Invent your own schism! Part 3

So, you’ve decided to take the Big Step. You are going to start your own schism! You aren’t going to be #2 or #3 or #4! You are going to be #1! Good for you! You are going to have people to boss around, money to raise, things to do! Recall your predecessors. Martin Luther, […]

Invent your own schism! Part II

A truly successful schism is like McDonald’s. It has lots of franchises. The old-line Protestant churches are perfect examples. They follow much the same pattern. 1. The successful schismatic marketing plan must have enough in common with The Bible that it can claim to be “Christian”. But, don’t be too Christian. Luther, Calvin, Knox, Joseph […]

Invent your own schism! Part 1

When a man wants to start his own “Christian Business”, he begins with a marketing plan. “I want to focus on families. I want a large church, a mega-church, with lots of programs focused on families. I don’t want to alienate anyone. So, my mega-church will be ‘non-denominational’. That will let people know they don’t […]