Burnout among Truth-seeking Bloggers.

There is frequent burnout among Truth-seeking Bloggers. They begin blogging with the thought that, by exposing leftist lies, they will help the leftist move toward truth.

Exposing leftist lies is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Leftists are immersed in lies every minute of their lives. They swim in a sea of lies and spawn them, endlessly. Some of the poor things actually become lies in human form. The most shameless among them become rich and famous.

Each truth that they are told is followed by a new flock of lies. Leftist lies, like the plague of locusts that swarms out of the abyss in Revelations, destroy all they are able to infect.

It’s fun, at first, to show how wrong their lies are. The Truth-seeking Blogger sees the swarm of lies, identifies several, and exposes them for the frauds they are. “See how wrong this is?”, he asks, never getting an answer.

After awhile, he begins to notice that the number of lies only increases. He grows weary. The Truthful Blogger is like Hercules fighting the Hyrda. Each time he cuts off one head, two others spring up.

The problem? The Truthful Blogger, in his innocence, believes that he is fighting an enemy that wants to be good, that wants to find and tell the truth, that wants to help, that wants to be right.

The hardened leftists who spawn the swarm of lies do not want to be good, do not want to find or tell the truth, want to hurt, not help, and they embrace wrongness. They have actually chosen evil. They prefer death and destruction to life and help.

To maintain the fight, we must “put on the armor of faith”. Until Truth-seeking Bloggers understand that the enemy has chosen to be evil, wants to be evil, and makes a living by participating in evil, the Truth-seeking Blogger is at a disadvantage.

Once we see the enormity of the evil, and understand that we are battling the offspring of the Father of Lies, we understand that our eternal allies are saints and angels. We understand that we are fighting for God and He is fighting for us.

Be glad, for that is the way of eternal salvation.
