The United States of America began with a Catholic Queen.

Only Catholics understand how important Catholic Queens are! ~ Question 1: How could it be true that ‘The United States of America’ began with a Catholic Queen’?” Answer: “The Ohio Territory was settled by veterans of The Revolutionary War. Those American Protestants defeated the Episcopalians. They spread into the lands they had taken. The first […]

The Mercy of Jesus gives Willful Protestants more time to save their souls.

The Mercy of Jesus gives all of us the time we need to choose to get His “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”. ~ Question 1: “Did Jesus warn us about people who keep themselves and their neighbors from having ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?” Answer: “Jesus told us what those bitter, angry […]

What was The first Christian “Religious War”?

Every person is in a “Religious War” for our soul. May we all be blessed to follow our Commander’s Orders! ~ Question 1: “Was The First Christian ‘Religious War’ fought by Jesus Christ?” Answer: “That is clear in Mt 22:34-40! ‘When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. One of […]

Catholics know! History is the war that Arians wage against us.

Catholics are fed by The Body of Christ. Arians hate for anyone to know that! ~ Question 1: “What was ‘The Thousand Year Reign’ described in Rev 20 when ‘an angel of The Lord threw the devil into the abyss for a thousand years’?” Answer: “It was ‘the thousand years‘ between 500 AD and 1,500 […]

Two things on earth: “The Catholic Church” and “man-made garbage”.

Jesus lets Catholics see how to get away from “man-made garbage”. ~ Question 1: “Why do some Catholics believe there are only two things on earth: ‘The Catholic Church’ and ‘piles of man-made garbage’?” Answer: “The Catholic Church is the eternal echo of This Word of Jesus Christ! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, […]

“Holy Vanity” lets Catholics see how “Chosen” WE are in Today’s Reading!

Only Catholics connect Bible History and DNA Science. We are blessed to be “Chosen” to receive The Life-Giving Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Catholic Communion. ~ Question 1: “How does Today’s Reading tell Catholics how ‘Chosen’ we are?” Answer: “Joshua 24:1-13 tells us where we came from! ‘Joshua addressed all the people: ‘Thus […]

What people does “unholy vanity” hate? Catholic priests; religious; and Catholics.

Catholics know! Jesus gave Peter “the keys” that give Catholics “life” after “death”. J ~ Question 1. “How do we know that Catholic priests and religious are the most hated enemies of every ‘unholy vanity’ on earth?” Answer: “History! Jesus and His First Catholic Bishops were killed by those who hated for people to follow […]

“unholy vanity” always takes this form in the minds of Willful Protestants.

Those who obeyed God and Moses were saved. Catholics make the connection between Jesus and His Church. ~ Question 1: “How long has ‘unholy vanity’ taken form in the minds of Willful Protestants?” Answer: “Since Moses! When Willful Protestants see a Teaching from God they do not want to obey, their ‘unholy vanity’ takes form […]

Catholics know why Protestant denominations appear and disappear.

Cain is History’s Example of what second-generation Protestants do. ~ Question 1: “Why have tens of thousands of Protestant Denominations appeared and disappeared?” Answer: “Every Protestant Denomination is built on a Marketing Plan invented by a person who believes: ‘I know more than Jesus Christ! He was wrong, wrong, wrong to think He could Speak […]