Brutus, Judas, then Luther

Forty years before Jesus came to fulfill The Prophecies, Julius Caesar had won all Gaul for Rome. Caesar had bigger plans. He sent Roman forces to the east, to pacify the Parthians. He intended to join them, lead them through Parthia (Iraq and Iran) and circle back, taking his troops around the North side of the Black Sea and East to the Atlantic, bringing all those pesky German tribes to heel. Caesar, the world’s greatest leader, wanted nations from the Sahara to the Baltic, and from the shores of France to Iraq, under Roman control.

His great plans came to a sudden stop. The treasonous Brutus, his former friend and ally, stopped Caesar’s work by fatally stabbing him in the back.

Jesus was so much greater than Caesar that His work of bringing billions of souls into The Kingdom of God did not stop when Judas betrayed Him to His murderers.

Five hundred years after Judas’s Great Betrayal, The Only Church Jesus Founded began The Thousand Year Reign over The Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God came to rule billions of souls throughout the entire area that Caesar unsuccessfully sought.

And, The Church Jesus Founded had gone farther! As The Thousand Year Reign came to an end, Catholic priests began to bring what would become billions of souls from the Americas, Philippines, China, and Japan into The Only Church Jesus Founded.

Then, we see St. John’s God-given Prophecies coming true. Rev 20: 1-4 “Then I saw an angel come down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the abyss and a heavy chain. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the Devil or Satan, and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer lead the nations astray until the thousand years are completed. After this, it is to be released for a short time.”

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Brutus, Judas, then Luther were the Triumvirate of Treason. Their work was finished after the apostate priest betrayed The Only Church Jesus Founded.

After “the dragon” was released from the abyss, The Only Church Jesus Founded ceased to rule The Kingdom of God. Pretenders flourished. Luther was soon followed by Cranmer, Calvin, Cromwell, Zwingli, Knox, and more vain, ambitious men who split off nations from The Kingdom.

Then, within the nations, new waves of ambitious clergy found profit in attracting groups of like-minded souls into little denominations of their own, each a manifestation of some form of human vanity. The Only Church Jesus Founded no longer reigned over the 43,000 denominations who called themselves “Christian”.

In every nation, every Catholic was tested. Some, by fire and pain. Others, by opportunity and gain. Many were called. Few were chosen. The Kingdom of God, The Thousand Year Reign, looked as if it was over.

But, The Thousand Year Reign is only over for those who avoid The Only Church Jesus Founded. The Kingdom of God hasn’t ended, but it is much more selective.


Ten Tribes spread between Ireland and The Philippines  Then, to The Americas and the rest of the world.  May half of them be blessed to save their souls? ~ Question 1: “What does every person who tries to obey God ask Him to do? Answer:  “All who believe meaningfully in God ask Him to do […]

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Only The Catholic Church was given these “keys” by Jesus Christ. ~ Question 1: “Why do Catholics ‘Hold Fast’ to Every Word of Jesus?” Answer: “We follow the direct order from St. Paul. He was personally chosen by Jesus to be the Catholic priest and Bishop who brought The Church to Turkey, Greece, Rome, and, […]