Who invents Protestant Marketing Plans? Little Fred.

There are 45,000 Protestant denominations. Each began with a Marketing Plan. Smarter people wonder: Who invents Protestant Marketing Plans? Little Fred. Little Fred is over 90, now. He began back when Protestant evangelists moved from city to city to city That was a lot of work! They had fleets of trucks and buses. They needed […]

anger at The Real Church of Jesus/God INTERGALACTICO!

Many of The Profiteers of Protestantism are showing anger at The Real Church of Jesus/God INTERGALACTICO! Pastor Bob was enraged! “This new denomination has reduced the value of my franchises by 50%! I have spent a lifetime building up my own Church of The Perfect Baptism! I have patents on my Baptismal Crane! I have […]

What does “Sola Scriptura” mean? “Only Me!”

What does “Sola Scriptura” mean? “Only Me!” That’s why some people love it! Recently, I heard Pastor Darlene Dimmer rave about “Sola Scriptura”. I was at her table when the third round of drinks was served after dinner at Disneyworld’s Monthly Sola Scriptura Symposium. “Using Scripture, alone!”, she gushed, “is The True Path to Jesus!” […]

Once Judas. Now abusers. Catholics pass “Tests of Faith”.

Once Judas. Now abusers. Catholics pass “Tests of Faith”. Self-righteous people abandoned Jesus when they realized that Jesus had allowed Judas to among His Disciples. “Jesus should have known enough to send Judas away. Jesus was wrong for letting Judas be there to betray Him.” That vanity was echoed. All anti-Catholics mocked Jesus. “Jesus let […]

Understanding attacks on The Church

Understanding attacks on The Church is important.  How did a handful of molesters get into The Catholic Church in many nations?  Bella Dodd told us.  She was the 3rd ranking official of The Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s and 40s. Then, the horrors of countless millions killed by Communists in Russia […]

there is a Christian duty to vote properly

Democracy separates sheep from goats.  Votes reflect each voter’s love of God and neighbor or the opposite.  So, there is a Christian duty to vote properly. 1. If we willingly choose to vote for a pro-abortion candidate, we are voting to inflict death upon innocents. 2. If we willingly choose to not vote for a […]

Thank God for kind, patient priests!

Thank God for kind, patient priests!   They have to deal with misdirected do-gooders. One of the continually concerned Catholic do-gooders is a Ms. Tiffany O’Feely.  She lives in Brainded, a wealthy suburb.  She loves to be concerned! Recently, she read an article in a magazine.  The glossy pages of Vogue alerted her to “The […]

Catholics know why Judas hated Jesus.

Catholics know why Judas hated Jesus.  Judas hated Jesus because Jesus did not say “Thou art Judas and on this rock I build My Church . . !” The first person to be paid for Protestantism was enraged by by being passed over!  He wanted to be in charge!   His hurt pride drove him to […]

Catholics see: we are actors in The Big Movie.

Catholics see:  we are actors in The Big Movie.  When our performance is over, we meet the critic.  We receive our Final Review. Most actors don’t even realize they are on stage.  Why?  The set is very complicated!  It was programmed out of 3-D pixels.  They were compiled into the elements, compounds, structures, and beings […]