Bursting bubbles.

Each of our souls can be easily visualized as a bubble. Our individual soul/bubble is swimming in a sea of spiritual beings trying to collapse it.

On the other hand, there are spiritual forces that lead us toward God and truth. Those are the voices to whom we should listen.

There are temptations all around each of us. If we think about what we spend a lot of our time thinking about, we can identify the temptations most likely to cause our own separation from God. Those are the temptations we must fight. Giving in to any temptation weakens, and/or shrinks, our individual soul/bubble.

When a bubble collapses in nature, tremendous energy is released. The same thing happens on the spiritual level when a soul is destroyed. The leader of the Culture of Death feeds on the spiritual energy released when a soul is collapsed. He and his assistants are ravenously hungry for that energy. That’s why they are in favor of every sin from abortion to adultery.

Each time a mind is led to believe a lie, the soul is weakened. The more lies a person believes, the closer the soul/bubble comes to destruction.

This is why lies like Global Warming are so important to the Other Side. Once we get into the habit of believing even the most plausible of lies, we are more helpless against other lies. If our soul becomes more accepting of lies, we have a tendency to start to lie, ourselves, in order to justify giving into those things and actions that tempt us.

That’s why there is such an onslaught of lies, sins, and temptations. Each of them is a wedge through which destruction wants to enter, bursting our bubble.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that lies, sins, and temptations are living beings. Each news broadcast contains hordes of demons launched straight into the minds of each recipient. They are the spiritual equivalents of germs or viruses in the body, but can’t be seen, even with the most powerful microscopes. If we could easily see the clouds of demons being blasted through the airwaves, we’d be so frightened that fear would override our free will, thus making us not free.

In the Judgment to come, each soul will be judged. According to some law beyond our immediate ken, souls who have embraced too many lies will have automatically given in to so much sin that they have removed themselves from the possibility of salvation.
