St. Isidore of Seville II

“The Catholic Faith Against Jews”

St. Isidore provided many reasons for two non-Catholic groups in Spain to “Be Catholic”. As a result of his brilliant reasoning, many among the Muslim and Jewish Faiths became Catholic.

Spain was filled with non-Catholics. St. Isidore, one of the most brilliant Catholics, provided many reasons why all should strive to be Catholic.

When I asked a Catholic Deacon about St. Isidore’s famous Book on explaining to Muslims and Jewish people about reasons to Be Catholic, it could not be found in English. “Hermit Dave” found and printed an English translation from a Monastery in Ukraine. The war was starting then, and it took some time for him to get the remaining parts of it translated and into Book Form.

Epistle of dedication.

Santa’s sister, Florentine Isidore. 1. For some things, which are different times in the Old Testament, the books of the foretold are of the birth of the Lord, and the Savior of our God according to the divinity, or of the incorporation of it, of the passion, too, and death, or of the resurrection, the kingdom, and judgment, for the strength of the knowledge of the countless few things to be revealed, I have thought, 2 that the authority of faith strengthens and unbelievers of the Jews. This is the holy sister, you ask for build up your study will tell you that the company will enjoy blood, I will make my work.


St. Isidore provided many reasons for two non-Catholic groups in Spain to “Be Catholic”. As a result of his brilliant reasoning, many among the Muslim and Jewish Faiths became Catholic.

Spain was filled with non-Catholics. St. Isidore, one of the most brilliant Catholics, provided many reasons why all should strive to be Catholic.

When I asked a Catholic Deacon about St. Isidore’s famous Book on explaining to Muslims and Jewish people about reasons to Be Catholic, it could not be found in English. “Hermit Dave” found and printed an English translation from a Monastery in Ukraine. The war was starting then, and it took some time for him to get the remaining parts of it translated and into Book Form.

Epistle of dedication.

Santa’s sister, Florentine Isidore. 1. For some things, which are different times in the Old Testament, the books of the foretold are of the birth of the Lord, and the Savior of our God according to the divinity, or of the incorporation of it, of the passion, too, and death, or of the resurrection, the kingdom, and judgment, for the strength of the knowledge of the countless few things to be revealed, I have thought, 2 that the authority of faith strengthens and unbelievers of the Jews. This is the holy sister, you ask for build up your study will tell you that the company will enjoy blood, I will make my work.

Chapter 1: The Father Christ is born.

First Book

1. Of God, the Son of the Jews, the wicked, the unbelief of the wicked, the wicked, the duricordes, the prophets of the old, the new intruder, the advent of Christ, they prefer to be ignorant, than to know; to deny, than to believe. For he whom he would come, they come, they do not want to. Whom shall I rise again, they read, they have risen, they do not believe.

2. However, this is why they do not understand that they mold, because the sacrilege is filled with knowledge. To whom we have gathered the testimonies of the will of the Old Testament, to be refuted by the treachery of a kind of, by which Christ of the Gentiles, from the Almighty Father, they know, the very testament: Thou shalt be with the beginning of the day of thy power, in the brightness of the saints, from the womb, before the star, I beg you. (Ps. 109, 3). From the womb, therefore, that is to say, from that of the intimate and incomprehensible of the Father’s substance, whether it be from that of the divine and the vastness of his father’s chest, the mysterious, the good of the heart of the heart of which the Father is the father of the generator is a rocket word.

3. As he said, my heart is good (Psal. 44, 2). And elsewhere, the father said, my son, you are, I’m born to you today (Ps. 2, 7). 3 That was not David, nor any of the kings. For there is added, Pete me, and I will give you the inheritance of the nations, and your property ends of the earth. That neither David nor the Hebrews, unless only Christ, whose name is through all nations, to whom the kings obey the nations, as they serve, as elsewhere, it is written, they shall worship him all the kings of the earth, all nations shall serve him (Psal. 71, 11).

4. Also, Solomon, as long as the name of the Father, according to the deity of Christ, he wanted to recognize the mystery of the birth, in these words, he is intending to say in the Proverbs: Who went up to heaven, and went down? Who gathered water, like a garment? Who raised all the ends of the earth? The name of it, or that the name of his son, you know? (Prov. 30, 4).

5. This Son of God, Daniel, the king was wicked looking, he said: Behold, I see the men of the four men, and they that walk in the midst of the fire, and there is nothing of corruption in them, and the species of the fourth is like the Son of God (Dan. 3, 92); whom we believe in faithfully, and do not hesitate to be the Lord, the Savior of the. However, it is objected that Daniel is the son of the upper angel is named (Dan. 3, 49). Assent. For the Son of God, the angel said. Thus, the prophet said about him, he will come to the temple of the holy ruler, whom you are looking for, and the angel of the covenant, which you desire (Malach. 3, 1).

6. For Christ is in the fact that the Father is born, the Son of God is called; in the fact, however, that it is often sent to the Father, to declare to our fathers read, the angel is named. Of which, too, he himself is the Father to the legislator, so it is declared, saying: Behold, I will send my angel, who goes before, and keep thee in the way, and bringeth in the place which I have prepared; observe it, and listen to his voice, and do not think to be despised, because they will not let go with sin, and my name on that (Ex. 23, 20).

4 7. Who is the angel to whom God, and the power of his hand, and the name of this man? If it is said, some other power is an angel, this is wrong to believe. Who is in the clouds equal to the Lord, or who will be like God among the children of God (Ps. 88, 7)? For he that is not equal to the nature of, it can not be equal to the name of the. For he is the Son, who is always sent by the Father, visible to men. From the very, therefore, the mission of the angel of the rightly called. Isaiah is a more open Son from God, confirming, thus announcing the voice of the reward of his enemies (Isai. 66, 6), that is to say, those who do not believe, the Jews: Before they were giving birth, she gave birth; And before his birth, she gave birth to a male (Ibid., 7).

8. As if he would say, before Christ Virgin in the flesh, the son of the divinity of the Father, and before the time of the Virgin of birth, he became the father without the time. Hence the lower one who heard any such? or who has seen the same thing to this (Isai. 66, 8)? In fact, because there is nothing such a thing in men, it happened, or something like this, and after these things he subjoins: Do not tell anyone who is doing others to comply with, he is not at hand? says the Lord; and the generation of others, I give, I will be barren? the Lord said (Isai. 66, 9). To whom all the testimonies to be compelled to be unbelievers, that he may choose for themselves out of the two, or Christ, the Son of God, to believe, or beggar to think that the prophets, who have fallen. 5

Chapter 2:

The Christ before the ages of ineffably generated by the Father. 1. If you ask, when or how, Father, Son, answer: Why ask the time when the Son of God, while he is his eternal birth? As it is written about him, he went from the beginning of eternity (Mich. 5, 2). And again, before the sun remains his name, and before the moon seat (Ps. 71, 17).

2. But the same father before the star, that is, before all the times he testified that he is the Son of God, the word, power and wisdom of his birth confirms, saying, Yet they were deep, and I was conceived, not yet springs, and yet the mountains of a serious mass, before the hills, I am a woman; the earth is still not made, and rivers, and the hinges of the earth, when he was preparing for the deep; When the foundation of the earth, with him, all the component (Proverb. 8, 24). 6 3. So with such authority before all ages from the Father generated is declared, when it was created by the Father is recognized. This is the question again, how is the same as the birth of the Holy One, as long as the Holy One of his birth, the secrets of the Holy Apostles, nor the prophet, he found, nor an angel knew it,nor creature, Isaiah, who says: Generation who will declare (Isai. 53, 8)? For this reason, if he was not able to be explained by the prophet of his birth, who will profess to know how the Son was able to be generated by the Father?

4. Hence it is in the job, wisdom (God) where you will find? lies in the eyes of men, and the birds of heaven is hidden (Job. 28, 20); that is, even the angels are unknown. Also there is a root of wisdom which was revealed (Eccli. 1, 7)? The origin of the Son of God. For that reason, too, on the angels, and the knowledge of the understanding is that, who is able to tell the people? 5. It is clear that only the Father how the Son and Son, how is the father. For indeed, the question is the reason of the Son, and of the birth, the fact that the Son is not only from the two is born; has, I say, the rise of the condition of this kind of a kind of caduca mortals; For Christ is from the Father, so that the brightness of the light, so that the word from the mouth, so that wisdom from the heart.

Chapter 3: Because God and the Lord.

1. After the divine Christ’s birth mystery, then, because the same God and the Lord is the example of the Bible 7. If God is not, to whom it is said in the Psalms: Your See, God, in the world, the virgin of justice, the rod of thy kingdom; love justice and hate violence, because you united you, God, your oil of joy, and your company (Ps. 44, 7)?

2. Who is this the grease from God? Answer Jews. See, the greased by God, and of course Christ is anointed, when the grease is introduced. As long as you hear the God of the grease, understand Christ; Christ is a chrism, that is, from an ounce. This Christ under the person of Cyrus the king of Persia by Isaiah the Father God and the Lord is witnessing, saying: This is the Lord Christ my Cyrus, whose right hand, to subdue the face of his nations, and the kings turned and open before the doors, and the doors are not closed. I will go before you and the glorious earth. Airports break and bars, and I will give you treasures, and mysterious secrets, to know that I am the Lord, who call your name, the Israel (Isai. 45, 1). 3. In the person of Cyrus Christ is prophesied;where they are subjugated nations in faith and kingdoms. Further, because nobody in the kingdom of Israel Cyrus said. If the king of Cyrus Persia who believe that the prophet is absurd and profane 8 to know the wicked man and idolatry, Christ, and God, and the Lord. Hence, in the translation of the 70 is not deemed to be my Christ Cyrus. But this is the Lord Christ. In particular, the person of Christ is taken. That in the person of Christ, of our Lord is taken in a special way. That in the person of Christ, of our Lord is taken in a special way.

4. If Christ is not, let us say that God is affixed to Genesis, when he said, let us make a man in the image and likeness? It is subject to the man created his image; the image of God created him (Gen. 1, 26). They were looking for, therefore, who God created, or to the image of God, the image of the man whom he created? 5. But if you answer, to the angels. Is it the image of the angel of the equality with God, as long as a lot of the image of the creature from him, who has created a difference? or tell the angel with God, was able to make a man? that it is so to think of a great madness. He then said? or to the image of a man is believed to be stored, except to his, to whom one image with God, and the only name of the divinity? 9

6. Also, if Christ is not the Lord, who rained in Sodom fire from the Lord? It is said in Genesis: He rained the Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord (Gen. 19, 24). In the opinion that no one doubts the second person. For who is the Lord, from the Lord, unless it is without doubt the Son from the Father, who is always sent to go down from the same Father, and to go up? Where the testimony of, and the deity of, and the distinction of persons of the Father, and of the Son, the light of the more clearly demonstrated. 7. Also, if the Lord is not, of which David said in the Psalm: The Lord said to my seat on my right hand, until I put your footstool (Ps. 109, 1)? He was the same as the flesh is the son of David, in the spirit, however, the Lord and God. If the Lord is not, of which David said in the Kings said man;which was appointed by Christ of Jacob, Israel, the Lord spoke by me, and his word through my language (2 Reg. 23, 1)? 8. Also, if the Lord is not, who is the Lord of hosts, who is sent to the Lord, saying in Zachary: This is the Lord God of hosts, after the glory sent me to the nations that have stripped you. He touches you touch the apple of his eyes. I will take my hand on them, and they will be the prey to those who serve him, and you know that the hosts sent me (Zach. 2, 8)? 9. See now that this is the voice, if the Savior, because God Almighty God has been sent to the Father. He was sent to the nations, after the glory of Deity, which had with the Father, when he emptied himself;And the form of slaves became obedient to death (Philipp. 2, 7).

He is also the following talks, saying, Lauda, and glad daughter of Zion, because I am coming, 10 and dwell in the midst of you, says the Lord, and many nations to the Lord on that day, and they will be my people, and I will dwell in the midst of you, and you know that the Lord hosts sent me to you (Zach. 2, 10).

10. Who is the Lord of hosts was sent, unless the same Jesus Christ? The remains of the Holy Spirit, the deity of Jacob said, And because the spirit of God, the spirit of the Lord made me, and the spirit of the Almighty God, behold, I like you, God (Job. 33, 4). Of which he had said, the Lord made me back about it, he added, and I like you, God, to show the same spirit to God.

Chapter 4: The Trinity.

1. The Old Testament tips, Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit to God. However, here are the Son, and the Holy Spirit does not respect God, the fact that the voice of the Mount of China, listen, Israel, the Lord your God, the one is 11 (Deut. 6, 4); one thing to be ignorant of God in the Trinity, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, nor three gods, but in three persons, one name of the individual Majesty.

2. We seek the Old Testament in the same Trinity. In the second book, so it is written, said David Jesse. The man, who was appointed by Christ of Jacob, Israel, the Lord spoke by me, and his word through my language. Who would be added to Israel spoke to me, strong Israel, the rule of men (2 Reg. 23, 1).

3. By saying that Christ of Jacob and Son, and the Father shows. Also speaking, the Lord spoke by me, the Holy Spirit clearly opened. The same thing also is in the Psalms: the Word, he said, of the Lord, of heaven, and the spirit of his mouth, all the power of them (Ps. 32, 6); in the person of the Lord, for we receive the Father; In the Word of the Son we believe; In the spirit of his Holy Spirit. The number of the evidence and of the Trinity, and the communion of cooperation is shown. 4. In this way, and in the consequences of the same prophet, he said, He shall send his word, and shall melt it; breath, and flow of water (Ps. 147, 18). Behold, the three, the Father who sends, and the Word that is sent, and the Spirit of his who is flat. For when it is said in Genesis: In the beginning God made heaven and earth, and the spirit of God moved over the waters (Gen. 1, 1, 2),there, in the name of God, the Father is understood; In the Son, who says: In the book is written about me to do your will (Ps. 39, 8, 9); For God, and God; in the fact that the waters of the Holy Spirit is signified.

5. For when he says, let us make a man in the image 12 and likeness (Gen. 1, 26), the plurality of persons open to the Trinity. Where, however, that the unity of the deity show immediately warns, saying, God made a man in the image and likeness. When he says the same God, Adam became like one of us, the plurality of persons Trinity shows the mystery. 6. The mystery of the Trinity and the prophet Aggy opened the person of saying: My Spirit will be in the midst of you (Agg. 2, 6, 8). Behold, the God who speaks, behold, the Spirit of his; After this, the third person, that is, of the Son, so he subjected: For, behold, I will be moved by heaven and the earth, and he shall come, and desired to all the nations.

7. In Isaiah, too, under his own person and whose distinction of the Trinity, saying, the same Son, so it is shown: I am the first, and I am the last one; My hand also founded the earth, and my right table is heaven (Isai. 48, 12, 13, 16). It is not from the beginning, in secret, I have spoken; from the time before it came to pass, there was; And consequently, he added, and now the Lord my God sent me and his spirit. Here are two persons, the Lord and the Spirit, who sent the third person of the same person who is sent. 8. Also elsewhere in the same prophet Trinity is demonstrated. See, he said, my child will support him, my beloved, he complacent to that soul, I have given my breath on him (Isai. 42, 1). The father of the beloved child calls on whom he gave his breath. The Lord Jesus Christ’s own voice, the Spirit of me.9. In another place, too, in the number of the fingers of the Trinity, in the same Isaiah, the whole of the comprehensively, so he predicts, saying: Who is the mind is a handful of the waters, and the heavens of the palm tree, who has considered? Who weighed three fingers mass of the earth (Isai. 40, 12)? In the three fingers of the prophet, indeed, under a kind of the mystery of the three divine Almighty equality of the balance, and from the equality of the power of the cooperation of the power, and the unity of the substance, which is one of the same in the Trinity, in the three fingers of the declared. 10. Of which the Trinity, the mystery of the other he had known the same prophet, saying, I saw the Lord, sitting on the throne of the high place, Seraphim standing on it, six wings, and six wings to another, 13 two were covered with his face, and two were covered with his feet, and two were flying (Isai. 6, 1); which he may show the truth in the persons, and one in the divinity of the show,Then he said, they cried out to the other, and said, Holy, Holy, Spirit, Lord of hosts; full of all the land of his glory. 11. Behold, the confession of the heavenly heavenly works, he persists under the one of the three of the sanctuary of the army: one of the glory of the Trinity Seraphim the repetition of the three. In fact, what three times the Holy One indicates that, unless it is demonstrated in the deity of the three of the same three of the people of the Almighty, the meaning of the glory of? It is not just three persons, such as three gods of belief, but in those persons with one divinity according to Moses, saying, Listen, Israel, God, God, God is one (Deut. 6, 4). And again, I am God, and in addition to no other (Isai. 45, 21). Behold, the confession of the heavenly heavenly works, he persists under the one of the three of the sanctuary of the army: one of the glory of the Trinity Seraphim the repetition of the three. In fact, what three times the Holy One indicates that, unless it is demonstrated in the deity of the three of the same three of the people of the Almighty, the meaning of the glory of? It is not just three persons, such as three gods of belief, but in those persons with one divinity according to Moses, saying, Listen, Israel, God, God, God is one (Deut. 6, 4). And again, I am God, and in addition to no other (Isai. 45, 21). Behold, the confession of the heavenly heavenly works, he persists under the one of the three of the sanctuary of the army: one of the glory of the Trinity Seraphim the repetition of the three. In fact, what three times the Holy One indicates that, unless it is demonstrated in the deity of the three of the same three of the people of the Almighty, the meaning of the glory of? It is not just three persons, such as three gods of belief, but in those persons with one divinity according to Moses, saying, Listen, Israel, God, God, God is one (Deut. 6, 4). And again, I am God, and in addition to no other (Isai. 45, 21). But among those persons who are predicated in the opinion of Moses, Listen, Israel, God, God, God is one (Deut. 6, 4). And again, I am God, and in addition to no other (Isai. 45, 21). But among those persons who are predicated in the opinion of Moses, Listen, Israel, God, God, God is one (Deut. 6, 4). And again, I am God, and in addition to no other (Isai. 45, 21).

12. However, contrary to these objects disastrous Jews, saying: If the Father is God, and the Son of God; the two gods, and not one God. For me, then listen to Isaiah, both the person one God, saying, ‘Are you God, and you is God. In that he says: Are you God, Father shows; In fact, the subject: You are God, Son declared. 13. However, in order to show the same Father and the Son of God, he subjected not without you, really you are God, God of Israel. The name of the Father, and of the Son of the other, too, is united to be proved, the Father to the legislator Moses, so that he testified: Take heed to him, and do not let him be unobedent; For my name on that.

Chapter 6: The name of Jesus.

1. The first is to be found in the shape of our Lord Jesus Christ, the name of Jesus, the appeal of the previous preached. For some of the Auses, who named Nave, a Moyse Jesus (Num. 13, 17). This effect after the death of Moses leader got the government and the land of promise inheritance. The change of meaning, except for the deceased Moyse, that is, the deceased, and the legal precept, the leader of us, Jesus Christ was to be that we are in Jordan, that is, the grace of baptism, and all kinds of diseases were expelled or angels of evil, lead to the land of heavenly 18 promise, honey, and the milk of eternal possession, that is,

2. Therefore, the man of this sacrament took the image to be named to signify the truth of Jesus, which is written in Psalms, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us be greeted (Ps. 149, 4), that is, Jesus, our father. Where is the Lord and God to be Jesus, which and elsewhere in the Psalms: I want him to the people, and he will raise the mansuetos in Jesus. This is the Hebrew so. The more clearly Habacuc intends to say, I will rejoice in the Lord, and I will rejoice in my God (Habac. 3, 18).

Chapter 7: Christ from Abraham's flesh.

Chapter 9: Christ from Abraham's flesh.

1. The seed of Abraham would be the Lord Jesus Christ, Genesis shows, Abraham said to his child, put your hand under my thigh, and the rights of God’s Heaven (Gen. 24, 2). The word Christ God of Heaven, the kind of testifying in the flesh to come. During the thigh race is understood; for it was signified by the seed of Abraham in the flesh of God, of heaven, of whom the seed of the Lord, by Isaac had been made to him from the promise. In the seed, you will be blessed with all nations (Gen. 22, 18), that is, 19 in Christ, of which the Psalms said, and bless him all three countries, all nations will magnify him (Ps. 71, 17).

2. On this seed, and the same voice of Isaiah speaks, I will bring out of Jacob’s seed, and the mountains of Judah (Isai. 65, 9). Of which elsewhere the same prophet, but the Sabaoth, we left the seed, as Sodom, and as Gomorrha become similar (Isai. 1, 9). Chapter 8. The tribe of Judah. 1. And because of the tribe of Judah, according to Christ would be expected, Jacob patriarch means, saying: It will fail the leader of Judah, and the leader of his thigh until he comes to be sent. He will be the expectations of people (Gen. 49, 10). It is certain that, as far as the rise of Christ, not to have lacked the leaders of the Jewish people, from the stock of Judah, nor the captains of the women, as far as the king of Herodem foreign women, who, by the ambition of the kingdom, had crept the power of the.

2. As a result, that this was done, and there is now no leader from the seed of the Jews, came to the one who was to be sent, whom the nations, and of the people, they waited for. The Jews, however, that the time of the expanse of the unconcernation of the forehead, they say that it is not yet fulfilled, I do not know whom the king of the 20 from the stock of the Jews in the uttermost part of the East, the parts of the kingdom to hold.

3. Nor do they pay attention, the mind of the blind, the simulation of his lie, I have been disclosed, because it is no longer as the temple, no altar, no sacrifice, so there is no king, no one remained a priest of the Jews; For neither a liar can Osee prophet, who says, Israel will be without a king, without a prince, without sacrifice, without altar, without a priest, without manifestations (Ose. 3, 4). All these things, who does not see now in them to be complete?

Chapter 9: Because of the stock of David was born.

1. See, from which the Lord is Christ taught. From David, the stock will be in the Holy Spirit was predicted in the Psalms, David Juravit the truth, and will not be disappointed that the fruit of your stomach will put your seat (Ps. 131, 11). And again: Once I swear in my holy, if David lie, his seed will remain forever, and his throne, as the sun in front of me, and the moon is perfect forever, and a witness in heaven faithful (Psal. 88, 36 f.).

2. Also in the Chronicles: And the word of Nathan, saying, Go, and tell my servant David: This is the Lord: Annunition will build a house for you, and fill your days to go to your fathers, I will raise your seed after you, that will be your children, and establish his kingdom, he will build my house and strengthen its soil forever. I will be her father, and he will be my son, and I will not take away from him, as I took away from him who was before you, and I will establish him in my house, and in my kingdom forever, and the throne will be the strongest forever (2 Reg. 7, 4; 1 Paral. 17, 3). 21 3. All these things, who in Solomon, he thinks that it was filled with, it seems to be a lot to err. For how to understand that it is after sleeping with your fathers;After you raise your seed, which will be out of your children, and the kingdom? What about Solomon believed to be prophesy? No way. For he is his father, he began to reign. In fact, here it is said, that when they were fulfilled, the days of thy life, and thou shalt lie with your fathers, I will raise up thy seed. From this it is meant to be promised that they had not before death, but after his death had been declared to be raised. 4. He who would build the house of the Lord, not of the walls of the hand, but of the stones of the living and precious things, that is to say, of the saints, and the faithful. For it, which is subject to the faithful of his house, and his kingdom forever before me (2 Reg. 7, 16), attends and look at any one of Solomon. For Solomon, for the women, the women, the house of the strangers who were full of idols, and he himself from them, the king of idolatry, being deceived,and cast out, as long as it would have been in the beginning of the good, the bad outcome.

5. Therefore, what is this house is faithful forever, and that after the death of David? He of course is about what David cried out, saying in the eighteenth and eighth: You are the distance of Christ (Ps. 88, 39). It is not, therefore, he was Solomon, but neither is this David was beloved by Christ. Behold, they appeared to the promises of the aforesaid, it is not in Solomon, but in Christ, the Lord our God, who is of David, the stock of the rising of the is to say, to have been completed. 6. On which the Lord says, Here are the days, says the Lord, and I will raise the seed, and the king will be wise, and make judgment and justice on the ground. In those days saved Judah and Israel will dwell safely, and this is the name that they will call him, our Lord (Jerem. 23, 5, 6). 7. This is one of Nathan David promised (1 Paral.17; 2 Reg. 7), which is 22 by Isaiah the prophet, he says, shoot from the root of Jesse, and the flower of its roots (Isai. 11, 1). This rod from the root of Jesse virgin Mary, David, who had risen, the flower of the Lord Savior, which also follows: The rest on the spirit of wisdom and understanding of the spirit of counsel and strength, spirit of science and loyalty, and he will fulfill the spirit of fear. 8. Therefore, the spirit of great gifts on him, because it does not measure the Holy Spirit (Joan. 3, 34), as in us, but it is characterized by the fullness of God and thanks (Colos. 2, 9). This is not the vision and hearing the ears, but the justice belt lumbar, and the faith of his curls (Isai. 11, 3).In the church lives with a wolf lamb, who was used to take away the prey, while it is converted to innocent people.

9. In which the fold of the leopard with a kid, let him be subject to the simple, there is also a calf of the circumcision, a lion of the world’s power, a sheep of the order of the population, at the same time they die, because it is in the faith of the common is the condition of all. But the boy is a child, threatening them, he is, of course, who has humbled himself for us, as a child. Bos and a lion there will eat straw, because the leaders of the subjects of the common doctrine.

10. The baby is also delighted by the breasts on the holes of the asps, while people who used to poison once to preach, converted to the children of Christ’s faith are delighted to hear. But the care of the hearts of the kings of the unbelievers, in which he was a serpent, the winding, which was entailed by the prisoner, and drew it, as was said in the hill-country of the Holy One, that is the church, it does not harm.

11. Isaiah is still the same Christ, because of the seed of David would be born in the flesh, so the consequences says: On the root of Jesse, who stands a sign of the people, the people 23 appeal, and the tomb will be glorious (Isai. 11, 10). The signal stands root of Jesse, when Christ expresses the seal of the cross on their forehead. Very people pray that this is already seen to have been complete. The grave, however, it is only in the glorious, that we may show him the glory of his death, by means of the exception of the fact that they were redeemed, even the place of the same flashing of the miracles, the glory of his own cause, to him, all the contracts in the world.

12. This place is in the Hebrew it has will rest. Of course, because the dying flesh did not see corruption according to the opinion of Psalm: I do not leave my life in hell, do not give your holy to see corruption (Ps. 15, 10). Now, however, that the prophetic mouth of Moab, the testimony of Christ, the same Isaiah: I will put on those who have fled from Moab lion and the rest of the earth. Send a lamb, Lord, the ruler of the rock to the mountain daughter of Sion (Isai. 15, 9; 16, 1).

13. This is the nation of Moab, the Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world, which is dominant in the world. Ruth rock means that, disappointed death of her husband, the father of Boaz Obed, and Obed Jesse, and Jesse, David, and David Christ. But the mountain of the city of Jerusalem, he says, the daughter of Sion, or in history, or, according to the tropology of the Church in the watch-tower, that is to say, in the virtues of the sublime.

Chapter 10: Because Christ is the virgin without a man's sexual intercourse.

1. So far about the name and nation, and the kind of our Lord Jesus Christ Old Testament faith, then generations to flesh from the Virgin. Isaiah 24 Holy Spirit full of future incarnation of the Son of God predicts the mystery, so he says he added to talk to Achaz, saying, Pete will sign the Lord God in the depth of hell or on high above (Isai. 7, 10). He submits: Listen to the house of David, that is, the kind of.

2. For well-home David talked, that is, to the royal family of the stock down Mary, and he added, because he will give you a sign: See, a virgin in the womb, and he will give a son, and his name Emmanuel, which is interpreted to us with God. Because, then, he, whom he is in the womb of the Virgin, and she gave birth, God is called to us when God is, God, therefore, in the womb of the virgin was conceived and born is known. So the Jews were incredulous, and Christ’s own neck.

3. For behold, the Virgin gave birth to us, God is called. In this place, they argue that the Jews in the Hebrew, not a virgin, but a young woman, he will show the word of the prophetic pariturum. Against whom he shall answer, not to be a sign, if the young man gives birth, which is the age of. But this is a sign to the novelty of the thing, if the Virgin, which is the integrity of the. As long as he says: the Lord shall give to you a sign, it suggests to a kind of a sign of a miracle, that is to say a virgin, that is to say, that it would not be without a doubt, a sign of, unless the new existence. For Christ, for the sake of the sign of a miracle, according to the flesh of the flock to be born out of the virgin.

4. It goes out, butter and honey. Butter fruit is coming from the circumcision of the Church, like a cow under the yoke, that is, under the law; honey of the Church coming from the nations, 25 whose charm and sweetness of work and faith feeds Christ. He goes on, and he says, and before he knows a child to call his father or mother. That is, he said before he knows, that is, before he knows God’s divinity to have a father and a virgin mother, according to what is written in Genesis, saying to Abraham, now I know that fear God (Gen. 22, 12), that is, now you know you did. Far be it with God, ignorance, so that he knew that he did not know.

5. How many of the power exists is the same Emmanuel, the prophet often declare, saying: The extension of the wings, filling the breadth of the earth, Emmanuel (Isai. 8, 8); which we believe that the Virgin, the Father in the Psalms, saying, Let us hear. For when the Prophet of Christ said to the Lord, I sit on my right hand, immediately the voice of the Father, saying to the Son, Before the star, and as the womb of the dew your youth. He sworn, and I will not repent him, you’re a priest forever in order Melchisedec. The right hand will break the day of his kings (Psal. 109, 1). And again, where he says, the glory of our country, compassion and truth, justice and peace are complex. The truth of the country has arisen, and justice of heaven (Ps. 84;10 f.). 6. What is the truth of the earth, but Christ was born out of the woman, the Son of God’s flesh? In fact, the flesh of the earth; When he was born Christ, justice of heaven. For it is not given to the justification of heaven, unless Christ is in the flesh, he was born, and that he might make known that the truth of the earth, there was a man, then he added: Justice before him, he shall preside over, and put it in the way of his steps. Also the same David Earth, he said, fruit (Psal. 66, 7, 8). Earth, Mary, gave the fruit of his own Christ; But who is this fruit? God bless us, our God bless us. and in order to show that the truth of the earth, he was born a man, and he joined him with him: righteousness before him, and put it in the way of his steps. Also the same David Earth, he said, fruit (Psal. 66, 7, 8). Earth, Mary, gave the fruit of his own Christ; But who is this fruit? God bless us, our God bless us. and in order to show that the truth of the earth, he was born a man, and he joined him with him: righteousness before him, and put it in the way of his steps. Also the same David Earth, he said, fruit (Psal. 66, 7, 8). Earth, Mary, gave the fruit of his own Christ; But who is this fruit? God bless us, our God bless us.

7. This fruit of the earth, Isaiah the prophet in another place more clearly, saying: Rorate, Heaven, above, and rain just cloud; opened the earth, and the Savior and justice arises at the same time; I created him (Isai. 45, 8). Heaven, who, and the cloud, that is, the prophets, by whom Christ was prophesied; the land of Mary, 26, faith is open, not corruption, the father of the Savior, because the only one that created, not the mix of seed.

8. Therefore, Isaiah said Generation who will declare (Isai. 53, 8)? No one is aware of the concept of Christ’s birth was the only word of the virgin pregnant woman. The prophet Daniel also figuratively predicted, saying, I saw a stone from the mountain cut without hands, and when he came to the ground, filled the world (Dan. 2, 34): Christ is a stone without a cut-off, filling all the land for all nations of the kingdom.

9. The stone of Isaiah speaks See, send the foundations of Zion, a precious choice, a corner, and who believes it will not be disappointed (Isai. 28, 16). This saw Daniel cut off from the mountain, that is, the Jewish people, without hands, that is, without the operation of the Virgin Mary, which without a doubt that the girl had to believe before creating a virgin continued after delivery, Ezekiel prophet, turning me to the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, which looked at the east, and it was closed. He said to me, this gate will be closed, it will not be opened, and a man does not pass through it, because the Lord is entered through it, and it will be closed (Ezech. 44, 1).

10. The testimony of St. Mary and the girl conceived and continues to acknowledge. Genitalia for the feminine, for the fact that the barriers of delivery, the gates are said to be, just as he said, Job: Because they did not shut the gates of the belly, who bore me (Job. 3, 10). Lord Jesus Christ is remarkable and powerful born, as a bridegroom out of his chamber (Ps. 18, 6), that is, from the Virgin’s womb, after which no rise when Mary had met, none of his womb.

Chapter 11: In Bethlehem, Christ.

1. The birth of our Lord, from the Virgin, the place of origin, too, 27 of his own, we will show. For Bethlehem was born to which it is called by Michael, and you, Bethlehem, Ephrata, tell the little ones in thousands of Judah? I go out of you who is the dominant in Israel;And he went out from eternity. Because of this, give them up to the time in which the childbirth (Mich. 5, 2).

2. Thus, after the place of origin predicted, then the kingdom will be in the whole world, saying, stand and see, and feed his flock in the power of the Lord, and in honor of his name will be now magnified to the ends of the earth, and this will be peace.

3. On this point of birth of Christ and Habacuc the prophet said, God will come from Africa. Bethlehem area where Christ was born out of Jerusalem to the south side. Therefore, the merit of the south, because of Bethlehem is coming to be foreseen.

Chapter 12: The stars of Christ's birth is shown.

1. Because the stars of the birth of the information, the number of the divine 28 Balaam sounded, saying: The star of Jacob will rise from Israel. For the Magi from the East, the parts of the coming, the first star of Christ, the birth of the index finger, that is to say, that he whom he had formerly been the leader of the art of their foretold, to him, looking at the constellation.

Chapter 13: The duties offered.

1. Since the present offered to the magician, and that the prophets have told us; For thus it is Isaiah said: At that time, the Lord of hosts, from the people of the divulso, and the tear, from the terrible people, after which there was no other (Isai. 18, 7). This, however, says the prophet, for the sake of the Persians, the mighty nation, to which the power of the people, no one was compared, of which the magicians came to Christ, the gifts they brought.

2. And again, he said, Saba, gold and thus, and praise the Lord. Of these gifts and David, saying, And it will be given to the gold of Arabia (Ps. 71, 11). The 29 again, King of Tharsis, and the island presents the kings of the Arab and Saba gifts. For the magical kings of the East.

Chapter 14: From the Father is hooked.

1. And because there is no oil, human beings is Christ, as the rest of the kings and the Jews, but from the Father’s Spirit, Isaiah the person of the same Christ, so he sounded, saying, the Spirit of the Lord over me, because he has united me to proclaim to the poor sent me to preach the remission of prisoners, and blind view (Isai. 61, 1). 2. In a similar way, and the Psographer, divine spirit, thus talking to the same Christ, saying, Your See, God, the world, the rod of justice, the rod of your kingdom. You love justice, and hate violence, because you are God, God has oil of joy, before your company (Ps. 44, 7). In the first sentence of the prophet of Christ, and the perpetuity of the divinity of which it shows.

3. The following means of equity staff of the power of his kingdom and announces. Lastly, what is the same God from God, anointed, saying, indicates, not, indeed, with oil, the common, as the others share in his own, that is, the princes, who had preceded the imagination, but with oil of joy, which is mystically demonstrated by the Holy Spirit, of which the heavenly infusion, and the power of Christ is consecrated.

Chapter 15:

This is a poor man, and he was cast by the first coming of the. 1. For the poor and abjected in the first approach, St. Isaiah indicates that, saying: Tell daughter Sion: The king has come to you just 30 and savior, poor, sitting on the ass (Isai. 52, 13). Also with the same person of the Father, I understand my servant, be proud and lifted, and it will be very high; As many were astonished on you, so it will be a terrible among his men, and the form of his children.

2. This sprinkle many nations, the kings of his mouth, because it is not announced about him, they will see, and who did not hear, they are contemplated. Who believed our audience? The arm of which was revealed (Isai. 53, 1)? As it goes up before him, and the root of the thirsty land. There is no species to him, nor the beauty, and we have seen him, and there was no appearance, and we have desired him, and the last of the men; a man of pain, and knowing to bear the weakness of, and as it were, hidden in his face, and despised, so we have not considered him.

3. Of a truth, our diseases, he took away, and our sorrows, he reacted to us, and we thought that he was like a leper, and he slew him from God, and humiliated, he was humbled, for the sake of our iniquities, and worn out for the sake of our crimes. Our training of peace on him, and we were healed. All of us, like sheep.

4. Each way he turned aside, and the Lord put in the violence of all of us. He was offered, because he wanted to, and he did not open his mouth; As sheep to slaughter, and as a lamb 31 before shearing, and he opened his mouth. The distress, and the judgment was taken to his generation who will declare? because it is cut off from the land of the living, for the sake of the crime of the people, I have struck him, and he shall give the wicked for burial, and the rich man for his death, because he did not do the iniquity, nor shall he be grieved in his mouth, and the Lord wanted to destroy him in his infirmity; if he has set for his life, he shall see the seed of the long, and the will of his hand.

5. For the fact that he has labored his soul, he shall see, and shall be satisfied, in the knowledge of his own, he shall justify my servants, for many, and the iniquities of them shall bear. For that reason, I will destroy him, many of them, and the mighty shall divide the spoil, for the fact that he has given to his life in the death of his own, and when he was credited to the wicked, and he took away the sins of many, and for the transgressors. 6. In which the reading is not only, because it appeared to Christ, but also there is a generation of heavenly expression, the weakness of the flesh, it is manifested, insulting, too, of his passion, cross, death, burial, there is shown, and that the innocent is condemned, and silent there is acted upon.

7. For God, having received in the flesh of the poor, the form of himself to be humble, he deemed it is, and our cause, so that the salvation of the lost, even as far as the death of the submission was made, that in other places the same Isaiah: He shall not cry out, nor hear any man in the streets of his voice; pen shake does not break up, and the flax smoking will not consume; but in truth judgment, how long will I make the judgment, and in the name of its nations (Isai. 42, 2).

8. And Jeremiah, which came into the flesh, and low, so predicted, Lord, make sure your name, because there are many turning. We have sinned, the expectation of Israel, saves his time of trouble. Why are you like a stranger on the ground? And as a traveler who declined to stay? Why are you going to be like a fugitive and strong, who can not save? You are in us, Lord, and your name is called upon us, do not leave us (Jerem. 14, 7).

9. As long as he says, to you, we have sinned, he expresses the person of the Jews, 32 who are in God, they sinned, when he came to him in the form of a man is crucified; For he offered himself to the aspects of men, as it were, the wandering man, and inquiline; they thought that this is only what it seemed, they killed a man, as it were, who would not be able to save.

Chapter 16: Because the signs and virtues.

1. Categories and powers of treatment before the provisions of Isaiah prophet, saying, Behold, our God will come and save us. Then open the eyes of the blind and ears deaf. Then jump lame, like a deer, and it will be flat language of the mute (Isai. 35, 4). And again, the Spirit of the Lord over me, because he has put me to declare sent me to cure the heart, preach prisoners redemption and blind view (Isai. 61, 1; Luke. 4, 18).

2. All these things are the signs of healing in the coming of Christ, they are made. As soon as he was born before the star bowed to the magician, and offered gifts. Then he represented his arrival varied miracles. Blind, for it is, that God might know, the depth of the night, the mist is deterred. The dead, the rediviva of light is returned, so that the soul of life.

3. I rose up, so that the hearing of faith, they began to hear. Shut up, in order that they might run to God, the marching of the enthusiasm of the plants. And the dumb, that they may confess that God, the famous voices of the people cried out. Leprosi for abolishing the contagion of tough members of the deposit; for the effect of his Majesty, he did many things, which are to be passed, while all things are read.

4. In fact, the power of the pendulum of the waves of the sea, the waves of the swellings of their own, and of the sea, the great storms of his own government, he mitigated. 33 Now, however, the death of the elements of the passion of his own, they feared, as long as the sun runs away, while the earth is shaken, and the rocks, and they are disconnected, even if the death of him, and she could not hold it.

5. In fact, the day of the third rose again, to the seat of the paternal, and ministries of angels is reduced from the earth to heaven. There are many, too, and the things of his almighty things were made. However, he says that the prophets did many miracles. It is true; no one, however, of those dead, he rose again, and in the heaven went up.

Chapter 17: The body was seen.

1. Because the same thing in the body of men should be seen by Isaiah, saying: Because of this, people will know my name on that day, because I am the one who spoke, behold, I am here (Isai. 52, 6). And David will walk out of power in power, and the gods in Sion (Psal 83, 8). And again, I came to you, God, my king (Ps. 67, 25): of course, in which he came into the world, and to whom he went up to heaven, then it is manifested, and was revealed to meet his coming, whom the Jews, if they had known, never the Lord of the glory of the crucified (1 Cor. 2, 8).

2. Of which, too, the physical vision of the above-mentioned Isaiah, so he has declared: Inglorious, he said, it will be among the men of his appearance, and the form of his 34 among the children of men, whom it is not told of him, they shall see, and those who have not heard, they were contemplated. And Jeremiah, in the book Baruch: This is our God, and they will not be appreciated by someone who finds all the way of prudence, and Jacob showed her child, and Israel loved her. After these countries appeared in, and when people were converted.

3. And Habacuc: O Lord, he said, I have heard of your hearing, and I feared; I have considered your works, and I have explained, in the midst of the two animals you know; While they have come near the year, you will know, while the time will show (Habac. 2, 10). Also he will see the nations, and the people, that is, Jews. 4. Since the aforesaid Isaiah of the same sounded, because of Zion will not be silent, and because of Jerusalem will not cease until it comes to the brightness of his just and his Savior, as lamps, lighting, and they will just come, and all the kings of your glorious. And again, the voice of your watchmen, shout at the same time, because the eye to see. And below, prepared for the holy arm in front of all nations, and they will see all the borders of our greetings (Isai. 62, 1; 52, 8, 10). Chapter 18. The Jews were not to him, to recognize it. 1.And because it was not recognized by the Jews, Jeremiah predicted the person of the Lord: transgression in my house of Israel and Judah, said the Lord; denied me, and said, is not he (Jerem. 5, 11). This is now up to the Jews of Christ, not he, waiting for another, who is Antichrist.

4. Isaiah: There is no appearance, nor beauty, and we have seen him, and there was no appearance, and we missed him, and the last men of a man of pain, knowing to bear weakness, and as a hidden face, and despised. Therefore, we have not considered him (Isai. 53, 2). In these words, the unbelief of the Jews, by which Christ is not to have the appearance of the sight, nor beauty, and hence it is not accounted for to be God. 3. Which, however, because they would not be recognized, or receive the same 35 Isaiah approves, saying: Listen, Heaven, listen, land, because the Lord spoke: The sons of the enutrivi, and lifted up, they have rejected me. He knew the owner of the cow, and his ass. Israel did not know, but my people do not understand (Isai. 1, 2). And again, listen, and I do not understand and seeand you shall not know; For the heart of the people (Isai. 6, 9; Matthew. 13, 14). 4. Therefore, Ezekiel: The word of the Lord came to me, saying: The Son of Man, in the middle of the house of provocative do you live, who have eyes to see, and they do not see, and ears to hear, and they do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). the heart of the people (Isai. 6, 9; Matthew. 13, 14). 4. Therefore, Ezekiel: The word of the Lord came to me, saying: The Son of Man, in the middle of the house of provocative do you live, who have eyes to see, and they do not see, and ears to hear, and they do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). the heart of the people (Isai. 6, 9; Matthew. 13, 14). 4. Therefore, Ezekiel: The word of the Lord came to me, saying: The Son of Man, in the middle of the house of provocative do you live, who have eyes to see, and they do not see, and ears to hear, and they do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). 13, 14). 4. Therefore, Ezekiel: The word of the Lord came to me, saying: The Son of Man, in the middle of the house of provocative do you live, who have eyes to see, and they do not see, and ears to hear, and they do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). 13, 14). 4. Therefore, Ezekiel: The word of the Lord came to me, saying: The Son of Man, in the middle of the house of provocative do you live, who have eyes to see, and they do not see, and ears to hear, and they do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). In the middle of the house you are staying, who have eyes to see and do not see, and ears to hear, and I do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). In the middle of the house you are staying, who have eyes to see and do not see, and ears to hear, and I do not hear (Ezech. 12, 2). For thus it is blinded, so that the Savior, nor to recognize, nor to receive it. The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). The day of Abraham saw, and he was glad, and the advent of the great desire to wait (Joan. 8, 56), these men, and they saw, and they did not know, in addition, and they have blasphemed, crying out: We do not have the king, unless Caesar, and the other things which follow. The hardness of the people, so it is not changed, how neither the Ethiopian color, or a variety of pardi, Jeremiah, the testante: If you can change his skin, or leopard their fathers (Jerem, 13, 23). If you can change his skin or leopard (Jerem, 13, 23). If you can change his skin or leopard (Jerem, 13, 23).

Chapter 19: Because he did not recognize the Jews were gathered against him.

1. But since the Jews are not recognizing, they were gathered to kill him, and the universal assent of his passion, so we read: Why nations, that is, Romans and people imagine vain, that is, Jews. The kings of the earth, that is, Herod and Pilate; and the leaders assembled together, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews against the Lord, and against his (Ps. 2, 1). 2. And again, from the same person, surrounded me 36 dogs many people, the council of malignant me (Ps, 21, 17). The dog is also the name of the other prophet. Isaiah is written: All dogs blind, knowing bark. The dog is the custom, as he said, Our Hilary, pastor, a flock of know,wait to pursue the game. But, in truth, these are blind dogs, shepherd, and they saw not his own, the office of the intelligent, not to be barking of their own from the wild beasts to the flock, from the thieves to the Lord, and turned back. Hence, the prophet of these things, so he says, and the other, they are made to me in the arrow.

Chapter 20: He was poisoned.

For thirty silver, and sold, by Zacharias, so he foretold: If it is good, he said, in the sight of your God, give me a reward, and they hung my reward for thirty pieces of silver. He said to me, Projice it to the statuary, the price is valued by them. 37 2. For this is the reason for all the well-known. For Jews, penance movement, money, and cast into the temple and went and hanged himself (Matthew. 27, 4). In order to fulfill what Isaiah: Witness will not be unpunished for the fact that sold silver Just (Prov. 19, 5; Amos. 2. 6).

3. How well the money paid to him; for many works with them, he had made, he returned to the life of the dead, the light of the blind, deaf, hearing, and close; the death of thirty of the silver, for whom all the Jews, the wicked, the estimation of the reward of him, and restored to him.

Chapter 21: Because of his student was delivered.

1. For the traitor to the bread shows the apostles, even in Psalms, saying that he was filled with bread, increased against me. And again, you are the only one person, my leader, and I am aware that at the same time sweet food (Ps. 40, 10; 54, 14). 2. Of the Jewish traitor to Jeremiah before predicted, Judah is a pen of iron with a diamond (Jerem. 17, 1), that whether it be to Judah, or to the Jews, not to be inappropriate, who have sinned against Christ, that they should not be a sin of their ink, which was written, that it may be destroyed, but a pen of iron, and in the point of a diamond, that is to say, that it can not be erased in comparison with the hardness of their heart, unless they believed.

Chapter 22: A herself.

1. For, because he spontaneously for us, Isaiah 38 says he forgot that he wanted. And below: For the fact that he has given his life to death, see the seed of the chronic, and the will of the Lord in his hand (Isai. 53, 7). He speaks by Jeremiah, the prophet, I left my house, letting my inheritance, I gave my beloved in the hands of his actresses (Jerem. 12, 7), that is, in the hands of the Jews who killed him.

Chapter 23: It was arrested.

1. Because it was arrested, Jeremiah, the Prophet far before he predicted the spirit of our Christ is caught in our sins (Thren. 4, 20). The prediction of the Lord, and Christ, clearly, and to be handed over for our sins. 2. Also Wisdom says: They are wicked: We find it just because it is useless to us, and contrary to our works, promises to have knowledge of God, and the Son of God. And below: If there is a real Son of God, he will deliver him out of hand (Sap. 2, 12, 18). And below: In order to know his reverence, and we will prove his death, we condemn him; that is, the affixion of the cross.

Chapter 24: He was judged

1. Because it was judged, David cries under the shape of the sinner in God, you only sin, and I did bad before you, to be justified in your words and win, with the judge (Psal. 50, 6). For when he came to Christ in the body, as it were, he made himself guilty, and the judge of men, to judge himself to be judged, and so gentle, and slow to anger, as long as he was judged, he won, because there is nothing in him worthy of, that he was judged, the people of the persecutor, he found. 2. Therefore, the Prophet, the advent of his judgment, he threatened against the same people, saying: Listen to the 39 talks, Rise and contend against the mountains, and listen to the hills. Listen to the mountains of judgment, and the strong foundation of the earth (Mich. 6, 1 et seq.). Since the judgment of the people, and with Israel, saying: My Popule;What have you done? and what trouble I was? answer me, because I brought you out of Egypt, and I delivered you to the house and sent before Moses and Aaron and Mary? When the benefits of the Lord showed the people, and against them. And what is the same people coming, then he submits: Listen, three, who will approve it? still fire in the house of the wicked, the treasure of violence.

Chapter 25: The passion of his students.

1. Because of his suffering from his disciples would be desolated by David the prophet speaks the same thing: All my friends have forgotten me, far you have known me (Psal. 87, 9). And Zacharias: Strike shepherd and scattered sheep (Zach. 13, 7; Matthew. 26, 31). Then the students refuge.

Chapter 25: A false witnesses accused.

1. Because it was from the falsities of the witnesses to be accused, by means of the same prophet, Osee, the Lord, so he says: Woe unto them, for they have gone away from me, shall be destroyed, because they have transgressed in me. I will return to them, and they have spoken against me, lies; and I have taught them, and I have strengthened their arms, and they themselves are in me, they thought of evil, they returned, so that they were without a yoke; become like a bow (Ose. 7, 13).

2. And Zacharias: If you have prevailed against me, says the 40, and said: What have we spoken against you? And the Psalms said, I insulted witnesses, and lied to him (Ps. 26, 12). Isaiah of Judah says: Witness will not be unpunished for the fact that sold silver.

Chapter 27: Jews cried to be crucified.

I cried Pilate to be crucified, this is already by Jeremiah Christ Synagoga predicted, saying: I left my house, my inheritance was like a lion in the forest, he gave me a voice (Jerem. 12, 7); railing course, and saying: Crucifige, crucifix (Luc. 23, 21; Joan. 19, 6). 2. And in other places he says: Upon whom you have opened your mouth? And against whom you have loosed your languages (Isai. 57, 4)? Isaiah: Ruit said, Jerusalem and Judah collapsed because their language against the Lord (Isai. 3, 8). Also, he looked to do the judgment, they did wrong, and not justice, but the cry (Isai. 5, 7). 41

Chapter 28: Jews were convicted of his posterity.

1. For the Jews also condemned the posterity of Christ, saying: Blood on us, and our children (Matthew. 27, 25), once with the objection of Isaiah predicted, saying: The seed of the worst, prepare your children in the murder of their fathers (Isai. 14, 20). Coming into Judea nations for the crime of the children were killed.

2. Under the person of whom, and Jeremiah, the destruction of them, so he deplores, saying: Our fathers have sinned, and they are not, but we are the iniquities of their release (Thren. 5, 7). Also Jeremiah: The priests did not say where is the Lord? and holding the law, they did not know me, and shepherds have broken me. Therefore, the judgment is still with you, said the Lord, and with your children.

3. Also, why then it is made in the booty? on the roar lions, and they gave his voice, put his land in the desert, and the cities were burned, and there is no one who lives in them (Jerem. 2, 8, 14).

Chapter 29: Flagellatus and palms killed.

1. Because it was scourge, and the palm-times, job of the so-called reproach and spit, struck my cheek, my penalties are satisfied (Job. 16, 11). And Ps says I am ready to whip (Ps. 37, 18). And again, they are in my whip, and I did not know (Ps. 34, 15).

2. Similarly, by Isaiah: I am not, he said, I do not contradict my body, I strikers, and my cheeks, I do not turn away from the unspoken and spit on me (Isai. 50, 6). And Jeremiah says: I have made my scapibus to the scourge, and the jaws of my palms (Thren. 3, 30). Also, concerning the same thing, Jeremiah: He shall give, he said, the strikers, the cheek, he shall be filled with reproach.

Chapter 30: Arundine Christ's head is struck.

1. Since the head of the burning, and he endured patiently, Isaiah predicted, saying: Arundem shake does not destroy the flax smoking will not extinguish the pen damaged or broken, not to destroy all the placable, and will give sinners, saying, ‘Son, daughter, let your sins (Isai. 42, 1 et seq.). And the flax of smoking, whether it be, that they may be dark and dark, and the darkness shall not be extinguished.

2. Those who were neighbors of their extinction, of the Lord’s clemency will be kept. What is over the Jews, and the nations, in the above-mentioned workmen; but with the truth of all things, he shall judge, by no means afraid of the scribes, and Pharisees, whom he called the hypocrites, with confidence (Matthew. 23, 13).

Chapter 31: Spines crowned.

1. And because the moth crown of his head, he is written in the songs of the person of the Father, the insults of the sons of Jerusalem, and saying, ‘Exite, and see the daughter of Jerusalem, the king of the crown, which crowned his mother (Cant. 3, 11), that is, the crown of thorns, which he put his head Synagogue.

2. But the Son of Jeremiah, and by means of the same, so he says: the thorns of their sins, and surrounded me, the people here. And with Isaiah: Plantavi said, I am chosen, and I waited to make grapes, the spineless (Isai, 5, 2); 43 course that degenerating from patriarchs fruit, not the fruit of justice, but the thorns of death and cross brought his Creator.

Chapter 32: Veste scarlet dressed

1. In fact, the soldiers, and that the garments of a scarlet garment, and put on him, he foretold the prophet Isaiah, saying, ‘Who is this one who comes out of the Edom, yarns, clothes, and of the Bosra? Why is your red clothes and clothing, like tread in the press (Isai. 63, 1)? But he answered: Torcular, he said, I have tread alone. To tread the press alone, he said, because only because of the world’s suffering, and the sole and blood.

Chapter 33: While it was exposed, he kept silent.

1. For as long as he was exposed to, he was silent, he is written, this is the voices of the prophets, they bear witness to. Isaiah is so out of it, as sheep to slaughter, and the Lamb before shearing himself, so it opened his mouth (Isai. 53, 7). This is a passion Pilate asked nothing to speak;but the humility of his judgment was taken up; of whom he, and in other places: He shall not cry out, nor shall he hear any man in the streets of the voice of his (Isai. 42, 2).

2. Also the same Christ the same prophet, the Lord opened my ear, I will not contradict. My body given strikers (Isai. 50, 5). He elsewhere: Tacui, silui, tell me always silent (Isai. 42, 14)? First, he kept to be judged, when he was without a voice, just as the Lamb of the presence of the shearing, and did not open his mouth, and he checked his power.

3. In the end, however, it is written, God will come. Our God will not be silent (Ps. 49, 3). For he has made known that he should be judged, when he came to the secret; But he will not be silent when he shall come to be manifest, that he may judge.

Chapter 34: Cross

1. Because he carried his cross, Isaiah predicted: The boy was born to us, and he was given to us, and he became the leader on his shoulders (Isai. 9, 6). For who is the kings of the power of the insignia of the shoulder carries, and not either in the head of the crown, or any of one’s own clothing ornaments?

2. However, the only King of Christ’s glory of his power, and the height of the shoulders, which Isaac also represented that with the father of the victim, he reacted timber (Gen. 22, 6), Christ’s superficial passion, wood passion.

Chapter 35: Crossing it.

1. Because the tree of the cross suspended and suffix, Jeremiah prophet of the person of Christ, saying: I, like a lamb, who is carried to the victim, and I knew that I thought about plans, saying: Let us send a tree in his bread, 45 and cut him out of the living. This is what was going to pass from the Jews, as if it had been done, the Prophet recommends.

2. In fact, what is a piece of wood in the bread has been sent, unless Christ’s affixion of the flesh in the tree? For the bread of his body, we recognize; stick to the bread, our faith recognizes the cross in the body. Because of his body is bread. It is written, and it will be your life before your eyes and fear the day and night, and I do not believe your life (Deut. 28, 66). However, in Psalms again, because it extends their hands on the cross, so he says, the lifting of my sacrifice evening (Ps. 140, 2). Or, what is coming, as it were, of the world, even in the evening, or that which is declining, the sun, the Lord is on the cross, he put his life, raising his hands in the same cross of the tree, and he offered himself to God for us, the sacrifice, so that by means of that sacrifice to be blotted out by our sins.

3. Isaiah of the cross of his preaching, and it will be the government on his shoulders (Isai. 9, 6), that is, the standard of his cross, which was the shoulder, according to the prophet David, who says the Lord ruled a tree. Habacuc the passion of Christ, saying, Cornua in his hands (Habac. 3, 4). What is there anything else, unless the trophy of the cross? Again, he is of the ascension of the cross, in which he drew up all things to himself, so he says: the Lord, my strength, and made him my feet in the end. On the high places to put me to win the clarity (Habac. 3, 19).

Chapter 36: The key of his hand, and his feet were attached to it.

1. Because it is crucified, and his hand, and the feet of the key are attached, by David, he speaks, saying: They have put my hands, and my feet, they have dined all my bones, they have considered, and they looked upon me. Of course, the words on the cross body means extended, hand and feet, and nails. That David suffered, it is not, who is read in peace, without any of the body, the passion of the rest.

2. But this is the passion of Christ, who is the key to the Jewish tree; for the hand of the feet, and they are not stabbed, unless it is hung up on the tree. Also in the songs: My hands have distilled myrham, and my fingers are full of myrrh approved (Cant. 5, 3). That is particularly true because of the nails. 3. And Malachia, because it was crucified, so ahead of the same as saying: If you bring it, man, God, because you have to call me, and you said: Where have I (Malach. 3, 8)? And after these things, I will be a whole nation, which belongs to the mystery of the Lord’s passion, in which the Jews crucified, when the criminal arrested him. 4. That means Zacharias again, so he says, saying, I will look at me, which they fixed and lament him,like the only one, and they were sorry about it, as he is accustomed to death (Zach. 12, 10). For this has been done, we have learned in Jesus, whom they have fixed the Jews on the cross, which they shall be grieved from himself, crucified in the judgment of the day, when they see him in the Father, and his own Majesty the reign of (Luke. 9, 26).

Chapter 37: Between the two robbers crucified.

1. For the two robbers would be crucified, far before Isaiah: And between the unjust (Isai. 53, 10). The Habacuc Prophet: In the middle, said two animals (Habac. 3, 2), that is, in the middle of two robbers.

Chapter 38: Because they are divided clothes.

1. After the cross sentence follows the division, and a lot of clothes; David had predicted the same thing, saying, They divided my clothes and cast lots (Psal. 21;19). What is the prophecy, as it is fulfilled, the evangelical story. In fact, as long as the clothes, the soldiers had been divided by the other, on behalf of the tunic, however, say: Let us not cut it, but let us send a lot, of which it is (Joan. 19, 24). For it was the coat of seamless, that is to say, on the whole part of the context.

Chapter 39: Fell and vinegar.

1. That, however, hanging on the cross, with a gall of a miserable, they gave, this had already been in the Psalms of the Lord: They have given, he said, in the meat of my cat, and in a dry place, I have been able to vinegar, that, indeed, and the other to Jerusalem, he cried out, saying: I have planted a vineyard; How was the bitterness of foreign vine (Jerem. 2, 21)?

2. God planted a good vineyard, that is, the Jews nation, but the fault of his own criticism of bitterness. For this reason, and Moses said: Uva, he said, of them, the grape of the gallons, and the cluster of grapes, the bitterness of them (Deut. 32, 32). Hence, the above, and the object of them, he says: Thus, the people, the fool, and not wise, this is the Lord, you have given (Deut. 32, 6)?

Chapter 40: Because hyssopo spongy vinegar full.

1. For the hyssopo spongy vinegar, the Psalms had been Asperges me hyssopo and clean (Ps. 50, 9). Therefore, the law by a bunch of hyssop lambs blood, who wanted to be cleansed (Ex. 12, 22), which means the suffering of the sins of the world.

Chapter 41: Because the title of his cross is not corrupt.

1. The title of the cross said Jews do not write King of Jews, but because he said, I am the King of Jews. He replied Pilate: What I wrote (Joan. 19, 21). For now, in Psalm 56 had been prophesy: Do not corrupt the title of the inscription, in which the psalm series is not only a passion or death, but also the resurrection and the ascension of the Lord.

Chapter 42: On the cross hanging on the Father for their enemies.

1. Because the cross hanging on the Father for their enemies, Isaiah says he took many sins and transgressors (Isai. 53, 12). And in the Psalms, so: For him, he said, that I love them, were opposed to me; I prayed for them, however, I (Ps. 108, 4). 2. Also Habacuc had said about him: In the midst of two animals, subject to the troubled soul, the anger of your memory (Habac. 3, 2). For he preached the prophet, under this sentence, in the Jews, the person of the same, who had been crucified by the wrath of Christ 50. However, when he remembered his mercy said, Father, forgive them, because they do not know what to do (Luke. 23, 34).

Chapter 43: For our sins crucified

1. And because it is not for their own, but for our sins crucified, Isaiah says: The iniquities of his people led to death, I will give the wicked for burial. And again, he was wounded because of our iniquities, and worn out because of our crimes; We were healed. And again, all of us, like sheep, each in his way, and the Lord put it in all our iniquities (Isai. 53, 5 et seq.). According to the Apostle, who says: Because when he did not know, he is for us to become a sin (2 Cor. 5, 21), that is, sacrifice for our sins. Why, however, for us, he suffered, this is the cause of the.

Chapter 44: Because he died.

1. After the scourge of the cross, and the gallows and drink, then it follows his death. How the law itself does not remain silent, saying: He lay down, as a lion, and that the young lion; Who will raise him (Gen. 49, 9)? He also cries the same death and 67 Psalm: Our God, God will save us, and the death and the issue of death.

2. What would be more open? For the Lord Jesus, who is the Savior, he is our God, making us survival, which 51 have been born, and a life out of death, so subject to the Lord’s death, and the issue. Also, by Isaiah, like sheep to slaughter, and the Lamb before shearing himself without a voice, so it opened his mouth. For the sins of his people led to death (Isai. 53, 7).

3. The Jews, however, Christ, whom they hope to come, he would die, do not hope for. For that reason they answer: Who is this, whom the prophet is to declare? Also in Jeremiah says, I have drunk tired, and all my hungry satisfied, so as to awoke, and I saw, and my sweet sleep to me (Jerem. 31, 25).

52 4. Danieli the angel of the murder and death of Christ speaks, saying: Know and observe the issuing of the word to be built to Jerusalem, to Christ the leader of the week and seven weeks 62 will be killed after 62 weeks of Christ; that is, after four hundred ninety years, and there will be no people who will deny it. Therefore, there follows disasters of the Jews, which was later completed, the city and the sanctuary will destroy people with the future leader (Dan. 9, 25), that is, the Roman army with Vespasian.

5. Also in Wisdom is read about his death: Contumelies and torture, we may know the respect of that, and we will prove his death, we condemn him (Sap. 2, 19).

Chapter 45: Because his passion darkness.

1. That is the middle of the day, the passion of darkness, and the sun is shrinks, this is the divine book speak, Amos prophet, and it will be on that day, says the Lord will kill the sun at noon, and I will make the ground on the light (Amos 8, 9). 2. And Jeremiah: Destroyed, he said, that is, Jerusalem, and afflicts his soul killed him, when he was still half a day; confused and curse; the remnant of them in the sword, I will give (Jerem. 15, 9). What happened by Vespasian.

Chapter 46: It broke his legs.

Furthermore, because they broke his legs, but only robbers, had already been predicted, his mouth does not threaten (Ex. 12, 46; Num. 9, 12; Joan. 19, 36); For the commandment of a sheep, the likeness of the passover in the had been to celebrate them; 53 in the shadow of the Lord’s passion, which is like a sheep to slaughter (Isai. 53, 7). This figure for the lambs of Christ’s passion.

Chapter 47: Lance was struck.

1. And because the side of the spear struck, so it was predicted by the job, he broke me and put me as a sign; surrounded me with their spears; I wound my waist, collapsed on the wound (Job. 16, 13), that is, wound over the wound nails. Therefore, even by David, the pain of my wound (Ps. 68, 27), so it is foreclosure. 2.And by Jeremiah, he reached his bow, and put me as a sign to the arrow, sent to my kidney daughters quiver (Thren. 3, 12). And again, the people said the same thing by the prophet, they have made me an arrow (Osee 7, 16). And Zacharias: they shall see, in whom they have fixed. Of course, a man whom they crucified. The evidence was promised to Christ in the crucified flesh is coming.

Chapter 48: On the side of the blood and water.

1. In fact, because it is from the side of his blood, and the water, and remained, Zacharias, he says: You, too, in the blood of thy covenant, thou hast sent out of the dungeon, in which there is no water (Zach. 9, 11). And again, when the man from the East, the water flowing from the right side (Ezech. 47, 3), namely, Christ. 2. Also on the same water, which is on the side of it, the prophet 54 other so says Rivers of water out of the stomach, water baptism, which is believing living, and which are thirsty, when it is fulfilled that it is washed, clean (Isai. 1, 16); And wash me and snow whiter (Ps. 50, 9).

Chapter 49: He was buried.

1. Since burial was delivered, and humiliated in Psalms said, I have gathered in the dark, as the dead age. As if to say, as men, of course, because he was God. Also Isaiah: And it will be named for a sign forever, which is not taken away. The tomb will be glorious. And elsewhere, I will give the wicked for burial, and rich for his death (Isai. 55, 13; 11, 10; 53, 9).

Chapter 50: Stone at the door of the monument.

1. Since after he was buried, the stone door of the monument is placed through Jeremiah the same thing said, is in the pit of my life, 55 and put a stone on me. And again, he shut up the streets of the stones of the square of my hands, and built up against me, that I may not go out.

Chapter 51: Down to hell.

1. Because the hell down, so the same thing in the Church says: Let all the lower parts of the earth, and I look at all sleeping and shed light on the hope of God (Eccli. 24, 45). Also in the Psalms: Life hell is near, I was supposed to go down to the pit, I am like a man without a help between the dead book (Ps. 87, 4). He went down as a man in hell, but only between the dead book, because death could not hold it.

Chapter 52: And he went down from the death of whom he wanted to deliver.

1. Because they were in the hell, and he went down to those who were taken captive by the devil, he delivered, and in this way again to the heavenly life, the same thing by means of Osee, so before the foretold: I, he said, I will take, and I will go; I will take away, and there is no one who may deliver; I will return to my place; that is, to the heavenly soil. And below: On the hand, he said, of death, I will deliver them, I will redeem them out of death. I am your death, Oh death, I will bite, hell (Ose. 5, 14; 13, 14).

Chapter 53: The body of Christ in the grave did not see corruption.

1. That the body of Christ in the tomb of corruption, he did not see, but at once, after conquering the death, and he rose again, from the grave, and that by means of the prophet, the same thing in the Psalms: I love my rest in hope. Because you do not abandon my soul in hell, and do not give to your holy to see the corruption. On the resurrection and the third Psalm is sung, I slept, and I stopped, and I raised me.

2. Where there is anything else indicates that the prophet, that he shall lie, and he rose again, except that the sleep of this death would be, and the resurrection of the waking up? which is shown in the fortieth Psalm, where he says: But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raised me up, and I will repay them (Ps. 40, 11). And again, Nunquid who sleeps will not be raised (Ps. 40, 9)? Also in the Psalm fourth: In peace, sleep, and I will rest, because you, Lord, in particular hope you have made me. In particular, because he is the only way he sought to immediately after death again.

3. Also, by Isaiah the same resurrection, so he cries out now risen, says the Lord, now I will now support (Isai. 33, 10). When the testimony of resurrection and ascension is shown. Therefore, there is an zeal of the Jews, saying, ‘You will receive an error and the wall. Your spirit, such as fire, whirlpool you.

Chapter 54: He rose from below.

1. Since the third day rose from below, Osee Prophet predicted, saying, Come and return to the Lord, because he took and heal us, let us live after two days, the third day will raise us and live in front of it (Ose. 6, 1). All these things are in Christ, so they are fulfilled. For the fifth day of the week, Parasceve suffered, the Lord’s with regard to a clear rising again, from the below. 2. Therefore, the prophet, as early prepared for his left. That will rise and live in front of him, this prophet of his person or saints, who were in hell, and when the third day rose.

Chapter 55: The apostles were sent to preach.

1. Since the resurrection of the fishermen, and to preach to the nations sent through Jeremiah before he remembers, saying: I will send many fishermen, says the Lord, and fished them (Jerem. 16, 16). Finally, according to Matthew read that Jesus coming near the sea of Galilee, Peter and Andrew, his brother, casting nets in the sea, which he said, let us come after me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew. 4, 18). 2. In the same way, and the two other brothers of Jacob, Zebedaei, and John, his brother, when he saw in the boat with his father, Zebedaeo, weave their nets, provoking them, out of the fishermen of the fishermen of the 58 returned to men, that is to say, that the preaching of the net, all those who believe in the depths of the world of this they would extract. After these fishermen follows:The hunters will hunt them out of the mountains and hills, and the holes (Jerem. 16, 16); it belongs to the nations, which are specially for the conversion of, on every side, the apostles, who were on the assumption of the set up of souls.

3. And because after the glory of the resurrection of the Lord to preach among the nations, and by Isaiah, saying, ‘I came, he said, to gather with all nations and languages, and they will see my glory, and I will put them a sign of course cross; and I will send of them that have been saved to the nations in the sea, in Africa, and Libya, holding the arrow, that is, the rapid preaching in Italy and Greece; and to the islands far off, and to those who have not heard of me, and they did not see my glory (Isai. 66, 18, 19); in which the sentence was sent to the apostles, they are prophesied.

4. At the same time, and that by means of the whole world, they proclaimed the Gospel, that the prophet is not silent; of which it is also in the Psalms, before it was predicted that: They are not of the speech, nor the words of the, of which they are not heard the voices of them. In all the sound of them went out, and in the land of their words. (Ps. 18, 4).

Chapter 56: The sky up.

1. Now, however, that, after the resurrection of his own in the form of Christ in the heaven as far as to the Father, in the man went up, Daniel says: I looked at in the sight of the night, and, behold, in the clouds of heaven, as it were, the son of man came, and as far as to the ancient days he arrived; that is, until the Father. After this, he added: And in the sight of him, they brought him to him, and gave him the power of, and the kingdom, and all the people, three, and the tongue shall serve, the power of his eternal power, which is not shall be taken away, and the kingdom thereof, that it is not to be destroyed (Dan. 7, 13).

Chapter 57: Sitting at the right hand of the Father.

1. Since seated at the right hand of the Psalms is said to my Lord: Sit on my right hand; until I put your footstool (Ps. 109, 1). Therefore, the Jews who have said from the Lord to my right hand. Do you tell archangelo? I do not think, nor an angel, nor the prophets. In fact, no one of them is in it, the glory of God, but he, whom he is worthy of his marching, the invisible, he is seated at the right hand of the Father. 2. He who is worthy of God, just as the marching, so it is worthy of nature, and the name of the. He says he will reign over all nations, God sat on his seat (Ps. 46, 9). And again, the heavens prepared for his seat, and his kingdom all over (Ps. 102, 19).

Chapter 58: Kingdom of Christ will be forever.

1. Because the kingdom of heaven, and on earth forever and permanently, Daniel says: « I saw in the vision of the night, and look 61 in the clouds of Heaven, as a son of a man came, and even to the Old days arrived, and before it was carried out, and they have been given the government and honor, and the kingdom, and all the people, three languages will serve the power of eternal, which will not be taken away, and the kingdom it is not destroyed » (Dan. 7, 13).

2. The evidence is shown to be received by the Almighty God’s sovereignty and kingdom, that it is eternal, and the kingdom without any end of corruption. And again, Daniel: « In those days, the king of Heaven, who will not be moved forever, and the kingdom of the people to another. Strike and destroy all the kingdoms, and it will stand forever (Dan. 2, 44). 3. The prophet Isaiah of the same: Multiple said, his government and peace will not be the end (Isai. 9, 7). And the psalms is read, it will rise in justice, and the abundance of peace, until the moon (Ps. 71, 7); that is, until the end.

Chapter 59: Christ after his ascension to the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

1. Since the ascension of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, David says he went up into the deep captivity, gave gifts to men (Ps. 67, 19). After the ascension of the Holy Spirit, for he sent his own, in which all is the fullness of the gifts. 2. Of which, by Joel prophet, saying: « It will be said, after this pour out my spirit over all flesh, and prophesy of your daughter, the elderly your dreams and young people will see visions, but also on my servants and maids in those days pour out my spirit » (Joel. 2, 28). And Zacharias pour said, over the house of David and Jerusalem, thanks to the preco (Zach. 12, 10).

Chapter 60: Apostles speak in various languages.

1. Since the Holy Spirit filled with all languages of the great people speak of God, and that the foretold is the Psalms: « There are no speech or conversations, whose voices are not heard. In all the sound of them went out, and in the borders of their words » (Ps. 18, 4)

Chapter 61: It is going to judge.

1. What is the coming Christ of heaven, we hope, and that he gave him all judgment, the Ezekiel is declared: « This says the Lord God: Remove the cidarim, take the crown, not here is that the humble and sublime? Inequity, violence, I will put it; And this is not done until it comes to the judgment, and I will give him. »

By Ezekiel is declared:  This says the Lord God: Remove cidarim, take the crown, not here is the humble and sublime? Inequity, iniquity, I will make it; And this is not done until it comes to the judgment, and I will give him. By Ezekiel is declared: This says the Lord God: Remove cidarim, take the crown, not here is the humble and sublime? Inequity, iniquity, I will make it; And this is not done until it comes to the judgment, and I will give him.

2. Isaiah: « Lord, as a strong, go out, and, as a foreman, will raise jealous, crying, and cry, and on their enemies. Always silent, silent, I was suffering as the wall, I will destroy and absorb together » (Isai. 42, 13). In this regard, according to the coming of the regard, in which it is not humble, that he may be judged, but that the judge of a strong man shall come forth; nor shall he be silent, that in the priori, the coming of the, or the patient shall be, as it was in the passion of the flesh, but the judges, crying out, he will speak to the wall, because suddenly, as it were, the wall of the collapse of their enemies.

63 3. This is also the testimony of the Psalmist, where he says, God will come, our God, and they will not be silent (Ps. 49, 3); of course, that even if he was judged in the first humility of his coming, he kept silent, in the second time, as long as he is manifest, he shall come, that he may judge, shall not be silent, but he shall cry out, that he may render to each one according to their works.

4. It follows: Fire burn before him, because, as timber, hay, straw, delinquents, and, like gold, silver precious stones, just to approve the transaction (1 Cor. 3, 12). He said they passed through the fire and water, and brought us into refreshing. Call heaven and earth to distinguish their people. Gather him, who will appoint his sacrifice and declare his justice, because the judge is (Ps. 65, 12; 49, 4).

5. Isaiah heard, he will make the glory of his voice, and the terror of his arm will show the threat of anger and flame of fire. Blid in the whirlwind and a stone (Isai. 30, 30). For the arm of Christ, who is in the flame and terror weather to judge is coming. On the second judgment of the prophet says: Stand up, as in the old generations. Do you not tell you that you have struck the proud, and wounded a dragon? (Isai. 51, 9.)

6. At this point the second of Christ, is predicated of the coming of the, that they may rise up to the power of the judgment, to the separation of the good things to come, and of evil, which he rose up in the power of the generations of the ages. This is the beginning, when he struck the proud, that is, the devil, separating it from good company angels. Of which Christ’s judgment and Michael, saying, Hear, hills, the judgment of the Lord, and the strong foundation of the earth, because the judgment of the people with Israel, saying, Popule, what have you done, or what bother you? answer me (Mich. 6, 1).

7. Then, according to Zacharias, see, in which they have fixed, and lament him, as the only one, and they will be sorry about it, to be grieved in death (Zach. 12, 10). 64 is suffering from crucified, when they see the judge, and the Father and his Majesty, job, too, before the law of evangelical virtues, to redeem himself and raise the God of the judge who is coming to judge the living and the dead, presentation, prophetic authority, saying, I believe that the redeemer is alive, and on the last day of the land I am a Savior, and I will look upon my skin. Whom God, except he that is to be seen in the judgment? As we read, they will be in the confixant (Zach. 12, 10).

8. Whom some people say in that place, he would judge the wicked, where he is judged, Joel, the prophet, who bears witness: they rise up, he said, and they shall go up all the nations in the valley of Josaphat, there I will sit, that I may judge all the nations in the round about (Joel. 3, 12). For most of the future judgment, where he suffered the Lord, Isaiah approval, Consumption, and the abbreviation of the Lord God of hosts will do in the middle of the earth (Isai. 10, 23).

9. What is the consumption and the abbreviation which can be preceded, unless the judgment of the future? However, where it is the middle of the earth, the fidel of the passion of David showed that the king is our salvation in the middle of the world (Ps. 73, 12). There is no other safety is, unless the redemption of our Savior and judges that are in the middle of the earth. Chapter 62. Epilogus work. 1. See, the new meeting judge and the king of the prophets, Christ from the law of the Lord. They hold all these books of the Hebrews, they read all the Jews, but they do not understand. Because all of them are sealed, the prophet, and the words of this book, as the words of the book signed, which if a person gives a letter, and say the law, respond to a letter, and 65 again give another letter of knowledge;and say to the law; He, however, can not answer, he was sealed, for the book (Isai. 29, 11). 2. These are the Old Testament seals, the son and heresy, our eyes, as it is written: Liga testimony, standards law on my disciples. For we have, in order to be understood Christ, the leader of the law, the witnesses of the prophets, from which the divinity of his name, and the nation, too, and the kind of, country, birth, virtues and treatments, arrest, palm trees, scourge, estimates, gallons and drink, death, arrow, grave, hell, incorruption of the body, the resurrection of the flesh, the ascension of his heaven, the kingdom, and the judgment of the declaration. Our eyes lit up as it is written, the Liga witness, the law standards for my disciples. For we have, in order to be understood Christ, the leader of the law, the witnesses of the prophets, from which the divinity of his name, and the nation, too, and the kind of, country, birth, virtues and treatments, arrest, palm trees, scourge, estimates, gallons and drink, death, arrow, grave, hell, incorruption of the body, the resurrection of the flesh, the ascension of his heaven, the kingdom, and the judgment of the declaration. Our eyes lit up as it is written, the Liga witness, the law standards for my disciples. For we have, in order to be understood Christ, the leader of the law, the witnesses of the prophets, from which the divinity of his name, and the nation, too, and the kind of, country, birth, virtues and treatments, arrest, palm trees, scourge, estimates, gallons and drink, death, arrow, grave, hell, incorruption of the body, the resurrection of the flesh, the ascension of his heaven, the kingdom, and the judgment of the declaration. the death of the arrow, the tomb, hell, and the invasion of the body, the resurrection of the flesh, the ascension of it in heaven, the kingdom, and the judgment of the. the death of the arrow, the tomb, hell, and the invasion of the body, the resurrection of the flesh, the ascension of it in heaven, the kingdom, and the judgment of the.

Chapter Second Book:

Because the book of a certain part of the Lord, and the Savior of our birth, passion, resurrection, and the ascension of the heavens explained, following the work of both the people of the prophecy, that is, of the Jews and of the Gentiles will demonstrate. In this work, the holy sister, you will be able to take notice of a few, as many as the voices of the prophets, in the abject of the Jewish people, and the ceremonies, and how great is the praise of the people of the New Testament.



Chapter 1: The people call.

1. In the beginning, however, the work of the people of the belief that it is easier to see the rest, while the faith of the Church previously declared. Finally, when he bowed to the Lord Moses, to spare the sinner, the Lord said, I will forgive them; But I live, and my name is alive, because the glory of my whole country (Num. 14, 21).

2. Accordingly, because all the nations of one of the true worship, David, the prophet, saying, Remember, and will be converted to the whole country of the earth, and worship in front of his country, all nations, because of the kingdom, and the rule of nations (Ps. 21, 28). And again, Sing the song, because it wonders. He made known his salvation before the people revealed his justice (Ps. 97, 1). 3. The plurality of the people, so the worship of the 67 of one of the calls to be united to the: In the agreement, he said, the people in one place, and the kingdoms, that they may serve the Lord (Ps. 101, 23). In one course, that is, the one king, so that many different rituals, and many people were said to be one of the people, one of the people, one of the kingdom.

4. The congregation of the nations of the Church, to whom the voice of the prophetic words: Listen, daughter, and see, and your ear, and forget your people, and your father’s house, because the king coveted your form (Ps. 44, 11). The Prophet calls for people to forget his people, that is, the unbelievers and the family of his father, Babylon, the devil and the house, and his wife, and the marriage of Christ. 5. To the people of Isaiah claims, saying: Congregamini, and come and come together, because they are saved from nations; For they did not know, who lift up the sign of the modeling of his own, and they ask God, not to save (Isai. 45, 20). Those who are these saved from the nations, except those who have believed from the nations? That, however, he says: Congregamine, and listen to at the same time, he shows that in one ought to be the nations of the faith, and communion. 6. Also he:Turn to me and saved all the country, because I am God, and there is no other. I swear, go out of my mouth, and I will not return for my knees, and he will swear in the language. This has already been a complete attempt, when in all the borders of the Church. For this prophecy, they shall be ashamed of the Jews, indeed, to defend themselves in a special way, as long as they hear: He shall swear, all the tongue in the Lord, that is to say, not only of the Hebrews, the people, but also of all the nations, the multitude of. For this prophecy, they shall be ashamed of the Jews, indeed, to defend themselves in a special way, as long as they hear: He shall swear, all the tongue in the Lord, that is to say, not only of the Hebrews, the people, but also of all the nations, the multitude of. For this prophecy, they shall be ashamed of the Jews, indeed, to defend themselves in a special way, as long as they hear: He shall swear, all the tongue in the Lord, that is to say, not only of the Hebrews, the people, but also of all the nations, the multitude of.

7. Still the same Isaiah, then Christ, which in the flesh endured humility, again praise of the Church of nations, for which such things endured, thus proclaimed that the whole world is the one, thus prophesy opened, saying, Laud, sterile, which is not paris, decant praise, and hinni, which is not a bore: 68 for many children more than his husband, says the Lord, your beloved place of the test do not spare; make your cords, and your nails. On the right hand and left, and seed nations will cleave and cities (Isai. 54, 1).

8. And again, I have created the fruit of the lips of peace: peace to him, who is far away, and to him that is near (Isai. 57, 19). This, too, the Apostle explains, where he says, on behalf of the Church, and from the circumcision of the coming of the prefix: the peace of those who are far away, and the peace of those who are near the (Eph. 2, 17); and again, they sought me, who had not asked; they found that they have not sought me. I said: Behold, I, behold, I, to the nation, which is not called upon my name, my hands, my whole day, to the people of the unbelieving (Isai. 65, 1).

9. Also the same thing: My house will be called all the people, said the Lord (Isai. 56, 7). To the end, however, so he said, ‘I come to gather with all the nations, and with the tongues; and they shall come, and they shall see my glory, and I will put in them a sign, and I will send out of them that have been saved to the nations, in the sea, in Africa, in Libya, holding the arrow (Isai. 66, 18). These Isaiah.

10. Jeremiah shows that the compromise. 69 And all the nations in the name of Jerusalem, and they do not walk behind the distortion of his heart (Jerem. 3, 17). And after a little sworn in truth, and in judgment, and bless him, and shout (Jerem. 4, 2). Also the same is the vocation of the Lord, said, my strength to come from the ends of the earth, and they say, really lie to our fathers (Jerem. 16, 19). Also the same Jeremiah to the people of Israel: Listen to the voice of the trumpet, and they said, we will not hear. Because of this, listen to people (Jerem. 6, 17).

11. Also in the Osee: The mercy that was without mercy, and I do not people, my people are, and he will say, my God, you are; And it will be in place where it is not my people you are, where the children of the living God (Ose. 2, 23). Also in Sophonia, I will return to the people of the election, to call all in the name of the Lord, and serve him a single shoulder (Soph. 3, 9). And after this, he will bring him out of his place, all the island people (Soph. 2, 11). In this place, the call of the nations; nor is it no longer a place of prayer, one of them, in a certain way it seemed to shut up in which the people of God, in which the flesh, but for one place to be a prayer, he shows, as long as he says: He shall bring him a man out of his place.

12. Michael, too, to be gathered together, all the nations of the foretells, that they may receive instruction of faith, so: And it shall come to pass, he said, in the last days of the mountain of the house of the Lord, prepared in the top of the mountains, and shall be lifted up upon the hills; and drop to the people, and many nations will say, let us go up to the mountain, and to the house of Jacob, and teach us out of his ways, and go on the paths, because of Zion, the law; And the word of Jerusalem, and 70 will judge many people, and the strong nations, even at a distance (Mich. 4, 1).

13. The last day they are in the Savior’s faith. The mountain is prepared on the top of the mountains, because he is the head of the apostles and the prophets. The house of the Church of Christ, the same stability to which people are gathered together. The law of Zion, and the word of Jerusalem or to come into nations, leaving the unbelief of the Jews, whether in the same place Jesus said to his disciples, Go, teach all nations (Matthew. 28, 19).

14. Also Zacharias of the Church of the people he says: « Laud, and I am glad, daughter of Zion, because I am coming, and I will dwell in the midst of you, said the Lord, and shall be applied to many nations to the Lord on that day, and they will be my people, and I will dwell in the midst of thee: and thou shalt know that the Lord hosts sent me to you » (Zach. 2, 10). Also there: « This says the Lord of hosts, how many people come to live in many states, and let the inhabitants of one to the other, saying: Let’s go and pray to the Lord, and we seek God hosts, go, and I will come to many people, and the nations of the mighty men to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem » (Zach. 8, 20)?

15. With these, therefore, so many of the nations, the Jews were ashamed of such great testimonies of the emulators, and at last they were convicted of the Lord, and they hear in the Deuteronomy, the proclamation of the Lord: the nations of the Jews to the head of the Lord, to the head of the, I believe, however, the people to the tail (Deut. 28, 44).

Chapter 2: All nations believe in Christ is right.

1. Because Christ’s Son of God to believe all the nations, Jacob, the blessing of the patriarchs said: 71 does not fail the leader of Judah, and the leader of his thigh until he comes to be sent, and he will be the expectations of people (Gen. 49, 10). And David, the person of the same Christ in Psalms: « Lord said to me, my son, you are, I have today beg you; Ask me, and I will give you people your inheritance, and the land borders » (Ps. 2, 7). And again, Set me in the head of the people, people who have not known, served me hearing the ear.

2. Similarly, the other is the same as the same Psalmographer, before the sun remains his name, and before the moon seat, and shall be blessed in all three countries, all nations will serve him (Psal. 71, 17, 18). The domination of the above (Vers. 8) it had been preferred and dominated by sea to the sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.

3. That the testimony of Solomon, nor in keeping with the, nor of David. It is known that the borders of the kingdom of Solomon. But this is in Christ, we have been complete. Which is rising from the sun to the big setting of its name among the nations. Here he took control of the river, where he was baptized by John, and reached the credit among the ends of the earth. 4. Also in the same Psalms of his eternal birth and power among the nations, the talks: « Before the star said, I beg you; You are a priest forever in order Melchizedech; shall judge in the nations, shall fill the ruins, shall cast their heads into the land of many » (Ps. 109, 3). Isaiah: On that day, it will be the root of Jesse, who stands in a sign of people, people will appeal (Isai. 11, 10). And after another, he will lift up a sign of the nations, at a distance,and whistles him from the borders of the earth.

5. Also the same Isaiah of Christ to our nations 72 reign: « This says the Lord God, creating heaven, and stretched them, strengthening the earth and which grow out of it, giving the breath of the people who is on it, and tread it, I called you to justice, and hold your hand, and I kept you, and I have given you in the league people in the light of the people, to open the blind eyes and bring out the conclusion of the prison sitting in the dark. I am the Lord, this is my name » (Isai. 42, 5 et seq.). This is already a complete attempt by Christ, who became light in the flesh of ignorance of the people.

6. Of which, and in other places, he said: And I will lead the blind in the way of which they do not know, and in the paths of which they have not known, to walk them, I will make darkness before them, in the light, that he might be fulfilled that by the same prophet had been said: the Gentiles, the people who were sitting in the dark, he saw the light of a great, living in the shadow of death in the region of light arose to them (Isa. 9, 2). Also the call to Christ said: « Consider me, my people, and three of me, because the law will come out, and my judgment is in the light of the peoples, near the righteous, my left Savior (Isai. 51, 4).

7. And after that, « Break and praise at Jerusalem, because the people were comforted, he redeemed Jerusalem, prepared the holy arm in the eyes of all nations, and saw all the borders of our salvation » (Isai. 52, 9). To this by Isaiah the voice of the divine Christ in the flesh judge of the people so declare: « Here, he said, my servant, I will take him, my chosen man, he complacent to him in that soul, I have given my spirit upon him, the judgment of the nations, he shall bring forth, he shall not cry out, nor shall he receive the person, nor shall he hear the voice of his outside, pen shake will not destroy, and the flax smoking. In truth, the judgment is not sad, not stop until it is in the judgment, and the law will wait for the island » (Isai. 42, 1).

8. The slave, indeed, but from the reception of a man, Christ, who, since it was before the Jews came, it is not received, the judgment of the nations, he brought forth: such as judgment, but that we might be justified by faith? 73 His voice will not be heard abroad, that is, the heir and the Jews outside the Church. Also on the very Isaiah: « See, my servant will be proud and lifted up, and it will be very much as they stopped over you, so many people will be honored among his men, and the form of his children, this will sprinkle many nations, upon him shall contain the kings of his mouth, because it is not told about him, they saw, and who did not hear, contemplated » (Isa. 52, 13). 9. Also, those who are above of him: Behold, I have given him a witness to the peoples, the leader and the commander of the nations, behold, the nation, which you did not know, and the nations, which they have not known thee, to you, the current,For the Lord your God, and the Holy Israel, he glorified you (Isai. 55, 4). The prophecy of all the people’s vocation is clear, because in Christ were lenders. 10. And Habacuc so he says, the Lord speaks, write the view clearly and exploded on the board, to run through the reader, because it is still seen at the end will appear, and I do not lie; if the delay is done, wait for him, because he came, and he shall not delay. The Jews are incredulous to follow: Here are those who believe it will not be right in his life (Habac. 2, 2, 4). because it is still seen at the end, and I will not lie; if he is taking, wait for him, because he will come, and he shall not tarry. The Jews are incredulous to follow: Here are those who believe it will not be right in his life (Habac. 2, 2, 4). because it is still seen at the end, and I will not lie; if he is taking, wait for him, because he will come, and he shall not tarry. The Jews are incredulous to follow: Here are those who believe it will not be right in his life (Habac. 2, 2, 4).

11. For example, by the Agge of Christ among the reign of the same thing, saying: My Spirit will be in the midst of you, do not be afraid, because this is the Lord, still a little while, and I will move heaven and earth, and the sea, and dry, and will move all nations, and the desire of all nations (Agga. 2, 6). But if the Antichrist this prophecy of the unbelievers, a lie is of no doubt. For it is not the nations of the desire, but only to the Jews, they look for.

Chapter 3: Jews and nations to Christ.

1. For each of the Jews and the people under the government of Christ 74 prophesy, Isaiah says: And it will be on that day, a cow and two sheep, and before milk butter (Isai. 7, 21). Vacca oxen people coming out of the Jewish patriarchs. Two sheep coming out of the church nations, and they have two sheep, and a cow, because it is increased from the number of nations of the Church than the Jews.

2. Man, who will nourish them, he is Christ, who by Jeremiah says: Convert, the children return, says the Lord, because I am your husband and take you one of the city and two of the family, and I will give you pastors near my heart and feed you knowledge and learning (Jerem. 3, 14). For the proud said by Isaiah: a cow and two sheep; God now shows that the man who will take two of the family, and one of the city, because the smaller number of believers from circumcision, which is a prefix. 3. This, however, the city of Judea, he says, whether it be of Jerusalem; the families of the nations; pastors of the apostles or the teachers of Christ’s favor. Thus, in another place, the Jews to serve the same thing, he himself, Jeremiah Christ, and he cried out: And it shall be in that day, he said, the Lord of hosts, I will break my yoke from your neck,and the bonds of his snap, and they shall not rule over them any more strangers, but they shall serve the Lord to God, and David to his king, whom he shall raise up to them (Jerem. 30, 8). On which Jeremiah: « coming days, says the Lord, and I will raise the seed, and the king will be wise, and make judgment and justice on earth. In those days saved Judah, and Israel will be confidently, and this is the name that they will call him, our Lord » (Jerem. 23, 5). And this is the name that they call him, our Lord » (Jerem. 23, 5). And this is the name that they call him, our Lord » (Jerem. 23, 5).

4. The voice of his father through the Psalmist, which is the rise of both the nation, so he announces: « I will remember the pride of Babylon, and those who know me. See, Palestine and Tire, Ethiopia, this was born there. To Zion, a man and a man born in it, and he founded her high. The Lord will tell people. This was born there. » Babylon, Palestine, Tire, Ethiopia nations. 75 The Zion of the Hebrew people, because for the safety of the people born.

5. Also Ezekiel Christ under the person of David over the nation, so he predicts that reign: « King said, one will be all the commands, and there will be more than two nations, and they will be divided into two kingdoms, nor shall they be no more in the gods, and the abominations, and in all his iniquities, and he saved them, I will make of all their inhabited places, in which they have sinned; and I will clean them, and they shall be my people, and I will be my God, and I will be with them, and I will be with them, David and my servant king on them, and the shepherd will be all of them (Ezech. 37, 22). 6. Because Christ is the king of the Jews, Isaiah indicates saying: Tell daughter Sion: The king has come to you just and save, poor, sitting on the ass. Daniel, the prophet of Christ, not only on nations, but also on the Jews by the Father, writes, so he said, « Watch the vision of the night, and look at the clouds of Heaven;As a man came, and until the old days arrived, and before it offered him (Dan. 7, 13).

7. For later he said he was taken to heaven, and brought to the Father, he added, and given the power and honor, and the kingdom, and all the people, three languages and they will serve. What are the tribes, but the Jews, the people? What is the tongue, except the nations of the nations? Amos the prophet of Christ, the Jews from God, so he challenges saying: « Prepare to meet the Lord’s God, Israel, because I am strengthening the thunder, and creating spirit, and announcing Christ to » (Amos. 4, 12).

8. So Isaiah: Jacob House, come and walk in the light of (Isai. 2, 5). David said, in the light of your light we will see (Ps. 35, 10). Among these, Michael, while the place of origin of Christ, so it is over Israel ruled over, and you said, Bethlehem, Ephrata, there are small in thousands of Judah, from you to come into Israel (Mich. 5, 2). 76

9. Where the Lord showed Christ to the Jews, the government of the same people, where the power of the whole world has foretold: « shall stand, he said, and he shall feed his flock in the power of the Lord, and in honor of his name will be now magnified until the ends of the earth, and it will be peace. » 10. His approach to the Jews of Isaiah speaks: « The high mountain up to you, who preach Zion, raising the strength of your voice, who preach Jerusalem; Tell the cities of Judah: Do not be afraid. See, your God. See, the Lord will come into force, and his arm will dominate. See, his reward with him, and his work before him, as a shepherd flock, and feeds the arm gather lambs » (Isai. 40, 9).

11. Zacharias the prophet of Christ’s kingdom in the Jews and the nations, thus proclaims: The silly enough, daughter of Zion, the daughter of Jerusalem, the king will come to you, just and savior, he poor and riding on a donkey and chicken donkey, and his power from the sea to the sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth (Zach. 9, 9). What is the prophecy of how it would have been complete in Christ, the Gospels of the test.

Chapter 4: The call of the people to the faith of the Hebrews.

1. Now, because the nations believe they were able to Christ, and then the Jews, David showed the Prophet; For he saw that he had come to the Jews, but the Greeks believed, and after Judaea, he says, Ethiopia will prevent his hands to God (Ps. 67, 32), that is, before Judaea believes that he offers 77 omnipotent sins black gentility. As Isaiah said, until the fullness of the people, and thus all Israel saved; And in Deuteronomy, the peoples of the head, but the people to the tail (Deut. 28, 44), as the last time.

Chapter 5: Since the end of the world in Christ to believe the Jews.

1. In the past, the Jews, then in the last times of their children in Christ, Osee prophet: For many days, the children of Israel without a king, without a prince, without sacrifice, without nourishing, without the priesthood, without manifestations (Ose. 3, 4, 5). Of course, just now seem to be; Then he added, and then return to Israel and inquire into God, and David king, and they shall be astonished in the Lord, and in their goods in the last days.

2. What is the prophecy of Christ, without a doubt, is, who is in the name of David is signified. The seed of the flesh is born, which Jeremiah says: Here are the days they come, and I will raise the seed, and the king will be wise;and make justice on the ground. In those days saved Judah and Israel will dwell safely, and this is the name that they will call him, our Lord (Jerem. 23, 5).

3. Malachi at the end of the world, Elijah says that it should be sent to the conversion of Jews: « See, I will send you Elias, before the day of the great and awesome, and turn the heart of the children and the heart of the fathers of their » (Malach. 4, 5). Before the coming of the Lord Elijah, to turn the heart of the sons of judgment, he shall send, to the heart of the patriarchs and the prophets, 78, that he may believe the posterity of them in the Lord Jesus Christ, whom they had prophesied, they waited for. 4. In fact, if they believe that the Jews have been right, what is it, in which by means of Elijah, and they turned them into the last prophet? For now they are blinded, and they can not understand the Savior who hear, but at the end of the world, while the consumption of time; For this is the prophet Isaiah: « Hearing and do not understand; and see the vision;and do not know; blind heart of the people, and his ears are serious, and his eyes, lest they may see their eyes and listen to their heart, and they understand, and they will heal them » (Isai. 6, 9).

5. He said the prophet: « Until then, Lord? » And he said: « Until the cities without the inhabitants and the house without a man, the land will be abandoned, and far will the people; then converted, and it will be shown as a moth, and as oak, which spread their branches, seed will be holy, which stood in it. » See, it appears that they are now the light of faith and truth; they hear that Christ, and they do not understand; they see, and they do not recognize.

6. However, as long as they will be? How long will they be overthrown the cities, and the land of almost returns to the desert; then, for I have turned, they shall see, to be believed in Christ, and they shall be healed, and they shall know all things. According to what Jeremiah says: In the last days you know them (Jerem. 30, 24). On this last gullible Jews and Sophoniaes says: « At that time, I will save the limping, and it had been cast out; and I will put them in the praise, and in the name of all the land of shame, in the time that I will bring you, and in the time that I will gather you. I will give you a name and praise in all peoples of the earth, when I bring your eyes, says the » (Soph. 3, 19). 79

7. Judaea said that the people are now a path of faith, as Psalm testifies saying: Closed from their paths (Ps. 17, 46); and this would save himself in the end, the God of God, he declares, as long as he says: I will save the halting. And Ezekiel: After a day, he will visit many, and in the last years come (Ezech. 38, 8); And a little higher because they are baptized: « Tollam said, you from nations, and I will gather you out of all the countries, and I will bring you to your land, and pour over you clean water and clean from all your sins and all your idols, and I will give you a new heart, and I will put in the midst of you, and I will take away the heart of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of the flesh, and I will put my spirit in the midst of you, and I will do that in my commandments, ye shall walk,And my judgments, and cover and live in the land which I have given your fathers, and you will be my people, and I will be your God and save you from all your » (Ezech. 36, 24)

8. This is the people in the last resort, which Jacob patriarch Benjamin wolf in the morning, eating prey, and evening spoil the prophet (Gen. 49, 27). Of course, since the beginning of the world as the same people in the morning received the law in the evening of the world, while he is believed to divide between the New Testament and the Old. In fact, of these things which pertain to Israel, in the future are promulgated, to the same part of it is said, which is to be believed in Christ, when in the last times they have been converted, such as it is with the same Osee: And it shall be in the place where it is said to him: It is not the people of my God, shall be said to him, the Son of God’s living, and they shall be gathered of Judah;Israel and the children, they will put one head (Ose. 1, 10).

9. This will be the last time, when Elia preaching to Christ, to be one with Israel spiritually, that is, with the people of the nations, now God of faith, putting the head of one that is Christ, and went out of the land, that is, from the hope of the promises of the flesh and earthly peace. 80

Chapter 6: Most of the people, they were not to be believed from the Jews.

1. However, since many of the Jews were not to be believed in Christ, Moses legislator of the same unbelief before predicting: And it will be your life hanging in front of your eyes and fear the day and night, and I do not believe your life (Deut. 28, 66). Therefore, Isaiah: Lord, who believed our audience? and the arm of which was revealed? And we saw him, and there was no appearance (Isai. 53, 1). In these words, the unbelief of the Jews, who are Christ, seeing that they did not receive, whom I do not believe, nor to know they could not, there was a raid.

2. So Jeremiah predicted: « Come up the walls, and destroy it, because they are not. I transgressed the house of Judah, said the Lord denied me and said, is not the » (Jerem. 5, 10). This is now up to the Jews for Christ, not he, waiting for another, who is Antichrist. Hence, and the Lord: I, he said, I came in the name of my Father, and ye have not received me, and the other shall come in the name of his own, and ye shall receive him (Joan. 5, 43).

3. Also with the same Jeremiah: The word of God made them reproach, and they do not receive it (Jerem. 6, 10). Indeed, because, among the obedient to Christ, the Jews would not be received in Psalms. For when the prophet would say the same Christ: Set me in the head of the people, and the people who have not known, served me immediately under the unbelief of the Jewish, saying: Son lied to me, children of strangers, and they stopped their paths (Psal. 17, 44). Who are the strangers, unless the Jews? those who are rightly strangers, for the fact that they are in the treachery of those who remain, from the eternal life of the rewards of being abdicated, which is to us, according to the faith of God, the Son of promise.

4. This is also the Jews in Christ is unbelief by Isaiah surveillance, saying to them: « Listen, 81 and do not understand; and see the vision, and do not know; blind heart of the people, and his ears aggrava, and his eyes, do not see their eyes, listen to their heart and understand, and convert them <1. 6, 9). And in another place: the whole of the day of my hands to the people, not believing, and contradicting him, who walk the ways of not good (Isai. 65, 2).

5. To whom Jeremiah: « Hear these things, and without the heart of the fool, the people, the eyes of them, and they do not see, the ears are to them, and they do not hear; or do not fear me, he says the Lord, or from the face of my heart shall not be afraid? the sand of the sea, the border of those who have made, and the empire of eternity, and will not pass it over, and be troubled, and will not be able to, and shall swell the waves thereof, and shall not pass it; people have made this heart and disbelief » (Jerem. 5, 21).

6. The other is the same: How do you say, we are wise, and the law of us (Jerem. 8, 8)? Really lies working with a pen liar secretary, confused wise and frightened, and they are trapped. For the Word of the Lord, they cast out, and wisdom, there is no in them. Of Isaiah, who sin, he said, doing men in the word and turned in vain from just (Isai. 29, 21). For this reason, the prophet, so he rebuked them, saying, « Hear me a hard heart, who are far away from justice, I have done my righteousness, I will not be elongated, and the salvation of my God shall not die. I will give to the salvation of Zion, and in Jerusalem, the glory of my own country. »

7. But he is the prophet, and the unbelief of the Jews in Christ, so he announces the belief of the Gentiles, and: « sought me, who had previously not asked, they found me, who did not seek me; I said: Behold, I am, behold, I am, to the nation, which is not invoked my name, my whole day to spend my hands on the people incredulous » (Isai. 65, 1, 2). For now people who have not asked for them, because they did not come to the prophets, and they found them when Christ told. 8. What, however, Jewish people, except that which follows? My whole day to explain the hands of the people disbelief. And again, the same promise of the people: « The plains in the folds, and the valley of Achor in bed with my people who sought me, 82 and you, who have left God, I will count you with the sword, and all the carnage (Isai. 65, 10 f.). 9.Of which, therefore, of the people, are these promises, except of the nations, who have sought God? of which I have said, they asked me, who had not asked. And who are those who left God and fell into the murder, but the Jews? of which he has already said, to the people of my hands, to make an explanation of the unbelief. Against this, and the following: Here are my servants eat, and you are hungry, because he ate the bread of the people of the word of God, Judaea arescit jejuna. Judaea arescit jejuna. Judaea arescit jejuna.

Chapter 7: Due to the unbelief of the Jews Christ to the nations.

1. And because of the unbelief of the Jews, the Jews of Judea, passed over to the nations, Jeremiah predicted, saying: « We have sinned, the expectation of Israel, Savior. Why are you like a stranger on the ground, and as a traveler declined to stay? Why are you like a fugitive and who can not be saved » (Jerem. 14, 8)? For what is it in this sentence is understood, except that he saw the prophet in the spirit that he came to Christ, to leave the Jews, and he was going through the faith in the nations? For this reason, said: Why are you like a stranger on the ground, and as a traveler declined to stay? This is, come to the ground quickly away from the Jews.

2. As the other person of the same prophet says: « Who will give me a guest travelers? And leave my people, and I will go away from them, because they are all adulterers, groups of transgressors, and extend his tongue, as a bow of lies, and not the truth » (Jerem. 9, 2). For the voice of Christ is the one who is in the wilderness of the Gentiles, the guest room, that is, the Church, and made him, in which they shall be converted, and forsaken the people of the Jews. By Malachi says: « There is no more will you say the Lord of hosts, and the role will not accept your hand; from rising to sunset is a great name among » (Malach. 1, 10). 83 3. With them before it was God, but after the sin of his own, the Redeemer of the world in the past.The world now throughout the world, says he magnified the Lord to do with them, magnified to do with us, we have become glad (Ps. 125, 3). To the people, for Israel, before he came to Christ, but that they would not be to be believed, the prophet did not hold his peace, saying: First, to the Zion shall say: Behold, I am here, and Jerusalem, the evangelist, I will give, and I saw, and there was not any one of these, who would enter into a plan, and asked to answer the word (Isai. 41, 27). However, since the nations crossed, followed by: « Here is my servant, I will take him; my chosen, he complacent to him in my life, I have given my spirit on him, the judgment of nations » (Isai. 42, 1). but that they would not be to be believed, the prophet did not hold his peace, saying: First, to the Zion shall he say: Behold, I am here, and Jerusalem, the evangelist, I will give, and I saw, and there was not any one of these, who would enter into a plan, and he asked to answer the word (Isai. 41, 27). However, since the nations passed, followed by: « See, my servant will take him; selected my complacent in that soul, I have given my spirit on him, the judgment of nations » (Isai. 42, 1). but that they would not be to be believed, the prophet did not hold his peace, saying: First, to the Zion shall he say: Behold, I am here, and Jerusalem, the evangelist, I will give, and I saw, and there was not any one of these, who would enter into a plan, and he asked to answer the word (Isai. 41, 27). However, since the nations passed, followed by: « See, my servant will take him; selected my complacent in that soul, I have given my spirit on him, the judgment of nations » (Isai. 42, 1). 42, 1). 42, 1).

Chapter 8: Because, threw Jews, nations.

1. See, it is shown that the Jews for the crime, which in Christ sin, casts, and scattered. But since, cast them, the nations of the inhabited places of the faith, by means of their successors, they were not silent, and these are the prophets. Isaiah says: « Educ out the blind people and eyes, deaf and ears. All nations together and collected three. Who will tell you this? And what are the first, we will hear » (Isai. 43, 8)? See, outside brought Israel, having eyes and ears to earthly promises; and it is gathered in one of the diversity of the nations, so that, where they are called, they are coming in, and to the things that have been promised to those things which belong to the inheritance.

2. Yet because the same nations in the seats of the Jews were the same prophet in another place, saying: « On the day she sing this song in the land of Judah. The city of the strength of our Sion, the Savior shall be placed in it, a wall, and the bulwark; open the gates, and he shall enter the nation of the righteous, and keep the truth, the old mistake went his way. Serve peace, because you have hoped to dwell 84 in the high city will low it up to the ground, bring it up to the dust and tramp it foot poor, poor steps of the poor » (Isai. 26, 1). The people of the Gentiles, and lowly, the place of which is shown to have succeeded in the prediction of the Jews, the people of the proud people, he had lost.

3. Such a prophet and elsewhere under the thanks to the Lord says: « Lord, my God, and I will lift you; I will give thanks to your name, for thou hast done wonders, and the thoughts of the ancient faithful. Amen. Because you put the city in the tomb, the city of strong in the fall, the house of strangers, that there is no city, and forever will not be built, will praise the people strong city of terrible fear you » (Isai. 25, 1).

4. In another place to the same Jews under reproach, saying: « The name will be released in my oath; you will kill the Lord God, and his servants shall call the name of another, in which he is blessed on the earth shall be blessed by the Lord, verily, and he that swears in the land, he shall swear to God. Amen » (Isai. 65, 15). In the land that swears, that is, in the flesh of Christ, in which he swears really in God.

Chapter 9: Of the Jews, for the sake of sin in Christ, and they were driven away.

1. Because because of the sin that they are in Christ, they have transgressed the Jews, and they were scattered, Isaiah predicted, saying: « He redeemed them, and carried them away, and he lifted them all the days of the world, they have rebelled, and they have afflicted the Holy Spirit, and he turned to them in the enemy, 85 and he fought them » (Isai. 63, 9). Also by the Osee prophet: « Alas, he said, for they have gone away from me, because they have transgressed me. I will return to them, and they have spoken against me, lies, and they have gone away from me, and I have taught them, and I have strengthened their arms. And they thought me wrong, they returned to be without a yoke. They are like a bow, my God threw them, because they did not hear him;And there will be roaming countries » (Ose. 7, 13; 9, 16).

2. Isaiah later proclaimed Christ, saying, As sheep to the slaughter (Isai. 53, 7), he immediately said, because of the crime of my people were struck him; and I will give the wicked for the burial of his, and the rich man for his death, and the rest. And by Jeremiah, the same Son for his passion of the Jews, so it brings to the destruction; He says, There is my inheritance, as a lion in the forest, gave me a voice, so I hate it. Do you wait for my grandparents? , What now is the bird of the yarn, by means of the whole? Come together, all the animals of the earth, hurry to consume (Jerem. 12. 8). Congregumini said; they came to the beasts of the field, that is to say, the leaders of the nations, and they were delivered to them, to devour the Jews.

3. Therefore, the voice of the Lord, where he submits me, because of the destruction of the whole country. This is the voice of Christ. Many of the sins of Israel had already made, but they never have been handed over to the chronic and captive; When the measure of their fathers, and after the prophets killed, then, the sins of the sins of the accumulation, were delivered in a long extermination. For this reason, now said, because I was destroyed all the land.

4. Because they do not understand, and therefore the plunder of Isaiah the prophet, saying: 86 poured over the anger of his anger, and perhaps the war; and burned him in the round about, and he did not know, and set fire to him, and he did not understand (Isai. 42, 25). The bodies of the destruction of Jeremiah, the prophet, so he deplores the: They are done, he said, my children are lost, because he has prevailed against the enemy (Thren. 1, 16). And again, I brought up and brought up, my enemy consumed them (Thren. 2, 22).

Chapter 10: The collapse of Jerusalem.

1. Because because they denied the Jews, Jerusalem, through Jeremiah predicts the same thing, saying: « up the walls, and destroy it, remove the shoots, because they are not the Lord, breaking the transgression of the house of Judah, said the Lord denied me and said, is not he (Jerem. 5, 10). Also Isaiah: Ruit Jerusalem and Judah collapsed because their language policies against the Lord » (Isai. 3, 8). 2. The city of Jerusalem, and the province of Judea, as well as the testimony of which is demonstrated to have fallen, and the cause of the crime of them, he shows, because it is contrary to the Lord, they blasphemed, saying: Take, take, crucify. We do not have a king, but Caesar (Joan. 19, 15). For indeed, the suffering of the future of the city, and David, the prophet for the sake of Christ, and the Jews, the disaster of the person of the same Christ,so he predicted: when they, as the Gospel is speaking, they gave the gall and vinegar: « They have given, he said, in the meat of my gall, and in the dry land, my God, they could have me vinegar. Be it done unto them, in the sight of the table of the net, and in the reward, and in the stumbling-block. Pour them on your anger, and anger of your hold them. Be it done to their dwelling places, and in the tents of them, it is not, who shall dwell in (Ps. 68, 22).

3. This is then completed, which had been previously mentioned; it came to pass, that in this city of Jerusalem; For after the bitterness of Christ, and after they cried against the Son of God, to kill, then succeeded by the Lord, the city was fought against the Jews, and many thousands of killed; no way to approach the Jews, where Christ crucified.

4. Also in Daniel, the angel, after the murder of Christ predicted, subcutaneous overthrow of Jerusalem, saying: The city and the sanctuary will destroy the people with the future leader (Dan. 9, 26), that is, the Roman army with Vespasian. The prophet of Isaiah, which is lamentable, a song of the devastation of which he composed, in which the same Jerusalem is lamented, under the likeness of the vineyard, and the ruin of that perpetual word of the prophetic, is decantatur,where he planted the tower and the press, the temple and the altar (Isai. 5, 2).

5. This is the vine, as long as the fruit of the richest, had the guardian of God, which is written not asleep, who keeps Israel (Ps. 120, 4); After the spineless Creator, he left her God, and immediately destroyed the forest (Ps. 79, 14), and they gathered it all the way, so the Lord: And now I will show you what I am going to my vineyard; I will take away his (Isai. 5, 5), that is, remove the angels help (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel of fearing him around and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). As long as the richest fruit, guardian God, which is written, he shall not sleep, who keeps Israel (Ps. 120, 4); After the spineless Creator, he left her God, and immediately destroyed the forest (Ps. 79, 14), and they gathered it all the way, so the Lord: And now I will show you what I am going to my vineyard; I will take away his (Isai. 5, 5), that is, remove the angels help (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel of fearing him around and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). As long as the richest fruit, guardian God, which is written, he shall not sleep, who keeps Israel (Ps. 120, 4); After the spineless Creator, he left her God, and immediately destroyed the forest (Ps. 79, 14), and they gathered it all the way, so the Lord: And now I will show you what I am going to my vineyard; I will take away his (Isai. 5, 5), that is, remove the angels help (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel of fearing him around and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). After the spineless Creator, God left it, and immediately destroyed her aper out of the forest (Ps. 79, 14), and they gathered it all the way, so the Lord: And now I will show you what I am going to my vineyard; I will take away his (Isai. 5, 5), that is, remove the angels help (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel of fearing him around and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). After the spineless Creator, God left it, and immediately destroyed her aper out of the forest (Ps. 79, 14), and they gathered it all the way, so the Lord: And now I will show you what I am going to my vineyard; I will take away his (Isai. 5, 5), that is, remove the angels help (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel of fearing him around and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). to remove the angels (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel around him, and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6). to remove the angels (see the Psalms is written: « Let the angel around him, and deliver them [Ps. 33 8]). He will be sacked by the opponents, the walls thereof, to the enemies of the nations, and the clouds, I will command from above, do not rain upon it, the rain » (Isai. 5, 6).

6. This is not of the previous captivity, he was prophesied; For that time, after the capture of the city and Jeremiah, Daniel and Aggy and Zacharias future said. But this is the last of the captivity of the aforesaid is to say, because after the passion of the Lord, nor the prophets, nor the apostles had the Jews, who were imbres with the virtues, but on the contrary, it has happened to them that they are in the Leviticus, who sinned against them, he promised the Lord: I will put to heaven to you, brass, and the land of iron (Levit. 26, 19).

7. And in Deuteronomy will be heaven on your bronze, and underground iron (Deut. 28, 23). And again, the rain will give you dust and ash from heaven down on you until you drive (Ibid., 24). But why should this happen to them? For God looked to do justice, and the distributor of such functions. Those, however, they have made the thorns, which Christ had crowned, and they made the cry of it 88, which they cried out against the Lord, that is, against Christ, that he might be crucified.

Chapter 11: The Jewish Synagogae rejection.

1. The city of Isaiah, so the talks, saying: « Who is your mother’s divorce, where I sent it? or who is the creditor of my God, to whom I have sold you? Here you are sold in your iniquities, and your mother (Isai. 50, 1). » Similarly, through Osee: Judicate your mother, judge, because she is not my wife, and my husband (Ose. 2, 2). On the rejection of the people, and Jeremiah is talking to the Lord, saying: « The rest of my house, letting my inheritance. There is my inheritance, like a lion in the forest, gave me a voice; I hate it » (Jerem. 12, 7). 2. Isaiah of the Jews, the eternal captivity expressed, saying: « land waste, cities, fire,your country before you devour, and shall be destroyed as a hostile » (Isai. 1, 7). What is the captivity, and even though it is under the Babylonians at the time of the part of the completion of it is, it is more fully, however, under the Roman captivity, was filled with, when the whole of Judea, the Roman army, and the city of Jerusalem, and burned.

Chapter 12: The perpetual collapse of Jerusalem.

1. Isaiah said, as a waste of enemies, and the daughter of Zion as a booth in the vine (Isai. 1, 7). For thus it is turned out to Jerusalem, and was disappointed, the manifestation of the sacrament of the Christian truth, as they have desed the tents of the vineyards, the vintage shall be fulfilled. 89 In fact, as the tent is not the cause of his own, but the vintage is made, so also the old people, not the cause of his own salvation, but the Christian was the truth. 2. Also he said, on the ground, the people of my thorns, and they went up (Isai. 32, 13). How much more about all the houses of joy, city joy? « For the house, he said, released, the multitude of the city is left, darkness and eyelids were made on the cave forever. »

3. Also the same Isaiah lifelong destruction of Jerusalem, and the call of the people so, saying: « My God, you will lift you up, I will give your name, because you have done wonderful devices ancient faithful. Amen. Because thou hast set the city in the tomb, the city of the strong man in the fall, the house of strangers, so that there is no city, and for ever will not be built. I praise the strong people, the city will fear you, because you have become a poor strength of the poor in distress. Hope from the whirlwind, booth from the heat. For the spirit of the mighty men, as it were, the storm, beating against the wall; As the heat in a dry, confusion of strangers; And as heat under the cloud stream, shoots of the mighty faces. The Lord will make hosts all the people on the mountain that the party marrow, vintage » (Isai. 25;1).

4. And Ezekiel: And when I said, the glory of the living (Ezech. 26, 20, 21). This word demonstrating the future of the Church of the nations of clarity to the earthly Jerusalem changed the opinion of the mentor, saying, ‘I will not be, and I will not find forever. On this city, the collapse of the perpetual way, too, says the Lord said to Jeremiah: « And thou shalt destroy the wafers in the eyes of those who go with thee, and thou shalt say unto them: This is the Lord of hosts: So I will break the people, and the city, as it is broken pottery, which will not be able to be restored more (Jerem. 19, 10).

5. Sophoniaes eternal abandonment of the city so predicts: « This is the city of glorious, dwelling in confidence; 90, which said in his heart, I am, and there is no other extra more; How was the desert bed of animals? everyone who passes through her whistles and shake his hand. Alas provocative and redeemed city dove has not heard the voice, and they received instruction » (Soph. 2, 15; 3, 1).

6. At the end of Daniel Jerusalem destruction means to the end of the world to continue: « After a week, he said, seventy-two killed Christ, and there will be people who will deny it, and the city and the sanctuary will destroy people with the leader coming, and the end of its waste, and after the end of the war, the statutes of the desolation, and the sanctuary, and the temple will be an abomination; And until the end of the end will continue desolation » (Dan. 9, 26).

Chapter 13: The irreparable desolation of the Jews.

1. Because the Jews had never been repaired, Jeremiah says, the Austrian states were closed, all the Jews were transferred to the perfect (Jerem. 13, 19); that is, irreversible captivity. Again, he himself: « For I have forgotten my people, my God, in vain, and they that pour in their ways, and in the paths of Israel, that they might walk through them in the way, not to be broken; so that the land of them in the desolation, and in the whistle for ever. Every one who has passed through it will be amazed, and shake his head, as the wind burn them » (Jerem. 18, 15).

2. This is an everlasting flesh of Israel desolation of the prophet elsewhere, saying: Silver rejected them, because the Lord threw them (Jerem. 6, 30). And after a little, and leave my people, and I will go away from them (Jerem. 9, 2). And in another place: « I leave you and your city, which I have given you and your fathers. I will give you a shame forever and disgrace eternal things will never be forgotten » (Jerem. 22, 39).

3. Amos, too, the prophet of these things, the most fully predicts that, and 91, so he says, from the turning away of God, of Israel, not to them at any time have mercy on, but inseparably in the eternal desolation. It is said, « Listen to the fact that I lift you up. House of Israel fell, it will not be raised. Virgin Israel is cast into the ground, it is not that raise it (Amos. 5, 1). » Here, where people fell so that they do not rise. For indeed, and the ceremonies of the people, so it falls away from the coming of the truth of the flesh of the same, lest at any time be able to raise up, when he says: The project is in the land of his own, there is no one who will raise it up.

4. That is truly the hope of the Jews, of the very earthly; followed by the same prophet: « The end of the people of Israel will not add more to pass through it, and the hinges of the temple on that day, says the Lord God. Many die in every place is projected to silence (Amos 8, 2). » In the third prophetic text found that they have been turned away from Israel, not to them, as I have predicted, according to their expectations. In the first place, he fell, it will not be raised virgin Israel. In the second, he said, I will put a trill in the midst of Israel, will not bring it. Third, he said, the end of Israel, will not be beyond the pass through it (Amos. 7, 8).

5. All of which belong to the carnale of the kingdom or respect for more irreplaceable. In fact, these promises of repair, which of those of the prophets, the word of the embraces, to him, the part of the promise of the Jews in God, which is to be believed; for they are not all the Jews to redeem them, nor all they will be saved. But the wicked, and the sinners, contrite, and consumed them, the faith of those who have been chosen shall be saved. We have spoken of the people, and out of the city: we say what the prophets have held the New Testament.

Chapter 14: This is witnessed, the Old Testament, the new future was.

1. However, since, the same flesh of the Old Testament, the new 92 Testament would give the most clearly by Isaiah the prophet, saying: Do not remember, said earlier, the old do not look at. See, I am doing new, and now arise. Of course, you know them, I will put in the wilderness, the way, and in the envy of the rivers. I swore the beast field dragons and ostrich, because I have given the way in the desert, rivers in envy (Isai. 43, 18, 22). »

2. Such is the old law of the Old Testament recommends forget, and I do not mention, saying: Do not mention the former, I do not know; and that it would be new, as well as he added: I will put in the wilderness, the way, and in the envy of the rivers. To signify the doctrine of the nations, to have given to his own, where he glorifies him, the beast of the field, while believing that they collaudant, and the kingdoms of the world, which the people had acquired himself, he says. For the rest, against Israel, which is the following adds: I have not called upon me, Jacob, nor hast thou labored in me, of Israel. 3. The promise of which the New Testament is the same as the same prophet to declare what they were, behold, the new annexation, before they arise, I will make you heard (Isai. 42, 9). The words and the Old Testament came declares, and he announces that the Christian age is complete.For the first, they are, the old new ones, but the order of, it is not the dignity of the; Where and the agreements that are in the time of the latter, the front, the majority of the former.

4. During Jeremiah, the prophet, New Testament would give the former, so the Lord promised: « coming days, says the Lord, and the wild house of Israel, and the house of Judah, a new league, 93 is not the agreement that the peep with your fathers, on which they took their hand, to bring them out of Egypt, the covenant that they have made void, and I am on their dominion, he says the Lord. But this is an agreement with Israel, says the Lord, I will give my law in their heart, and in their heart to write it.

5. In this place the prophesy of the New Testament has been mentioned, because it could differ from the Old Testament, then he adds: Not according to the Testament, which given their fathers. There is a wonderful difference in both the rules. At that time, with the exception of the sacrament, which were the shadow of the future, the promises of the temporal things are the rest of the Sabbath, namely, and the circumcision, and the manifold of the sacred rites, and the observance of, and of the chronicles of the ceremonies: all the things that are in harmony with the flesh, forbids. On the contrary, the New Testament of the heart, the good of the promise; eternal happiness of life. And not even outside the stone diptychis, but inside the tables of the heart.

6. Therefore, he submits: Because this is a Testament that will regulate Israel. After those days, says the Lord, I will give my law in their hearts, and in their mind to write it (Jerem. 31, 33). This means that it is spiritual in our hearts to work according to the inner man, the flesh of the operation changed. In the interior of the circumcision, it is not the precision of the flesh, but of the heart, cleansing. Within the Sabbath, not by abstinence, but by abstinence. 94

7. How the law is revealed by Isaiah, so the protests, saying: The law will come out, and my judgment in the light of the rest (Isai. 51, 4); By what is shown to be a common covenant of the New Jews and nations, Osee also the prophet: « On that day, the Lord will call me a man will not call me more Baalim, and I will bring the names of Baalim out of his mouth, and I will not mention any more of them. I will strike them in the day when the wild field, and with the birds of heaven, and with the earth, and the bow and sword, and the war break out of the land and sleep to make them confidently, and I will guarantee you forever, and I will guarantee you my justice and judgment and compassion and compassion, and I will guarantee you in faith, and I know that I am the (Ose. 2, 16).

Chapter 15: On the cessation of the Sabbath.

1. The merit of the Sabbath, the Jews, to keep them, if there be anything to the Sabbath. The name of the Sabbath, indeed, to use, but what is the value of the know not. The law is delighted to keep the whole spiritually understood by the prophet, I will open my mouth parables, I will meet the proposals from the beginning of the world (Psal. 77, 2). Therefore, if the law and the prophets in the parables and in the darkness of the agreed, it is not to be accepted by the keeping of the Sabbath, unless it is spiritually.

2. For the flesh of his ease from the Lord and the fathers were dissolved. In fact, if the crime is not to observe the peace of the Sabbath, why the God is at work in the Sabbath? It is written in Genesis: The seventh day of his work, which he made (Gen. 2, 2); Therefore, in the beginning of the Sabbath, it is dissolved, as long as God is at work in him, and he that doeth all things in him, and blessed him of the day, because all in that end. Also, if the crime is the Sabbath, the ease of not to observe, why Jesus Nave, a disciple, and the successor of Moses, the Lord, the seven 95 days of the continuous, among whom, of course, and the Sabbath was, the army, and the arms of the produce, and the surrounding box, trumpets, Jericho walls (Josue 6, 15)?

3. What is the item of Machabae? of which it is written, and they were unwilling to judge on the Sabbath to avenge themselves of foreign (1 Machab. 2, 41). After this, the counsel of the receiving, they fought on the Sabbath, and they triumph over the enemy. To whom the testimonies of the element of the day, we shall be taught to keep the faith of this day, not to belong to the Sabbath, but the other spiritual; For this, the carnale Sabbath is not given for purification, but because of the temptation, saying the law, to the Lord, to hold them, whether they walk in my law or not. Six days gather manna, do not gather the seventh (Ex. 16, 4, 26).

4. And so, while he says: In order that the tenant of them, it appears that the Sabbath was not to have been commanded for the sake of justification, but for the sake of the temptation. This is why God speaks by the prophet Ezekiel, saying, I gave them the rules are not good (Ezech. 20, 25); of course, because some of the carnals of the people of the carnally done, which, however, when it comes to the Gospel, they have ceased, as it is, and by the prophet, he says, I will do all the joy of his, and the Sabbaths (Ose 2, 11), which is the same as the Lord hated himself, Naomi said, and Sabbath hate your soul (Isa. 1, 13). 5. Therefore, if the Sabbath is eternal, why is it that God has commanded? If the goods are why he hated? For the Sabbath that the Israelites took a gift to the rest of mind, so that no earthly desires in this life. For the Sabbath is interpreted.This, however, is consumed in the lusts of the Jews, and drunkenness, and the feasts of the idle, and the convictions, you have given to all in lust, and in the fruit of the temporal life, the belly, and many of the servers.

6. But ask: If it is not, they say, keep the Sabbath, 96 why it is in the commandments of God: « Remember that the day of the Sabbath holy days, and six days, and do all your works, the seventh day of the Sabbath of God’s is not the face of all the work (Ex. 20, 8)? » In the work of six days for six thousand years old works are shown. For a thousand of the year with the one of the day, are compared to God, just as the prophet is witnessing: For a thousand years before the eyes of thy eyes, as the day of the one (Ps. 89, 4). Of these days, the week of the thousandths of the year, the time of the Sabbath, and the rest of the future of the kingdom, and of the world is, where there is already no operation of things, but the rest of the saints.

7. In fact, the temporal things of the Sabbath, he hates God, as long as he says: Neomenias and Sabbaths, and he hated my soul. He said it is because they are not what God commanded, but that the people chose. For those said, Sabbath is profanostis (Ezech. 22, 8). Therefore, it is recognized that the temporary human Sabbath divine it forever, as described by Isaiah: And it will be said, month of the month, and the day of the day, and the Sabbath of the Sabbath, and the whole flesh to worship in Jerusalem, says the Lord (Isai. 66, 33). 8. Secondly, the question is why Jeremiah: « Keep your souls, and do not carry weights on Saturday, and bring the gates of Jerusalem, and do not cast out the burden of your houses on Saturday (Jerem. 17, 21)? » Therefore, listen to his prophecy mystery: carries weights on Saturday;the day of judgment, which he has found with his own offense; carries the weights on Saturday, who, believing in Christ, does not cease from sin 97. He is the rest of the souls, as he said, ‘Look from me, because I am mild and low heart and find rest for your lives (Matthew. 11, 29). 9. Why is still the third person who gather trees on the Sabbath was so brutally under the command of the people killed? This is easy to be infidels. They understand, therefore, that all these things are in the type of happen to them; written for our correction. He is the former carnalisque, who violated the Sabbath dared to gather timber (because it is also punished) form insinuated on the judgment of the gallows work has been found, that is, contracted timber, hay or packing for meat fire eternal.For this is the gathering in his own destruction, as long as it has been in the day of the last one was judged, to be driven from all the angels, and at once the death of the last to be punished. So, then, all of them, whatever the Jews by the law, they are to be understood.

Chapter 16: The circumcision.

. Now, after the people of the perpetual captivity, after the eternal fall of the city, the flesh of the Jews, and the celebrations of the fading. Take the first cause circumcision. For since it is from the seed of Abraham, according to the flesh, to be Christ, in which all the nations had been a blessing, and from Abraham, even to the Christ, there were many centuries after the future, the foresight of God, lest the kind of Abraham, the rest of the nations, and little by little, the desire to be uncertain, the people of the Jewish circumcision, to live among the Egyptians and Assyria, including Babylonians, or Chaldeans, this seal from the nations.

2. Finally, for forty years, there is no vexatious circumcised, without the only nation of the mix. But where the Jordan, the channel of the people of Israel, and in the 98 land of the promise, the sign of circumcision to come from the mingling of the Gentiles, provided for the error, which we believe to be a reasonably kept, how long it would be born Christ, who is from the seed of Abraham had been rejected, who is not already in circumcision of the flesh, but by cutting off the hearts of all nations. 3. That does not circumcision, but the heart, Moses said to Israel, so the future: In the last days of the heart, and the heart of your seed (Deut. 30, 6). Therefore, Jeremiah foresaw it next time, Jews to the New Testament and circumcision of the heart, not the body, so challenges, saying:« This is the man of Judah and Jerusalem, Novate you, and do not sow the thorns; circumcised your Lord, and take away your hearts, men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, lest by chance to go out to fire my indignation, and burn it, and there is no one who extinguishes (Jerem. 4, 3). »

4. To whom the words of Jerusalem, from the ancient circumcision and of the law, which is compared to the thorns, and the vepores, to the grace of the New to cross the covenant, and by means of the faith of the gospel of the heart, circumcision, not flesh, according to that which we read, to Peter, the apostle, saying: Faith purifying their hearts (Acts. 15, 9). How the same faith, it is not by the ancient seals of the flesh, and the injury of the body, but by means of a new grace to obtain a washing of spiritual, the Lord by Isaiah, saying: Do not remember the former, and the ancient do not look at. See, I do new things now arise, and you know them; and that he might make known the things that they were the very new, he submits: I will make in the wilderness, the way, and the rivers in the place of the water-watering, to water the kind of my chosen people, and my people, which I have gotten (Isai. 43, 18).

5. What, then, he declared this, unless the baptism of purification of the future? in which there is no longer an old circumcision of the flesh, each one is sealed, but only by the faith of the grace of the sacred waves, is taken away. But since this heart circumcision Hebrew does not receive, Jeremiah predicted 99 saying: All nations have a prerequisite, all the house of Israel circumcised heart (Jerem. 9, 26). 6. In fact, the second time we read, and from Jesus, under the leadership of the people of the circumcision, that he might signify in the erox have ceased to circumcision, which is in Egypt, was carried out, and from the Lord, the Savior of the heart, after believing, to be clean. And it is well with knives of stone, the second circumcision is made, because the rock of Christ is to say, by means of which the spiritual circumcision of those who believe they are cleansed from all the attractions of the fault.

Chapter 17: The sacrifices.

1. But now the sacrifice of the old rejection of the victims were cast, and they have passed through Isaiah, so the Lord says: « Where have the victims of your population? says the Lord. I am full of holocausts and fat, and blood calves and lambs and goats. When you come ahead of me, who asked these things out of your hands to walk in the courts? Do not bring any more, the sacrifice of the vain; I have an abomination. Neomenia, and the Sabbath, and the festivals, and your other, I will not bear, they are a group of you. And the first of your solemnity hate my soul; they are made to me a troublesome one, I have labored, and when ye shall extend your hands, I will turn my eyes from you, and when you have multiplied the prayer, I will not hear.Hands are full of blood (Isai. 1, 11) »

2. Also the Jewish sacrifices are made of their carcasses as a dung in the streets (Isai. 5, 25). What are these things of the dead, but of the Old Law of the sacrifices, which, since they are already removed, as it were, the abject of the dung, are accounted for? Hence it is the same prophet, and the other of them, the sacrifices of the so-he says: He who is offering a cow, as it were, who will kill a man; He who kills the cattle, as it were, who will have a dog; He offers 100 offering, as if the blood of a pig; He remembers the mouse, as he bless idol (Isai. 66, 3).

3. Also, Jeremiah was rejected by the victims and burnt Jews: How do you thus of Saba and sweet pen from the land? Holocausts are not acceptable to you, and the victims of your people do not have pleased me. For this reason, the Lord says: Behold, I will give to the people, this ruins, and they shall fall in them, the fathers, and the children at the same time, the neighbor and the neighbor, and they shall perish (Jerem. 6, 20). See that their sacrifices are not for themselves, but because of the heart and the obedience of faith, which they lost.

4. Therefore, the prophet is still the same as he says: Holocaustomata your victims, eat meat, because I am not your fathers, and I did not command them on the day I brought them out of Egypt, the word burnt and victims. But this word I commanded them, saying, ‘Hear my voice, and I will be God; and you shall be to me, the people, and walk ye in all things, which I have commanded you, and it is well with you.’ And they did not hear, nor inclined to his ear, but they went to the pleasures, and the evil of his heart.  In which the sentence is not commanded by the word burnt, as it is essentially love, but that their obedience (Jerem. 7, 21).

5. Again, he, who is above, said: “I am writing, multiply the laws of my hands, which, as it were, of others were counted. Hosts, meat and eat, and the Lord will not accept them. And after these things, detest their sacrifices: I will not be pleased, he said, the Lord of the wine, nor shall they be pleasing to him, the sacrifices of them, as it were, of the bread of mourners; all those who eat him contaminated, it does not enter the house of (Ose. 9, 4).” I have not commanded them, out of the word of holocaust, as it were, by itself, I love, but in order to approve the obedience of their faith (Jerem. 7, 21). They shall not fail, he said, the Lord of the wine, nor shall they please him, the sacrifices of them, as it were, of the bread of mourners; all those who eat him, they shall not enter into the house of (Ose. 9, 4).

6. The Joel: « Cut out of the house of your sacrifice and libation (Joel. 1, 13). » Also Malachi: « It is my pleasure for you, said the Lord, and the role will not accept your hand. From the rising of the sun, even to the setting of the sun, it is a great name in the nations, and in all the place is to be sacrificed, 101, and is offered to the name of my offering is clean, because it is a great name in the nations, and said to the Lord. (Malach. 1, 13) » Where evidence is clear sacrifices of Jews to be unclean and rejected, and the offering of the people to be accepted.

Chapter 18: The foods.

1. In the Kings book says: « The word of Elijah, saying, Rise and go to Sarepta Sidon and stay there. For I have commanded a woman to a widow, to feed you. He got up and went into Sarepta Sidon; And when he came to the gate of the city, he appeared to him, a woman of a widow, and took it from her meat,and ate (3 Reg. 17, 8). » Then Elijah the order of his vessels, and with the foreign guest foods lived, which can not be allowed, unless the law would have been spiritual.

2. As long as a kind of in the law, as it were, not clean, in the food are condemned, the behavior of men, without a doubt, they are signified, because it does not admit the God of the saints, who had come to eternal life of the predestined, and whatever it is compared to the behavior of men, by means of that unclean animals in the. For all things are created by God in the very beginning of the world, of his voice, not only by the authority of the goods, but also very good. Therefore, in general, the animals are impurities, more directly derived in the behavior of men.

Chapter 19: The Christian faith.

1. In this respect, the rites of the Jewish and the celebrations of the divine testimonies; From here the sacraments of our faith, for the first time, not only because of the Jews given the law, but also for all nations. This is the prophet David 102 testifies, saying: The generation will happen, and they will declare his righteousness to the people who are born, who did the Lord (Ps. 21, 32). And again, he will declare your arm generation, all that will happen, your power and justice (Ps. 70, 18).

2. Isaiah: « The Zion comes out of the law, and the word of Jerusalem; and judge the nations, and it will argue many people until the remote (Isai. 2, 3). » David Psalms: « Then they will say among the nations; He magnified the Lord to do with them; magnified to do with us, we are glad (Ps. 125, 2). » The evidence is manifested before the Jews Testament law is granted, then the nations; that is why it was conferred upon them, because they were able to know in him, Christ, whom the Jews were blinded by the mind, by no means understand.

Chapter 20: Scripture is not only historically, but also mystically understood.

1. The scripture is not only historically, but also a mystical sense, that is, spiritually, teaches the Psalms: « Look, people, my law; bow your ear in the words of my mouth, open in the parables of my mouth, I will meet the proposals from the beginning (Psal. 77, 1). » The prophet also confirms that in another Psalm, saying, I will draw in the ear, open in the psaltery (Ps. 48, 5).

2. In the likeness, and the darkest sense of all the law; For it is dark resemblance, which is warned by the heart of the man to sharpen, and the interior is to be understood. So, too, the wisdom of Solomon says: Write the law in two ways, and in three times in your heart. Double the law is felt as before, according to the history, 103, according to the sacraments. In a triplicate, however, is written, as long as it is not only a historical way, or mystically, but also morally, what is in each one ought to carry on to be taught.

3. Hence, and the ark of the, which was constructed from Noah, bicamerata and tricamerata to be made, that it is within the Church of the whole of the law, the matter, and the history of the place has, and the mystical sense to receive it, and the information of morals to keep it. In the parables and the darkness of the law, and the parables and proposals. Hence it is that all the Jews, and they are closed; who, unless they believed, to arrive at their understanding, they can not.

Chapter 21: Since the Testament does not understand the law.

1. Signed for all these mysteries of the Scriptures, and they do not know what they read, read all they do not understand, as the Lord sounded to the prophet: « Say, » he said, « people to hear and do not understand; and see, and do not know; For the heart of the people of this (Isai. 6, 9). « And again, « Remove from Judah, and from Jerusalem, and strong, judge, and the prophet, and the wise architects and expert mystical (Isai. 3, 1). »

2. This is all removed from them, and signed them all the mysteries of the hardness of their heart, lest they understand the same Isaiah witness of them: « And it will be » he said, « vision, as the words of the book signed, which when they have given a letter of knowledge, say: read this, and answer: I can not, signed for (Isai. 29, 11). « But what he added about the nations? In that, he said, the deaf hear the words of the book, and the dark and dark eyes of the blind (Ibid., 18). » disclosed for the mysteries.

3. Jews are closed, as Daniel says, are closed, signed conversations until the time of completion, how long will add 104 many people, and the vision and know all these (Dan. 12. 9). In fact, that the face of the veil of Moses, and he was covered, as long as he went down out of the mountain with the tables, that he meant, because it is in comparison with the people of the law of the Jewish darkness of blindness, it could not recognize it, as long as it is read Moses, the veil is placed on the heart of them.

Chapter 22: That the Jews, unless they believe in Christ, do not understand the Scriptures.

1. Nor is it possible to understand the law and the prophets, except before Christ, Isaiah: If you do not believe, do not understand; just for the faith of my life, said the prophet (Habac. 2, 4). Therefore, Abraham became the father of the people, because he believed God, and it was credited to justice (Gen. 15, 6). These are the law and the prophets, however, does not indulge in Jeremiah: « He said to me: If Moses and Samuel before me, there is no soul to this people; away from my face and go out (Jerem. 15, 1).

2. By Moses, the law, by Samuel mean. Those whom, although the Jews have, for the sake of error, however, the wickedness of the project. For the works of Christ, without the faith of them, and justice, nothing to do with them, by means of a witness to the Lord, Jeremiah: For I have forgotten you, behold, I will declare thy righteousness, and thy works shall not betray thee (Isai. 57, 12).

Chapter 23: That the two are the evidence from God, they are delivered.

1. However, since the two Testaments, the new and Old Almighty God are delivered to Solomon in the Songs 105 declares: In our doors, all the fruits of the new and old, my brother saved you (Cant. 7, 13). And the Lord said in the Gospel, the same is the kingdom of heaven, who produces the treasure of his new and old (Matthew. 13, 52). And another place of Scripture so God will give you a long rain and serotina, the Old Testament and New, and both spray you irrigate (Deut. 11, 14). For a shower learning is taken of the Covenant, where it is expected, as rain, my word and pour out on the ground shower.

Chapter 24: The remission of sins was going through baptism.

1. That by means of the baptism of the cleansing of the sins of the future, it is not by means of circumcision, which had been the form of baptism, the Bible’s voices are clearly stated. Isaiah is the future of baptism, the mystery of the future believers, saying: Haurietis water with joy from the sources of Savior (Isai. 12, 3). The words of the Savior showed the prophet, of which the sources of purification predicts that is, from the sources of Jesus. This is the name of the Hebrew language Savior. 2. Therefore, he cried out: If any man thirst, let him come to me, and drink it (Joan. 7, 37). To the sacrament of baptism, Isaiah Jews and nations, so challenges, saying: All thirsty come to the waters (Isai. 55, 1). These waters and this source and Joel predicted the Holy Spirit, saying:The mountains of sweetness and hills, and all the rivers of Judah, and the source of the house of the Lord go out and irrigate the world (Joel. 3, 18), that is, the University of all nations.

3. On this source and Zacharias, on the day, she will be a source of open to the house of David and Jerusalem for the washing of sins and menstruation (Zach. 13, 1). Tell me, I pray thee, who is this the source of the open, except in which we are all born again, by means of which the sins are purified by the transgressions, and the filth of the menstruation, that is to say, the uncleanness of the soul to be greeted with a bath, they are abounded? The waters and other prophet testifies: 106 « And it will be said, on that day, they shall live out of Jerusalem, half of them to the east, and half of them to the sea. On the day it will be the one, and his name is one and return to the desert (Zach. 14, 8). »

4. What are the waters of the living, unless baptism is a man of the Holy Spirit infusion? But why go out of Jerusalem, but because the people in the same, he said, Go, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew. 28, 19)? But the part of the middle of the sea, it goes to the east, that is to say, to the people of circumcision; and the middle of the sea, the last, which is to the people of the Gentiles, the faith of the last, so that all the Jews were thirsty, and the nations, who are in the Lord, they believe.

5. Of these waters, and by the same prophet, it is said, that they may go out of the house of the Lord, and they may grow in the river, and they go to the wilderness, whether it be to the sea of the dead, and all things to come to any of them, they shall live, and be healed. It is the same prophet says: « I turned to the gate of the house, and the water came out under the threshold of the house to the east. For the face of the house facing the East, the water went down to the right side of the temple to the south of the altar. And I turned to the outside door, which looked at the east, and the water flowing from the right side (Ezech. 47, 1 et seq.), » that is, from the side of Christ.

6. Then he says: « He led me through the waters, and said to me: These waters, which go out to the east, and they go down to the flat desert, of course, to the nations, shall enter the sea, and they shall be healed of water; and all the living life, which looks at whatever comes to live; and there will be many fish enough, » that is regenerated. He added: « After coming water, and they will live all to come to the valley. The fishermen will stand on, » that is, apostles and doctors, many kinds of fish.

7. 107 This is the meaning of the variety of people to wash the wave of coming; and he added: « As the fish of the sea, the great multitude of the banks of his, on both sides of the wood yielding, it will not fail leaf out of it, and shall not fail the fruit of it, for each month to bring the first-fruits; which water from the sanctuary, and the fruit of the food, and leaves thereof to drugs. »

8. Michael, the prophet of baptism under the shape of the crossing of the sea, so it reveals, saying: « According to the day of your land Egypt will show them wonders, they will see nations, and be disappointed in his strength, their hands on his mouth, ears of their deaf. Our Lord will desire and fear you. Who is the like? who take away the iniquity, and the sin of the remnant of Israel? Because compassionate, and sent our sins and cast it into the depth of the sea, all our sins (Mich. 7, 15, 19). »

9. In the opinion of the reader will be revealed to the mystery of baptism. According to the, he said, the day of your departure from Egypt, I will show them the wonderful things, and then the enemy following, that is to say, the sins of our past, just as the Egyptians in the sea, the projectos, so in the baptism, and have been destroyed, and put their extinction, so he declares, saying: For the merciful is to say, shall be converted, and sent to our God. Demers our sins, and cast the depth of the sea, all our sins.

10. What is more clearly this evidence? What’s more open? For every one by means of the faith of the true Israel, he goes out from Egypt, as long as he renounced the world; Red Sea, baptism, namely, blood signed. Then the enemy, they are going on, because they are immediately the transgressions of the death, where the soul of the regenerate. We also read Aaron in the foreshadowing of baptism, the children of the father’s priest share the broad sanctification (Ex. 30, 18; Levit. 8, 6). Now, then, the cleansing of baptism—which is now bathing the sacrament of all the people of the Church, the body of the great priests, the remission of sins, and the washing away of filth in the sanctification of divine worship.

11. Isaiah, the prophet of the other, shows that they cannot be released for the sins of Jews unless they have been washed away with baptism. For he says by the same prophet of the Holy Spirit: “I have labored to endure; if you have multiplied the prayers, I will not hear; for the hands of your blood are full. Wash the world” (Isai. 1, 14). Moreover, for all things—the victims, the neomenies, the Sabbaths, and the solemnities of the one baptism of purification—he commanded cleansing for the regeneration of the bath and for the sins of the inquiries, in which only sins abound.

12. The Jews reject and listen to the prophet Ezekiel threatening: He became the word of me, saying, Son of Man, note Jerusalem’s abominations, and say: This says the Lord: Jerusalem, your root and generation of the land of Canaan; your father Amorrah, and your mother Cethaea, and when she was born, there is no navel, and the water is not washed in health» (Ezech. 16, 1, 3). Here are shown the serious sins of Jerusalem, and it is said that they would be lost unless washed with water—a baptism full of cleansing. To those who are converted to Christ and are baptized, the word of the Lord follows: “I entered the agreement with you,” said the Lord, “and I washed you with water and cleaned blood from you and your oil, indicating the covenant of the New Testament—the water and oil baptism and chrism.”

13. The baptism of purification of the Holy Spirit through the same prophet promises, saying: « Tollam for you from nations, and I will gather you out of all countries, and bring you to your land, and pour over you clean water and clean from all your sins. » And, as the New Testament, so it follows: « I will give you a new heart, and I will put in the midst of you, and I will take away the stone of your flesh, and I will give you the heart of the flesh, and I will put my spirit in the midst of you, and I will do that in my commandments, and my judgments, and cover (Ezech. 26, 24).

Chapter 25: The chrism nations must be cured.

1. Because the chrism of all nations, talking to Moses, saying: « Take the first spices, oil and olive oil, oil, perfume, and the hoof of the tent of meeting, and the ark of the covenant, and the table with their vessels, candlestick, and furniture thereof, tallies, and holocausts, and all the things that belong to the worship of them; Aaron and his children; sanctify them to serve me, to Israel, say that oil will be holy for generations (Ex. 30, 23). »

2. For the figure of the former of the tabernacle of the Church is led to the type of, of which all the diversity of peoples in the testimony of holiness, which is signified by the works of the universe, so that the sacred chrism of the unceasingly, all of them shall be sanctified, and the glory of God, to be healed in the preparation.

Chapter 26: Because the signal cross believing saved.

1. The cross of the shape of the faithful forehead to the protection of health, by the prophet Ezekiel: « He called, » said, « a man who was dressed in lines, and the writer had in his waist, and he said to him: Pass through the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, the signs of Thau in the front of the men of the moaning, and they are done on all the things that abominable ( 9, 3). » And after this he added: « Pass through the city, and strike; does not spare your eye, do not mercy on the old man, a young man, 110, and a virgin, a little child, and the women, kill, even to the utter destruction. All over whom you see Thau, do not kill (Ibid., 5).

2. We must understand that this decision. Thau, indeed, the letter of the appearance of the cross, it shows that, of which the seal of the world are delivered from the going forth of the foreshadowed; the same type of blood in Egypt, the lambs, white and immaculate, the images are marked by the posts of our body, so that we can speak, sealed with light on your face, Lord (Ps. 4, 7).

3. On this sign of Isaiah from the person of the Lord: Behold, I am coming, that I may gather with all the nations, and the tongues, and they shall come, and they shall see my glory, and I will put in them a sign of (Isai. 66, 18), of course cross. And elsewhere, and it will be said, the Lord was named for a sign of eternity, which is not taken away (Isai. 55, 13). That is also the same prophet and elsewhere wanted to signify Christ, saying: The sign of the nations (Isai. 5, 26). Where he shows that, raising the sign of the cross, the nations came to him, and they believed.

4. Of which the cross is the glory of the Psalms: Tell the nations, the Lord reigned a tree. On the cross of Jesus Christ by Ezekiel, so the talks: « sword is sharpened, and filed to kill victims. You are fired, who moved my sons, cut wood, and I have given him to be relieved to be held (Ezech. 21, 9). » Where evidence and the Son of God crucified, and the cross will receive a signal from all the divine voice.

5. Which cross the shape of the two pieces of wood is the same Ezekiel so figuratively, saying: « The word of the Lord to me, saying: And you, son of man, take your stick and write 111 on that Jew and Israel of his allies, and take another stick and write on it Joseph Ephraim, and all the house of Israel, and his allies, and will stick to one to another And there will be a union in your hand (Ezech. 37, 16).

6. Where Jews and Jerusalem should be converted into one and cross signal to accept that the two trees. These are the two trees that she was a foreign widow, to which it is sent to feed Elijah, he wanted to pick up, before he died. Where there is not only the name of the tree, but also the number of the wood, and the sign of the cross is expressed.

Chapter 27: How mystery Eucharist.

1. And because the bread and cup mystery God was pleasing to the burnt Scriptures is not silent. For the preface of the priesthood Melchisedech previously been expressed. This is the priest of the high places, with Abraham, the mystery of the future offering of bread and wine in the sacrifice of the Lord. For this is the expression of the Son of God, he for the first time in the type of: to whom the Psalms of the person of the Father, so he says: Before the star, I beg you. Are you a priest forever in order Melchisedech (Ps. 109, 3). This is the rite of this kind of sacrifice, which is the passion of Christ, which is also the apostles in remembrance of his right to be done.

2. It is not, therefore, already the victims of the Jewish, such as the priest of Aaron, and offered, believing, they offer; Melchizedech, the king of Salem, but what kind is the same, that is to say, the bread and the wine, which is the body, and of the blood of the Lord, the most true mystery. The same thing says that he eats my flesh and drunk my blood, 112 remains for me, and I am in it (Joan. 4, 56). Which is a mystery and a sacrifice of bread and wine is shown: « Wisdom built a house, cut the columns seven, sacrificed their victims, mixed wine, he proposed a table, and sent his servants, saying: If any child comes to me; and foolish ways: Come, eat my bread, drink wine and mix it with you; leave the folly (Prover 9, 1).

3. The wisdom of God, therefore, Christ made him the house of the Holy Church, in which he has killed his body, the sacrifices, in which he mingled the wine of his own blood in the cup of the sacrament of the divine, and prepared a table, that is, the altar of the Lord, sending their servants, and the apostles and doctors to the foolish, that is, to all the nations of the truth of God, not knowing, saying to them, Come ye, eat my bread, and drink wine that I have mixed with you; that is, holy body meat; and drink wine that I have mixed you, that is, a cup of blood of the sacred perceive it.

4. Indeed, the grace of the nations, and the Jews did not deserve, declares that the prophet Isaiah: This is the Lord God: Behold, my servants shall eat, and you shall be hungry; Behold, my servants shall drink, and ye shall thirst; Behold, my servants shall be glad, and you will be disappointed. Behold, my servants shall rejoice in comparison with the joy of the heart,And you cry before the pain of the heart, and for the destruction of the spirit of revenge, and let your name in my oath, and kill you, the Lord God and slaves, that is, Christians, shall call another name, where he is blessed on the earth. Amen (Isai. 65, 13).

5. Israel is killed, it succeeds people from nations. It is taken away to them, the Old Testament, it is returned to us, the New; granted us the grace of saving food, and a cup of blood of Christ, hunger and thirst. Change the name of the new people, namely Christian; and all the things that are the deeds of the novelty of the grace of the echo.

Chapter 28: Recapitulation work.

1. Oh, the unhappy Jews to defile the madness! Behold, the arrival of the Savior, nor of the Old Testament, the authority of the understand, and do not take him to come. They read the conversion of the Gentiles, and out of their own rejection, are not ashamed of. The observance of the Sabbath, which was rejected by the Scriptures. The circumcision of the flesh, who have lost the heart of purity. 2. We, however, under the grace of being placed, all these things were made, and the celebrations, which are of the future were indications, we have already known to be complete. Whatever the sacrament of Christ has already fulfilled, because it does not come to solve the law, but to fulfill (Matthew. 5, 17). The advent of the truth, the shadow stopped, and therefore it is not circumcised, because the type of promising baptism of the oath. Sabbath, leisure time is unnecessary,because the revelation of the hope of rest of eternity.

3. The sacrifices of the Old Law, we do not sacrifice, because it is by means of the same sacrifices, or of Christ, the passion of, or of the flesh of the vices of the mortification of the insinuated. Azyma does not observe, because it is, of the old life of the evil things, in the grace of the new faith, we walk. The differences of the food, we do not keep, because it is all the things that are in spirit, we make a difference in the behavior of men, which are unclean, and signified the diversity of animals.

4. The lambs do not celebrate the Easter Easter 114 is already sacrificed to Christ, who is the lamb, which is like sheep to slaughter, and as a lamb before shearing himself, so it opened his mouth (1 Cor. 5, 7). Neomenias new moon does not keep it, because it is already in Christ a new creature, old passed, and there are new. Scenopegias, that is, the solemnities of the tent, because the tent of the holy, in which he lives forever.

About the Author:

The formerly Protestant author spent a critical year at St. Bede’s in Peru, Illinois. He discovered, and never forgot, Aquinas and Chesterton. After graduating from college and the Infantry Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, he served in the US and South Vietnam.

After discharge, he got an advanced degree in Library and Information Science and worked as a Children’s Librarian in inner-city schools. He re-learned the Fairy Tales and saw truth in them. After inheriting ten thousand dollars from his Grandfather, he left his tenured position and started manufacturing some simple products he invented.

In the early stages of the business, he realized: “I should stop living in contradiction to The Only Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.
After becoming Catholic, the business grew exponentially. For forty years, he and his associates worked 24/7, producing billions of household items protected by over 170 patents. He served three terms on his School Board, leading to the lowest property taxes in his County. The usual people and groups replaced him. Finding that“Taxes test souls.” led him to focus on “simple reasons to be Catholic” and share them on

Books and several thousand daily posts are free and anonymous in obedience to The Bible’s advice in Philippians 2:3; “be self-effacing“.

© 1997-2025, updated 2025 by Catholic Fundamentalism

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, Recording, or any information storage and retrieval system known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast reviews. Catholic Fundamentalism Box 401 Portersville, PA 16051

Warning – Disclaimer:

Throughout the long succession of miracles that make up the Jewish and Christian Faiths of our Fathers, professionals have been provided to give guidance. Salvation is not a do-it-yourself project. Simply reading this or any book, is no guarantee. Professional help from ordained, traditional clergy can be a great help. Seek no guidance from anyone who does not believe that God is capable of miracles. If, at Judgment, we are denied admittance to Heaven, it will be, to some degree, because we did not bother to select a good Guide.

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