Every Catholic has a Mission! 25

What does every Catholic want? Catholics know that the people in Heaven are all wearing one thing! What do the people in Heaven wear? White Robes! Every person in Heaven is wearing a “white robe”! Every Catholic wants a “white robe”! ~ St. John was taken to Heaven! He has “written down everything” he saw. […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 23.

We love our opinions. That’s human nature! God wants us to love Him more than we love our opinions. He gave us This Teaching to help us think more clearly. “The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of The Lord.” We cannot have the “beginning” of “Wisdom” if we refuse to “fear” what God can […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 24.

Every Catholic has a Mission! 24. We have a duty to share Words of God’s Prophets. We share the Words of The Prophet Micah. Micah lived between 740 and 670 BC. At least 670 years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Micah was given This Prophecy from God! In Micah 5:2, The Prophet predicts where […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 22

Every Catholic has a Mission! 22. We must share the facts about where Catholic priests come from. Heb 5:1-10 tells us! “Brothers and sisters: Every high priest is taken from among men and made their representative before God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.” What is every Catholic priest Ordained to do? “He is […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 21.

Catholics begin with two facts, one conclusion, one question, and one answer! Fact 1. God “created” the universe and the beings within it. Fact 2. Each of us is “created in the image of God”. The Conclusion: People are “created” with the ability to “create”. The Question? What do we “create”? The Answer: We all […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 20.

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Every Catholic has a Mission! 19.

The duty of every Catholic is clear!   For the past 19 days, we have been told:  Every Catholic has a mission!  19.  reminds us of our New Catholic Prayer: “God, please let me live so that my soul will stand before You at Your Judgment and be judged to be forever among ‘You are My […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 18.

Every Catholic has a Mission! 18.    Every Catholic prays that we, and our neighbors, will be made fit for Heaven before our time runs out! A new prayer is suggested.  “Lord, lead us to live so that we will go to Your Judgment and be forever among:   ‘You are My friends if you obey […]

Every Catholic has a Mission!  15. 

Every Catholic has a Mission!  15.   Today, we think about a simple question for our Protestant friends. “Is it possible to get to Heaven while we willfully disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ?” That’s a very hard question for a Protestant.   All Protestants disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ!   “And I say unto you thou […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 14.

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