“Born again!”: Catholic reality, Protestant pretension.

The First Pope “Trusted Jesus” enough to let us all be “born again”!

The First Pope “Trusted Jesus” enough to let us all be “born again”!


Question 1:  “How can a person be ‘born again’?”

Answer:  “The Bible tells us the first people to be ‘born again’ were early Catholics in 1 Peter 1:18-25.  His Teaching begins:

Beloved:  Realize that you were ransomed from your futile conduct, handed on by your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold but with the precious Blood of Christ as of a spotless, unblemished Lamb.’


Question 2:  “How do we know Peter was speaking to The First Catholics?”

Answer:   “The ‘Beloved’ were the first people to ‘realize they were ransomed from futile conduct’ by ‘the precious Blood of Jesus Christ’!  The first Catholics received That Holy Food by the Miracle of Transubstantiation at The Last Supper and every Catholic Mass that followed.

Remember!  His First Catholic priests were His Twelve Disciples.  Jesus Ordained them to be His First Cardinal-Bishops.   His first College of Cardinals and The First Pope had Christ-given Authority to Ordain Catholic priests and Bishops to serve the Catholic parishes and Dioceses spreading across and beyond The Roman Empire.”


Question 3:  “Why don’t Protestants understand simple history?”

Answer:  “While Catholics were becoming priests and religious and having Catholic Families, The Profiteers of Protestantism concentrated on convincing themselves and their donors that ‘Jesus must let us into Heaven!’


Question 4:  “Did The First Pope tell us we should be Catholic?”

Answer:  “St. Peter told The ‘Beloved’ First Catholics:  ‘He (Jesus Christ) was known before the foundation of the world but revealed in the final time for you, who through Him believe in God who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.'”


Question 5:  “Did The First Pope tell us that early Catholics were the first people to be ‘born again’?”

Answer:   “Yes!  ‘Since you have purified yourselves by obedience to the truth for sincere brotherly love, love one another intensely from a pure heart.  You have been born again, not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God, . . ‘


Question 6:  “Do Willful Protestants understand that The First Pope told us which people were ‘born again’?”

Answer:  “Many become Victims of Protestantism because they are kept from focusing on This Simple Fact:  We cannot be meaningfully born again’ while we reject ‘the precious Blood of Christ’.”


May all be blessed to obey The Clear Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus validated by repeating 12 times in John 6, and twice more at The Last Supper:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

We cannot be ‘born again’ if we willfully choose to reject ‘the precious blood of Jesus Christ’ and have the ‘life in us’ that Jesus has brought, and still brings, to earth in Every Catholic Mass for the past 2,000 years.

Catholics are blessed to know:  God is that real.
