understand what was revealed to Dante about the fate of souls at Judgment: “All who unrepentantly participate in ‘complex frauds’ must eternally suffer in the lower six circles of ‘The Inferno’.”
2. May Public Officials who have the legal authority to force neighbors to pay for unnecessary “improvements” be blessed to tell donors who lobby for personally profitable family-hurting things This Simple Truth: “If I bear false witness to vote to reward you for lies and exaggerations, my soul will join yours in suffering forever in the lower circles of Hell. May we both be smart enough to avoid that!”
3. May “Regulatory Racketeers” be blessed to obey The Bible Instruction from Ephesians 4:28 so their souls may spend eternity in Heaven: “Anyone who was a thief must stop stealing.”
Question: “How will many Septic, Sewage, Water, and Watershed Profiteers react when we pray that Public Officials will be blessed to care more about our “helpless families” than the usual Profiteers?”
Answer: “The most greedy and godless “Regulatory Racketeers” will make bigger donations to Public Officials who are smart enough to tell them: “My soul is worth ten times more than you are offering me!” Some will tell bigger lies, falsify more studies, invent more Imaginary Problems, and make bigger “contributions” to justify more attacks on more families. Sadly for them, the more “complex” the “frauds” in which they engage become, the lower the circle of hell to which their poor souls will be sent.
The biggest mistake made by those who hurt their neighbors? They do not understand that the forces of evil despise their puppets! Those whom they lead to idolize “the separation of Church and State” spend eternity living in the greatest agony in the pits of hell, suffering the endless torments of eternally angry souls they kept from Heaven.
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