Cain was raised by Willful Protestants.

.                                  Jesus lets Catholics see a great Truth:  Cain was raised by Willful Protestants.


Question 1.   “Who were the first Willful Protestants?”

Answer:  “Fallen angels.  The devil was the leader of angels who chose to disobey God.”


Question 2:  “What did the devil do with Eve and Adam?”

Answer:  “He got them to join him in disobeying God.”


Question 3:  “How did the devil get Eve and Adam to disobey God?”

Answer:  “He convinced Eve to ‘eat the forbidden fruit’   The devil promised:  ‘If you disobey God, you will be like gods!’  Adam thought that was a good idea!   Vanity still leads Willful Protestants to think they can be ‘be like gods’ if they disobey His Instructions.”


Question 4:  “What did those two Willful Protestants do?”

Answer:  “They raised Cain and Abel.   God liked Abel more than Cain.  Cain was so jealous of God’s love for Abel that he killed ‘the first Catholic martyr’.”


Question 5:  “Could Abel have been a ‘Catholic martyr’ thousands of years before The Catholic Church was Spoken Into Being by The Great Decree of Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “Many people obeyed God before He came to earth in Human Form and spoke The Catholic Church into Being with His Word.   ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Does ‘Catholic’ identify holy men and women who obeyed God in their time and place?

Answer:  “God’s martyrs in many faiths have been hated and killed for obeying Him.   The name ‘Catholic’ applies to them.”


Question 7:  “What is a Willful Protestant?”

Answer:  “Anyone who knowingly refuses to obey Actual Words from God is a Willful Protestant.   Like Adam, Eve, and Cain, they want to ‘be like gods’ by willfully disobeying Instructions from Him.”


Question 8:  “Do Willful Protestants have things completely backwards?”

Answer:  “Cain was raised by Willful Protestants.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

