Both kinds of Protestant hate The Books of The Maccabees.

Some Protestants believe some Words of God. Others do not. All hate to read about The Maccabees!

Question 1: “Does the Bible tell that our Love of God is tested by public obedience to His Teachings?”

Answer: “The Books of The Maccabees were taken out of Protestant Bibles because they encouraged unyielding belief in God’s Word.”


Question 2: “What do The Books of The Maccabees tell us?”

Answer: “They report that God’s Obedient People chose to be tortured and killed rather than disobey God.”


Question 3: “Did people suffer torture and death?”

Answer: “Eleazar preferred torture and death to public disobedience in 2 Mc 6:18-31. In 2 Mc 7-31, a woman and her seven sons ended their lives in agony for obeying God!


Question 4: “What was the results of such martyrdom?”

Answer: “1 Mc 1:10-63 gives us the History! When the ruling Greeks decided to enforce demands for disobedience to God on obedient Jewish people, they revolted!”


Question 5: “Were they able to set themselves free from tyranny?”

Answer: “They restored The Temple. 1 Mc 4:36-59 tell us that. Then, the Romans took over. The battle between God’s people and their oppressors began again.


Question 6: “What changed things?”

Answer: “Jesus! The Prophecies were fulfilled. The Catholics in Jerusalem obeyed God’s Order to move to Pella. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and many who fought The Messiah. Even the huge Fortress atop Masada could not keep Roman soldiers from inflicting God’s punishment!”

Battles on earth became what they are today today: God against the devil.”


Question 7: “What are the two sides in that battle?”

Answer: “The Catholic Church was Spoken into Being by This Word from Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

The ‘other side’ works to get people to reject those ‘keys’ to ‘The Body of Christ on earth’.”


Question 8: “What happens to those who willfully reject those ‘keys’?”

Answer: “They lose their battle! They surrender the opportunity to have their immortal souls forever hold The High Ground.”


Question 9: “Who are the only souls in Heaven?”

Answer: “The Messiah made that very clear! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
