Most of us Live in Bubbleville

No matter what we do to make a living, we’re operating in a bubble.  Bubbles grow, and eventually collapse.    We may describe our own bubble as one of many bubbles in Bubbleville. The Pony Express was a short-lived bubble.  It was punctured by the higher speed and lower costs of the Telegraph Bubble.  That was […]

How Bad is “Bad” Food?

One of the most routinely demonized companies is McDonald’s.  The company is endlessly attacked for  providing good food at low prices. There are two sides to this story:  ” “A teenage girl who has eaten almost nothing else apart from chicken nuggets for 15 years has been warned by doctors that the junk food is […]

Catholicism vs. Cash Flows

Some who are tied in to the cash flows with which they make a living will kill to protect them. When Jesus came to earth, He was more disruptive to the well-established cash flows that supported religious and government recipients than anyone in history. Because He threatened the established order, the religious and governmental organizations […]


People who bought silver a few years ago have been congratulating themselves. An ounce of silver that was then valued at $7.00 is now worth $33.00. A couple of weeks ago, it was worth $50.00. Silver investors are divided in opinions of silver’s future value. Like separate herds of stampeding buffalo, they are racing off […]

Spending Cuts

When President Polk left office, he was literally dying from the exertions of fighting Congress to get lower tariffs and to have California, Oregon, and all points in between them and the Louisiana Purchase admitted into the United States. His diary records that he was thoroughly sickened by “the endless stream of second-rate people wanting […]

Money. Money.

When Napoleon took control of France, he solved a bankrupt nation’s money problems. The most important thing he did was to stop borrowing for anything except that which reduced the cost of living. He built roads, bridges, telegraphs, and canals which made it cheaper to do things in France. That enriched the nation. Today, nations […]


There are frequent columns on automation’s effect on economies throughout Catholic Fundamentalism’s archives. Professional economists don’t appear to focus much on it, though it has a greater effect on every public policy matter than most other processes. It is a rule that when a cause and effect relationship is obvious and unmentioned, it is being […]

Most People Have Capitalism Backwards

The capitalistic system is not, as many believe, based on hard work. The opposite is true. Capitalism is based on the fact that lots of people want to get out of work. Farmers, boys and men alike, quickly tired of pumping water for livestock. The laziest of them invented small windmills that were invented, designed, […]

Finally, an Answer to Our Debt Problem! Do You Find the Flaw?

“It is a slow day in a damp little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the town. He stops at the local hotel and lays a […]

Don’t Let “Academic Cannibals” Devour Your Life Paying Off College Debt

Yesterday, it was announced that there was more college debt (833 billion dollars of it) than the total that Americans owed on all their credit cards. Making it worse, some of that credit card debt is owed by college students and parents to pay for college expenses. Counting that, total college debt may have reached […]