One answer to: “Can Protestants can get to Heaven?”

One answer to “Can Protestants get to Heaven?” almost has to be “Yes, if they don’t know, or think, much about Scripture.” We come to that safe conclusion by starting from the back of The Book.  That’s where we find The Bible’s list of those who cannot get into Heaven.  Revelation 22:15 is clear:  “These […]

Why do Protestant partial-Bibles omit The Books of the Maccabees?

Old Testament readings this week have been from The Books of the Maccabees.  Most of our neighbors do not have The Books of the Maccabees in their Protestant partial-Bibles.  Why do Protestant partial-Bibles omit The Books of the Maccabees?  The Books were removed at the instigation of insecure Protestant warlords.  They did not want blueprints […]

Non-Catholics are sometimes ahead of us. Bridge-building is important.

Catholic principles must be applied in our lives and in our laws if we are to live in a better society.   Some American Protestants are ahead of Catholics one area:  They are more aware of danger from big government.  The “War on Drugs” is a perfect example of lives being destroyed by those who use […]

Why heed Jesus? He is the fulfillment of the prophecies.

As a rule, Catholic Fundamentalism focuses on why we should be Catholics.  It all boils down to this:  Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment 0f The Prophets.  We cannot read the 300 and some prophecies that refer to Him without seeing that His coming is so far beyond coincidence that it is lunacy to deny God’s […]

Why aren’t tornadoes simply blown into oblivion?

Recent tornadoes killed many and destroyed thousands of homes. It happens every year.  Not one of the tens of thousands of government “scientists” ever says:  “A whirling tornado is actually a delicate structure.  It’s a larger version of a whirlpool in a drain, and we know how easily one of them can be collapsed, just […]

The War on Drugs is a war on us.

Sometimes, we forget how bad things have become.  This graph shows the number of Americans in jail.  This year, about 1,600,000 of our neighbors have been put in cages.  Many are serving LWOP, which stands for Life Without Parole.  Maybe, a third are in because they are vicious criminals.  Most are jailed as the result […]

Two thousand years of history in a page

A Christian Monarchy, exemplified by Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain, is best for saving souls.  The devil didn’t think it was fair.  “If everybody has to obey the King, and his laws are good, then fewer people have the opportunity to sin.  When fewer people sin, I get fewer souls.  It isn’t fair!” After Europe […]

Jesus’ “Least Commandments” aren’t all obvious, but should be obeyed.

The Catholic Church encourages obedience to all of Jesus’ “least commandments”.  Protestants obey some of them.  Even agnostics and atheists follow a few.  Why is it important to obey His “least commandments”? Jesus fulfilled the prophecies that had been made about Him, and preserved, for the preceding thousand years.  He, who brought reality to God’s […]

Some understand and become Catholic. Others do neither.

We are encouraged to believe scientists.  Fears and dangers, no matter how imaginary, help governments seem to be important.  “Scientists have discovered a great danger.   We have to keep our people safe.”  Spokesmen for government agencies make such announcements many times a day. Science that provides evidence, false or not, for the necessary fears and […]

Letter #18 from a Protestant minister.

We received a letter from Pastor Pitstop.  He has enclosed an email that he received from Minister McMacMack, whose massive mega-church is destroying Pastor Pitstop’s much smaller church.  Now, it appears that their conflict is growing. Dear Catholic Fundamentalism: You know that I don’t like you Catholics very much.  Always going on and on about […]